Notes; This is dedicated to the lovely Lady Tragic, to whom without this final chapter would have surely sucked. A lot.


Chekov stared at James Kirk as he turned around, the grin that had been on his face sliding away at the sight of his friends. The Russian felt more than saw Kirk's eyes scanning him, luckily McCoy began talking before Kirk had a chance to say anything.

"Jim! What the hell are you doing here?!" The Captain's eyes lingered on Chekov for half a second before he turned to the doctor, the grin back.

"Gentlemen, you are going home." There was a stunned silence.

"Home..sir?" Chekov managed to ask, blue-grey eyes wide as saucers.


There was a lump in his throat and he was sure he was going to cry. Home..The Enterprise. He honestly had begun to believe that he would live the rest of his life in a cell. Chekov felt McCoy stir beside him.

"Damn it, what the hell took so long?" Kirk rubbed at the back of his neck.

"Come on, Bones, now is not the time." The doctor crossed his arms and gave Kirk a hard look. Chekov could almost laugh. The Captain turned on his heel and faced Bozga, who wore a scowl. "You do willingly release these prisoners to me?" Kirk said in his best 'I'm a confident Starfleet captain and you had better agree with what I say' voice.

"Yes." The Craw croaked. Kirk nodded, as if he had been expecting no objection.

"And you will release the rest of the inmates, without resistance?"

"What?!" Bozga stood, his seven foot frame dwarfing Kirk. Kirk, however, did not seem to care. "That was not part of the deal."

"You are forgetting the deal."

"The deal was I release to you your crew members." Kirk laughed.

"And I not destroy your planet." Chekov gasped and turned to look at Spock and McCoy. Spock had raised an eyebrow and McCoy was grinning. "But, upon seeing the conditions my friends are in, I am changing the deal. You will release all of the inmates and be taken into Federation custody."

"I will not!" Chekov could tell Kirk was grinning. He reached to his hip and flipped open his communicator. Chekov wondered how they had rigged it to transmit through the rocks.

"Kirk to Scotty."

"Scotty here. What can I do for ya Cap'n?"

"Prepare photon torpedoes."

"Aye, sir." Kirk closed the communicator and looked up at the Craw.

"Well. It has been nice knowing you." He turned around again and nodded at the three tattered former inmates. "Gentlemen, let's get to the Enterpr-"

"Wait!" Chekov knew the grin of Kirk's face wanted to reappear and he marveled at the Captain's control. "We surrender."

Kirk reopened his communicator. "Mr. Scott, belay those orders."

"Aye, sir."

Chekov did let out a sob at that point, the tears that had been building up breaking free. He was going home. Kirk gave him a small smile and made his way over to the Ensign, placing one hand on his shoulder. "There will be a lot of people glad to see you. All of you." Chekov sobbed again. How could he have ever thought that they would stop looking? His captain was James T. Kirk; the man never gave up. Hell, the man had beaten the unbeatable test. Of course he would not leave his crew, his friends, stranded in some prison to die. Kirk gave him a reassured squeeze and let go. "Let's get the hell out of here."

"Captain, we seem to be missing someone." Kirk's head snapped to Spock while Chekov's closed his eyes tightly. He had forgotten about Sulu in the excitement of going home.

"Su..Sulu is still alive?" Spock nodded. Kirk whirled around, glaring at the Craw. "You said you were only bringing three." Bozga looked to Jazep, who stood off in a corner, and snapped at him in their native tongue. The guard nodded and stepped toward the door. Strings that had been pulled tight in Chekov snapped and he blocked the exit, eyes narrowing.

"Nyet. You will bring us to him. You will led me, us, to Hikaru." It was a natural reaction. Jazep raised his arm to slap, but as it was just about to strike Chekov, Spock's hand darted out and caught Jazep by the wrist.

"That would be most unwise." The Vulcan said calmly. The Craw snarled and pulled it's arm free. The guard looked over at Bozga, who nodded, and Chekov stepped out of the way, making a 'after you' gesture. Jazep barred his fangs and began walking. Chekov followed, not realizing the others came as well until McCoy fell into step beside him.

"You sure this is such idea, kid? Seeing him?" The Russian nodded.

"Da. I.." He swallowed the lump thickly. "I need to see. Make sure he knows." McCoy gave him an odd sort of smile.

"I understand."

