Disclaimer:: I do not own Star Trek.

Warning;; Abuse, profanity, torture, graphic images.

They were surrounded.

The humanoid creatures, for Sulu thought there was no other word for them, looked as if some one had decided mating Vulcans, Andorians, and lizards together was a grand idea. They were tall, the shortest of them six foot, bulky, and blue with slightly pointed ears, razor sharp teeth, and pointed tongues. If the away team was not outnumbered 6-to-1, Sulu would have laughed at their bad early Sci-fi appearance.

But they were outnumbered and Range was dead, not that him being alive would have been much use.

Chekov shuffled closer, pressing his back against Sulu's and the pilot could feel him trembling. Hoping that Spock, who was standing to his left, would block the movement from the creatures' view, he slowly moved his hand behind his back and caught Chekov's wrist. The Russian jumped slightly, but the creatures took no notice, going on discussing amongst themselves what would become of the landing party. He ran his thumb in a small circle trying to calm the teenager down, but knowing he would not succeed because he himself was unsure of what was to come.

Sulu knew he should not blame himself for what was occurring, but he did. The planet Mak'kai was reported as uninhabited and the Enterprise had been sent to see if the Federation would be able to colonize it. Sulu had ran the scan of the planet himself, detecting no 'intelligent life' and Kirk gave the okay, assigning Spock, McCoy, Chekov, himself, and Range, a security officer, to beam down 'and check it out'.

They had and it had gone splendidly until Spock stopped studying the soil and stood up, looking around like a dog who had picked up a scent. Then they were surrounded, primitive, but effective, phasers pointed at them. Range had been quick to react, pulling out his weapon, and was shot down before he had the chance to aim. The creatures herded them into a group, growling in a language none of them understood. It was made universally clear that they were not allowed to talk when McCoy was backhanded for demanding to know what the hell was going on.

Sulu wondered if his scans had not picked up the creatures because they were as stupid as they looked. They were making wild gestures with the phasers, talking over one another, and two had even broken into a fight. Chekov had every right to be terrified if these things were going to take them prisoner.

The creatures came to a conclusion when one of them shot the other creature who had been arguing with him. It was crude, but convincing, and the it came forward, its phaser level with Spock's head.

"I am Jazep" It croaked out, its voice scratchy and high. Sulu could not hide his shock that the thing spoke Federation Standard. "You are our prisoners. Follow and do not talk or we will kill you."

It motioned its weapon towards the mountains in the east and the group began to move slowly towards them. Sulu had released Chekov and was now pointedly looking at the back of Spock's head because he knew the Ensign's expressive grey eyes were wide with fear and if Sulu looked into them he would crack. He had silently taken an oath of protecting the navigator and was doing a crap job of it.

He thought back to the moments before had made the promise as he walked.

Pavel just finished explaining to him exactly why he was a horrible person for not being able to save Spock's mother when he sat up and crossed his ankles, looking more vulnerable than ever. They had been on the Russian's bed for nearly two hours, Chekov telling Sulu why he had nightmares and detailing the ones that haunted him the most. Sulu listened patiently, his finger tracing out patterns on Pavel's leg, because that is what Sulu's mother had done when he was upset and it helped.

Pavel bit the corner of his lip, thinking what he was about to say over, before nodding to himself. "I wish to tell you something that I have not told anyone else." He said, not looking up. Hikaru had nodded, then realized that his friend hadn't seen it, and vocally confirmed.

The Russian looked up, determination that was usually reserved for a difficult equation in his eyes.

"When I was a child..Nyet, not a child, occurred just before I went to the Academy, I had tutors. One was Australian, he taught early Earth history and was very kind to me. He would allow me to drink scotch with him after lessons and we would discuss Starfleet. One day, a Thursday, I went to his hotel early, we worked in his room, Mother did not want me in the house all the time, because it was going to storm later and I did not wish to walk home in the rain." He paused, frowning as if trying to work out what to say next. Sulu waited quietly but gave Chekov's calf a soft squeeze, for confidence. "I had my own key, so I did not knock. I opened the door...I opened the door and he was standing in front of me, choking a half naked maid. I do not think he noticed me, but she did..she was pleading to him in Russian not to kill her and that she wouldn't tell." He shook his head lightly, curls bouncing. "I did not know what she meant then, but I think I did, somehow, because I ran at him and pushed him into the glass sofa table. I tried to help the maid up and he came at me with a piece of the table." He made a downward slash with his hand, pretending to stab the air. "He got my back. I remember he smelled so strong of scotch before I went unconscious." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I woke up to the medical technicians checking my vitals. Another maid had found us when he left because he did not close the door. They told me that he had slit Sonya's, that was the maid's name Sonya, throat. The police found him at a bar drinking more scotch, covered in her blood. He told them he did not kill me because he liked me."

