A/N: Alright, so, seeing's how it's almost summer vacation now, I'm going to try and juggle two fanfics. I'm might be able to make it work.

I decided that there were not enough about Shea, who is awesome. So, here you go.

Reviews make me a happy writer. PLZ.

Disclaimer: I, unfortunately, don't own Harvest Moon or any affiliated characters. This is the only time I'm going to say this, so it applies to the whole fanfic. Let it be known.

Chapter 1

Chelsea wasn't really a heavy sleeper. So, when her front door clicked open, her eyes shot right open.

Groggily, she rolled over to face the door. Oddly enough, it appeared to be closed. It may have been open, it was hard to tell. There was a new moon that night, so there was no light to be had whatsoever. No stars, either. No, it must have been closed. It was impossibly dark.

Chelsea groaned at having been woken up. "Crap, now I have to pee". She sat up, and was about to stand when she noticed a glint of light next to the door. Interested, she turned her head, and saw a pair of large, glowing eyes staring straight at her. It was too dark to see the head they were presumably attached to, or the body attached to said head. "Oh, I must be dreaming," she whispered. "Well, I think I have to pee, so might as well wake up". Chelsea pinched herself, but it had no effect, other than a bit of pain. She pinched herself a few more times, but the pain was too sharp for it to be a dream. Her eyes widened, and she dove under her covers. She looked over at the door, but the eyes were still there, unblinking and angry-looking.

Shivering, Chelsea closed her eyes, and tried to will the eyes away. Please don't be real, please don't be real.. Suddenly, there was another click, which she took as the front door closing as the eyes left. She breathed a sigh of relief, and got up to pee. She was too afraid of what she might've found if she turned the lights on, so she took care off business in the pitch black. Chelsea then carefully inched back to her bed, crawled under the thin covers, and sang herself to sleep, as she did every night.

Nothing happened. You're just tired, and your mind was playing tricks on you.