They turned and went into the tunnel to the left; the tunnel that Chekov had always wondered about. He had never seen, or heard of, anyone go in. It was a short walk that ended with a large metal door. Chekov half expected Jazep to bang his head against it, but instead the Craw pushed it open.

Chekov did not know if he wanted to cry with relief or in fear.

Sulu hung in the middle of the circular room, bound up by his wrists by medieval looking shackles shirtless. His chest, which had slowly been turning back into the tanned bronze that would match his face was once again littered with bruises. He was kicking his feet uselessly, trying to stand on ground that was an inch too far away. His face was turned down and his hair, that had grown to just past his ears, covered his eyes. Jazep took a step forward and Sulu's head snapped up, glaring defiantly. The glare softened when he saw his cell mate and friends.

"Captain..?" His voice was so soft and so raspy that it broke Chekov's heart. "I guess they finally killed me, huh?" He gave a weak chuckle that turned into coughs.

"Nyet, you are alive, Hikaru, we are going home." Before Chekov had even finished what he was saying, not sure if he had even been heard his voice was so quiet, Kirk yelled out "Get him down, NOW." Jazep complied quickly and Sulu was dropped roughly to the ground, crumpling like a rag doll. McCoy and Chekov raced to him, falling beside him. McCoy began checking his pulse and running his other hand over the pilot's bruised body while Chekov cradled Sulu's head in his lap, brushing his hair out of his face.

"He's just tired..he'll be okay." Was McCoy's conclusion.

"Tired, Bones?! He was strung up by his hands!" Both the Doctor and Russian fixed Kirk with hard glares and the Captain took a reflexive step away. "Help me get him up, Spock." Between the Captain and Vulcan, Sulu looked small and frail. McCoy led them from the room, Chekov nearly at his heels.

Jazep did not escort them from the prison, nor did any other guard. Chekov thought that the eating shift had changed, because only half the inmates were cheering deafeningly as they walked. As they passed it, Chekov peered into Ko's cell, hoping to catch a glimpse of his friend, but he was in the cafeteria. His heart ached for a moment, not being able to say goodbye, but he then remember that Kirk has gotten everyone out. Ko was going home as well. Oddly enough, this was the thought that brought a grin to his face.

"Jim, I need ya to call up to Sickbay, Jesus..Sickbay, home, and tell them to get ready for us and everyone." McCoy said once they cleared the mouth of the cave and the noise was bearable. Kirk gave the Doctor a confused look. "You communicator, Jim."

"Oh." Kirk looked down at his belt. "They don't work down here, I thought you knew."

"But, Scotty!" Kirk grinned.

"A recording."

"You sly bastard."

The shuttle craft was waiting for them ten minutes away from the mountain's base. Chekov had never seen a more beautiful sight in his life; he wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. He did not recognize the pilot but hugged him anyways, praising him in Russian. The man patted Chekov's back awkwardly and opened the hatch. Kirk and Spock went in first with Sulu, who was drifting in and out of consciousness. Chekov went next and sat next to Sulu, practically on his friend's lap, hugging his arm. Sulu was the only one who did not try to move Chekov, laughing softly and yanking his arm free only to wrap it around the Ensign, pulling them close together. Chekov rested his head on Sulu's shoulder and smiled out to the Doctor and Spock, who sat across from them. McCoy shook his head.

Kirk and Spock began talking, but Chekov could not focus on the words. He drifted into sleep, the day's events catching up to his now frail body.

He awoke in Sickbay with Sulu curled protectively around him. He suspected the the pilot had refused to let Chekov out of his sight, even in the safety of the Enterprise. He had an IV in his arm and tugged at experimentally.

"Don't touch that!" McCoy's voice rang out. He was glad to see the Doctor grinning, washed and wearing a clean uniform. Chekov guessed he had been as stubborn as Sulu and went back to work as soon as he could. That idea made him smile. "How're ya feeling, kid?"

"Tingly." Was the honest reply. McCoy chuckled as he ran a medical scanner over Chekov.

"That would be the medicine wearing off. You needed the sleep and it was easier to stick a needle in you that way." Chekov agreed in his mind. He hated needles.

"How long have I been asleep?"

"About three days."

"Three days?!" Chekov would have tried to get up, but the arm around his waist wouldn't permit it.

