YAY this is my 2nd Pheonix Wright Fanfic.

Comedy and romance a personal favorite especially Pheonix and Iris.

I got this idea from the rumor that women go crazy for the bouquet because it means they get married next.

And don't worry you'll be seeing a lot more of Ema and Klavier than in my old story.

Also this is my idea!

A limousine with bells attached to the back and the sign *Just Married* Inside were the bride and groom who were laughing their guts out.

Pheonix was laughing so hard he could hardly breathe. Iris couldn't help but laugh as well.

"That was Hilarious!" Pheonix said. Holding Iris close to him.

"Feenie that's terrible many people got hurt!" she argued. But still giggling.

They were laughing about the incident that happened at their wedding. It all started on the day of their wedding.

Do you Pheonix Wright take Iris fey to be your wife To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part?

"I do!" Pheonix joyfully agreed.

And do You Iris Fey take Pheonix Wright to be your husband To have and to hold, from this day forward, for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part?

"I do!" Iris said having tears stream from her violet eyes.

"Then you may kiss the bride!"

Pheonix and Iris walked closer to each other then Pheonix kissed Iris on her ruby lip.

The crowd went wild dog woofs and sighs could be heard. it was a day to be rememberd in more ways than one. Later that day Pheonix held the wedding reception.

Everyone was enjoying themselves. The cake had been cut. The maid of honor Maya and the Best Man Apollo had just finished the toast and wished the couple well. Most people at the time were dancing unless they were eating. Pheonix always held Iris close to him while they were dancing.

"This is a great day isn't it?" Pheonix asked then kissed Iris's cheek.

Iris blushed. "Of course Feenie this has to be the happiest day of my life!" she replied kissing Pheonix on his cheek.

Later then it was almost time for the wedding reception to end, but one more tradition that needed to be attended. The bouquet and garter toss. However a mischievous blond haired rock star found this to be a good opportunity to have some fun and talked with the women.

"You know ladies they say if a single woman catches the bouquet that they will be next to get married" Klavier said smirking.

Most of the women then blushed and had a look of fire in their eye's that said I'm going to get that bouquet!

Klavier then walked over to the guys and told them the other side of the story.

"Guys I heard a humor that whoever catches the garter will be engaged to the woman who catches the bouquet!" he said smiling with content.

The single guys then became feisty and started clenching their fist.

Klavier feeling satisfied then walked to the side lines and waited for the mayhem to begin.

Pheonix then spoke in his microphone about to announce the tossing.

"Ok Single women on the right side and single men on the left side it's time for the tossing!" he yelled with enthusiasm.

The crowd cheered and prepared themselves for the toss.

"Ok then my darling would you do the honors?" Pheonix asked kissing his newly wed wife on the cheek.

"Of course Feenie!" she said smiling.

She then grabbed the bouquet turned around and flung the bouquet over her shoulder.

In the same manner Pheonix then tossed the Garter behind his shoulder to the guys.

That's when Hell broke loose.

Girls Fight

Maya was the first to grab it even with her disadvantage of being short. However she flung it up out of pain by the whip of Adrian Andrews. "Well I knew this would come in handy!" she smiled before picking up the bouquet. She then cried in shock from the sting of Franziska's whip. "Only foolish fool hearted fools foolishly hold a whip that way. She turned after picking up the bouquet. She then was splashed by hot coffee in her eye's making her cry in pain. "Oh I'm sorry was my coffee to…hot?" Viola chuckled before stealing Franziska's bouquet.

She then walked away but then was attacked by a monkey! It then stole the bouquet and walked to Regina. "Good Money!" she patted the monkey's head before sipping of. She then fell after skipping into large short woman in an acolytes outfit. "Oh dear missy didn't mean to run into you but I need that bouquet Ha Ha Ha! Sister bikini bellowed. The women fighting continued. But the fighting was fiercer on the guy's side.

Guys Fight

Edgeworth accidentally caught the Garter but before he could throw it away he was tackled by 4 other guys. Larry then stole the Garter. "Yes lovely chicks here I come!" he said smiling. But then began flailing at the pain of seeds being thrown at him. He then dropped it so he could cover his eyes. Which then the Garter was stolen by Mr. Kudo. Ha Now the old man gets the ladies!" he said smiling triumphantly. However he then had dropped it when Mr. Arm strong pushed him. And he picked it up. "Sorry but with Zis I shall 'ave all the women wanting me!" he sang happily but then was attacked by a cream pie and splashed in the face with a seltzer bottle. Armstrong than ran away trying to clean his face. A clown then came and picked up the bouquet.

"Oldest trick in the book," Moe the clown stated before laughing like an idiot. However he then heard an eerie voice behind his ear. "Give up the bouquet or you DIE!" the voice screeched. Moe then ran dropping the bouquet. A Man and his puppet then picked it up. "See I told ya it would work!" the puppet proudly proclaimed. "Yeah I suppose it did work… his human replica replied. "Don't be so glum we got the bouquet which means we've got the ladies. However his puppet then looked in his master's hand only to see that it was stolen. "YOU IDIOT!" the puppet screeched and began to punch his master. Larry somehow stole the Garter back. "You can't beat Larry Butz!" However he then stopped in sudden pain from Detective Gumshoe kicking him in his non- Butz area which caused him to fall down I extreme pain. "Sorry Pal but this is really important for me I might get in a relationship," the Detective happily cried.

After about 2 hours of fighting Pheonix and Iris had to call the police and ambulance to get them to stop.

When they arrived it took them about 2 hours to keep them apart and get them to the police cars. The only single people left were Ema and Klavier. They both picked up the Bouquet and Garter.

You know fraulien they say that the guy who gets the garter with be engaged with the woman who gets the bouquet," Klavier said giving a large smile.

This caused Ema to pout. "In your dreams so Fop!" Ema yelled before storming off.

Pheonix then lead her shocked bride to her limousine.

"The best part is I got I tall on camera!" Pheonix said holding his camera showing the fights to Iris.

She snuggled with Pheonix and watched the hilarious fight between the guys and girls.

"And this is only our wedding day!" Pheonix joyfully laughed.

Ok hope this isn't too long The chapters will be shorter i just nned a long one to Hook some readers.

I'm new at the comedy business so please review any criticisms greatly appreciated. No flaming allowed.

also for those who dont know what a grarter and bouquet is go look it up on wikipidia.