Sulu said nothing and stopped moving his fingers. He didn't know if there was anything he could say.

"His name was Russel." Pavel said after a few minutes, turning his face up to Hikaru's, giving a small sad smile. "Do you want to see the scar?" He asked suddenly, leaning forward slightly.


"Do you want to see the scar? I asked for it not to be removed." Sulu nodded, not because he wanted to see it but because it was clear Chekov wanted, needed, to show him. He wiggled out of his standard-issue pajama top and turned around. Sulu's breath hitched.

There, on the base of Pavel's back, outlined in milky white skin, was a puckered scar as long as Sulu's middle finger and nearly as thick. It was slightly angled and dangerously close to the spine. A fraction of an inch closer and Chekov might not have been sitting in front of him. Sulu's hand had a mind of its own and it reached out, fingers brushing across the scar. Chekov stiffened beneath him and Sulu felt a surge of hate toward the man that harmed his friend. Chekov slowly turned back around, Sulu's fingers remaining in the air, pushing slightly into the Russian until they were pressed against his abs. Hikaru retracted his hand and they stayed silent for a long while.

Pavel laid back down eventually not bothering to put back on his top. Sulu moved to get off the bed when Chekov's eyes did not open again, but "Please, stay a while." broke the silence and Sulu's heart. He moved back and propped himself against the wall, his legs awkwardly draping over Chekov's. As the younger's breathing evened out, Sulu swore to himself that as long as he lived, if it was within his power [and maybe even if it wasn't] he would protect Pavel.

When Jazep had said they were prisoners, he had not been joking. They were lead into a cave that quickly opened into a large long room. Carved into the walls were cells, which were filled with different species of beings. Sulu noted that none of the blue-lizard Vulcans were in cells. The group dispersed, leaving only the away team and two creatures marching towards the back of the cave. They were still at the disadvantage. For every cell there seemed to be a guard with a phaser.

It was unnaturally loud as they walked. Apparently the prisoners were allowed to talk to each other through the bars and Sulu imagined the acoustics of this place must be incredible because he felt like he could hear every one of them.

The path split into three and they took the middle route. A door came into view a few yards into it and Jazep knocked, with his head. Sulu bit his lip trying not to laugh as the though of 'Stupid as they look' drifted through his mind. The door opened and the away team entered with the encouragement of being possible targets of phaser fire.

At a carved stone desk the ugliest and largest of the creatures sat. It stood slowly and Sulu guessed it was seven and a half feet. It's scraggly black hair was tied into a high ponytail and it donned a sleek black jumpsuit that showed his superiority; all the other creatures had ill-fitting brown clothing.

"So," It wheezed, its voice just a raspy as Jazep's, "You are the newest trespassers on my planet?" He did not wait for an answer. "I do not like trespassers. They are nosy. I am intrigued, I have never seen a creature such as ugly as your group." He sneered and Sulu could almost feel the scowl radiating off of McCoy. "Break them into pairs and put them away. Far away from each other." It waved it's hand, claw, Sulu mentally corrected, in dismissal. The Doctor seemed to have other plans.

"Now hold on just one minute." McCoy stepped forward, hands on his hips. "You can't just go takin' people prisoners! We are Starfl-" He crumbled to the ground with a well placed blow to the back on his head. Spock gracefully caught him before he hit the ground and ran his hand over McCoy's hair, checking the damage.

The tall creature laughed. "You will see I can, and have, 'just take prisoners' because your technology does not work on this planet and no one will ever find you. You will die here. Now take them!" Rough hands grabbed his biceps and Sulu was lead from the office. As sick as it was, he was grateful to see Chekov being dragged after him, struggling and swearing up a storm in Russian. They were pushed in an open cell and the pilot caught a glance of Spock carrying McCoy over his shoulder while going to his own cage through the thick metal bars.

The guards left them, cackling in their own language. Sulu uselessly shot them a rude gesture and turned to inspect where he would have to spend the night, at least. For uninhabited planet, they certainly did have decent furnishings. Two cots lay on the floor, each having two pillows and a thick blanket. Across from the beds there was what Sulu assumed was a toilet and wash basin filled with water.

Chekov was sitting on the cot farthest from the exit, pale and wide eyed. Sulu shot him a lazy grin, forcing back his own fear. "Don't worry, Ensign, the Captain will get us out of here soon enough." A loud chuckle came from the cell to the left. Sulu scowled at it, even if it's inhabitant could not see it.

"Son, I'm betting Bozga, that's the boss, told ya 'No one will ever find ya', am I right?"

"Da...he did." Chekov replied slowly, still looking like a deer.