"Yup. You're blanket there nearly had a heart attack. Had to tell him you were fine every other freakin' minute before I stuck him with a hypo of his own. Wouldn't leave your side, could tell why though. Even under the sedatives you would start flailing if he got too far away. Decided it was best to just share a bed. Jim didn't like it, but eh, what's he know about medicine." He looked at the results and nodded. "Underweight. Like I didn't already know that. That's what the IV is for, by the way. Get something in you."

Chekov turned slightly so it was easier to talk while McCoy jotted something down on a PADD. "What happened?" There was no need for him to clarify.

"There was another Federation ship waiting with the Enterprise and a freighter. Jim didn't know what he had to deal with, so he went all out. The planet was crawling with Starfleet, but on the wrong side. They finally figured 'hey, let's check out those mountains' and found us. Jim did his song and dance about blowing them sky high if they didn't surrender. Starfleet went in and began gathering up where everyone was from, how long they'd been there, the whole nine yards. Sent all those nasty lizards to some Starbase to be in their own prison. The other ships will start bringing people back to their planets tomorrow. We're due to get the hell outta here and go to the nearest Starbase to report what happened." He frowned, tapping the PADD. "In my medical opinion, you and Sulu are not fit for it and will be staying on board. The Captain agrees."

Chekov thanked McCoy and the Doctor left. He rolled over, burying his face into Sulu's chest, and went back to sleep.

He woke up alone and panicked. A soft chuckle snapped him out of it and his eyes found a tall, thin, black skinned alien sitting in the chair by his bio-bed. He had a sharp face, pupilless orange eyes, and neat cropped grey hair. Though Chekov knew he had never seen the man, there was such an air of familiarity about him that the Russian could not ignore it. The alien gave a dazzling smile and stood up, the multicolored tunic he was wearing tumbling to end at his knees.

"I gotta say, kimvah, I didn't think ya would wake up before I got the chance to say goodbye." Chekov's eyes widened and he could not fight back the grin.

"Ko!" He chuckled and nodded.

"Well, I certainly ain't the ambassador of Orion, though that may not be a bad job, ya think?" Chekov laughed and shook his head. He could not believe he was finally seeing the man he had been talking to for a third of a year. "I thought it might be a tad improper to see ya ship go gallivanting off without seeing what ya looked like." He placed long hands on his hips and looked Chekov over.

"Where will you be going?" The Russian asked, curious as to where his friend would go after not thinking he would ever get the chance.

"Home, I suppose. Or Risa. Haven't really thought about it." He shrugged elegantly, grinning again. "Earth, to see if all Humans are as fool-hearty as ya and Sulu. Universe is a big place." Chekov nodded, understanding. A security officer stepped into Sickbay, clearing his throat. Ko looked over his shoulder, giving a slight scowl. "Oh alright, I am coming." He reached into his pants pocket and pulled out a folder piece of paper. The tall alien leaned forward and placed a simple kiss on Chekov's forehead and dropped the paper into his lap. "Take care, kimvah. And take care of Sulu as well. Think he's had his fair share of protecting, yeah?"

Chekov nodded, not quite sure what to say. "Goodbye, Ko."

"This ain't goodbye, Pavel. It's more of a parting. I have the full intention of seeing you again." Ko turned and nearly glided from Sickbay, the security following him, glowering.

Chekov fingered the edge of the paper before unfolding it. One glance at it had him laughing harder than he had in what felt like forever.

Scribbled across the scrap was the solution to one of the equations he had been working on while imprisoned.

When the Enterprise left orbit, Chekov fought McCoy to be able to leave Sickbay. McCoy had finally caved when Sulu joined in, claiming that he would watch out for the younger.

No one had bothered the pair as they made their way towards their quarters, and Chekov suspected that was due to a ship wide 'leave them the fuck alone' Kirk had given, more elegantly of course.

His room was exactly as he had left it, which had not surprised him. It smelled the same and the blankets he had not bothered to properly put away were strewn along his bed. He closed his eyes and let it wash over him. He was home. This was the place he had dreamt about the first few nights; this room. Chekov suddenly felt very dirty.

