Chapter Twenty-Five

Slowly, the group that House had brought together started to bond and grow into a single unit. After a while House spread out his group even more. Numbers kept doubling every month or so and the coven had to spread out. More houses were brought into the mix and more new turns, then more houses and even more turns. Eventually House had conquered the entire state of New Jersey that was smart, strong, politically savvy or sexy.

From there he moved on to the surrounding states and as his group spread, so did word of a small uprising. No one suspected the head diagnostician of Princeton Plainsboro Teaching Hospital, however. Within two years House had taken over the entirety of the United States and was working his way through Canada and Mexico.

Tensions around the world rose as House took even more power. He turned the majority of South America after only three years of pushing forward out of his office and was looking eastward to Europe. Those who weren't turned by House's loyal group of followers were killed or kept in confinement as blood donors.

Ten years after House bit his best friend in a closed office in Princeton he was the ruler of the world. House became the Immortal God that was prophesied and finally found peace with the woman who had loved him through the hardest part of his life. He overcame all obstacles to find his place in the world, or make his place as the case turned out to be…

Years later people would tell their children of the story of a doctor who changed the world. Of course the only people that were around to tell the world were slaves, but the story was passed on of House's conquer of the world nonetheless. House was a legend!