"He meant it too. The rocks make it so scanners don't work. Tricky bastards. Planets so big there ain't just enough people to search every where. You boys are stuck here."

Chekov frantically shook his head and Sulu worried it might fall off. "Nyet, Captain will find us. He will find us and bring us back home."

The man in the other cell laughed again. "And where is this home?"

"The Enterprise." Sulu and Chekov replied together, without hesitation. This caused another laugh.

"The Enterprise, eh? Sounds like one of those Federation Starships. I'm Ko, by the way."

"Sulu." The pilot replied, walking to the unclaimed cot, sitting and stretching his legs out.

"I am Pavel Andreievich Chekov." Replied Chekov rather proudly, for once leaving off the 'Ensign.' He seemed to be calming down and Sulu mentally thanked Ko.

"Nice to meet you boys." It was becoming easier to focus on his voice through the chatter of the of other captives. Sulu arranged his pillows so he could lean comfortably against the wall and smiled once again at Chekov. This time it was returned, though weakly.

"How long have you been here, Mister Ko?" The Russian asked, taking Sulu's cue and trying to make himself more comfortable on his bed.

"It's just Ko, no 'mister'. Oh..Let's see...a few years?"


"Oh, yeah. My shuttle craft crashed landed and I was dragged on down here. Once ya learn the rules, it is kind of an easy life. A bit boring, though."

"What are the rules?" Sulu prompted.

"Don't piss'em off."

Not pissing them off was easier said than done. The Craw, as Ko informed them that was their species name, had a very small fuse on their temper and their favourite discipline was violence. By the end of the third day both Sulu and Chekov were sporting matching black eyes; Chekov for snapping at a guard who insisted to call him by his cell number and Sulu for attacking the guard that hurt Chekov. McCoy and Spock did not seem to have any better luck. McCoy's mouth had gotten him a broken nose and Spock had a dark green bruise on his chin that he refused to comment on. The Enterprise crew members were able to see each other during meals; the tunnel to the right lead to what had been converted into a cafeteria with hundreds of tables. By some sheer luck they were assigned the same eating shifts and either the guards had forgotten they had been captured together, Sulu would not put it past them, or simply didn't care.

They talked about their cell neighbors, the things they had heard, and most of all when Kirk was coming to bust them out. Spock never quoted the statics of Kirk not coming. In parting to go back to their respective cells, they had exchanged cell numbers, McCoy joking he would write. While he could not write, the prisoners had come up with ways of exchanging information that could later be useful.

On their way back to their cell on the fourth day a guard decided he wanted to taunt Chekov.

Chekov was already in a foul mood; McCoy had spent the entire shift commenting that when they got back home he would stuff the Russian full of food because he was rapidly losing weight, even after a few days.

"Look at you two ugly fuckers." The guard growled, pointing its claw at the helm team. Sulu had quickly grown used to the insults and mildly wondered where the Craw had learned the word 'fucker'. Chekov, who Sulu had learned did not have much of a better fuse than their captors, muttered something in Russian. The blue-lizard Vulcan, Sulu still referred to them, at least mentally, grabbed Chekov's shoulder and spun him around. Chekov said it again, this time louder and slower. The guard hissed and backhanded the Ensign so hard he was forced back. Sulu tried to jump at the guard, but another one had already grabbed him and was holding him still. Chekov responded quickly, attacking the creature that struck him and they were soon brawling. Sulu had to admit, Pavel could hold his own in a fist fight, but when guard slashed its claws across his chest, he let out a pained scream and fell to his knees, pressing his hands to himself, trying to stop the bleeding.

Sulu was released and the two guards hissed at the pair before walking away. The pilot grabbed the navigator's arm and practically dragged him back to their cell. The guard by their door did not comment, merely sneered as he slammed the bars shut.

Chekov pulled his shirt off quickly, angry red cuts weeping blood. Sulu frowned and ripped one of his pillow cases into bandages. He cleaned the wounds before wrapping Chekov's chest like a B-movie mummy. When he went to tuck the end on the bandage into itself on his friend's back he saw it. The scar was gleaming with sweat and Sulu felt all his anger and guilt boil to the surface.

He did not speak to Chekov (or Ko) for the rest of the evening and Chekov went to sleep with the impression that Sulu was angry with him. He, of course, was punishing himself for not being able to protect Pavel against the Craw and how McCoy and Spock were suffering because he was stupid enough not to check the magnetic read outs from the planet.

Sulu waited until the cave finally fell into the silence that signaled night before he got up and went to the bars. It was just his luck that the guard passing was Jazep and called him over. The Craw scowled at him, but came anyway.

"I have got a proposition for you, Jazep."