Sulu's hand trailed along the mental that made up his desk, smiling. Some one, he had a small suspicion who, had come into his room and fed and watered the plants that lined his walls. She had probably broken all sorts of taboos doing so and Sulu would have to thank Uhura the next time he saw her. He lifted his head and glanced at the door leading into the bathroom that joined his and Chekov's room. The sonic shower had been turned on and Sulu almost groaned with longing. Though he had not slept the extra two days that Chekov had, he had yet to properly clean himself, splashing water onto his face instead.

Deciding that once Chekov was out he would go in, Sulu sat at his desk, looking around the room, not believing he was back; that it must be some sick dream.

Chekov pulled the over sized sweater over his head, breathing in the scent deeply. Nothing compared to the comfort and security that this silly thing brought him. He flapped his arms childishly, the sleeves flailing about. No matter what happened to him and no matter how old he got, Chekov was sure the act would never cease to amuse him.

As he tidied up his room, he heard Sulu enter the bathroom and shower himself. He grinned and shook his head, still slightly out of it. After everything was in its proper place, Chekov went back to his desk picking up the piece of paper Ko had given him. Digging through a drawer, he found what he was looking for and pinned the scrap to the wall by his door. He stepped away, nodding. Now he would see it every time he left his room.

There was a 'whoosh' behind him and he looked over his shoulder. Sulu stood in standard black pajamas, holding a pillow limply in one hand. Chekov understood immediately; they had gotten so used to sleeping together that it would be odd not to do it now. He nodded and made his way over to the bed, crawling in first and pressing himself to the wall. The bed was bigger than the cots in the prison, but not by much, and it was a snug fit.

"Lights, off." Sulu ordered, pulling the blankets around them. He placed one arm over Chekov's hip and the Russian squirmed closer, making it so there was practically no room between them. Sulu chuckled and Chekov tried to peer at him through the dark.


"It's just funny..I actually missed saying that." Chekov frowned slightly.

"It is not funny. None of it is funny." Sulu sighed and pulled Chekov closer uselessly.

"No, I mean out of all the things to miss, it was ordering the lights off."


Chekov laid there, his eyes half closed. The absolute silence was off-putting. He did not feel all too tired and the lack of noise was not doing him favors.

"Hikaru..?" He whispered, hoping the other was not already asleep.

"Hurm?" No, Sulu did not sound tired either.

"I met Ko." He felt Sulu try to look down at him, but his forehead was pressed against the pilot's chest.

"Really? What was he like? Well, you know what I mean." Chekov hummed in acknowledgement.

"He was tall. Very tall and had black skin. Not the type of 'black' skin we think of, black like ink or space. He told me that I should be the one to take care of you now." Sulu began tracing his thumb along Chekov's hip bone, not saying anything. "Hikasha?"


"Are you angry that I told you that?" Sulu pulled back and moved his hand to tilt Chekov's head up so they were looking at each other.

"No, Pasha...I just don't think you should have to take care of me." Chekov shook his head awkwardly.

"Nyet, I want to. It would make me happy to keep you safe. It is your turn to be, what was it I said, the damsel." Sulu chuckled and shimmed down slightly so he could press their foreheads together.

"I think you would make a dashing prince." Chekov grinned. He felt Sulu's eyes traveling around his face. He looked up and blue-grey met chocolate brown. He felt something warm crawling through his body and shivered. With a small movement, Sulu pressed his lips to Chekov's.

Chekov's eyes fluttered close and he kissed back. It was slow, soft, and amazingly perfect. He pulled back when his lungs felt like they would explode and he opened his eyes to see Sulu breathing heavily through his nose.

They met again half way, a clash of teeth and tongue. It was a short battle of dominance, Sulu easily winning when he rolled them so he was on top of Chekov, mapping out the inside of the younger's mouth with his tongue. Chekov tugged at Sulu's neck, trying to bring him impossibly closer. The Russian whimpered when Sulu broke the kiss to nip his way along a pale neck. With a shove to the shoulders, Sulu was on his back with Chekov half leaning over him, attached at the mouth again. It morphed from possessive and hungry to passionate and slower. With one last suck of the lip, the pilot broke the kiss.

Sulu gently pulled Chekov to him and tucked the Russian's head under his chin with a content sigh and Chekov wrapped an arm around Sulu's waist.

"Goodnight, Hikaru.."

"Goodnight, Pasha."

And they fell asleep to the sound of the other's heartbeats and slow breaths, knowing that they could overcome what life would surely throw at them, as long as they had each other to protect