I woke up with my eyes really red and swollen, and my clothes drenched from the evening rain. I was still leaning back on the Puckett household but Aunt Sarah and my mom were standing right in front of me.

"Freddie…" Aunt Sarah whispered as she kneeled down do we were at eye level.

"I'm sorry." I whispered. I really couldn't look at her directly in the eyes. I was too ashamed because of all of the things that I have done to hurt her daughter.

"Freddie. C'mon. Let's go home. You'll get sick." My mom said worriedly.

I sighed. And slowly stood up. With that a headache rushed towards me. I ignored the pain and looked at Aunt Sarah's eyes. "I really am sorry." I muttered.

"It's okay, Freddie." She replied giving me a small smile. I nodded and entered my mom's car.

"Thank you for calling me once you found him, Sarah. I was really worried." I heard my mom tell Aunt Sarah.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for not being able to find him sooner though." Aunt Sarah murmured.

"I hope things will get better between the two." My mom muttered. I was barely listening right now.

Aunt Sarah sighed then nodded. Soon enough my mom and I were backing out of their driveway and was heading for home.

"You could not go to school today if you want." My mom said as we entered out apartment.

"Can I go to school at lunch?" I asked her. She just nodded and I went to my room to go and get some clothes and take a hot shower. I could be brewing a fever right now but my sadness from last night was muffling all my other emotions.

Once I was done with my shower I walked to my bed and crashed. After what only seemed like 5 minutes, my mom woke me up for school. I washed my face and took a couple of aspirins to take in case of a headache later on and took one for my headache now.

My mom and I had a quick lunch and she drove me to school silently. I thanked her and told her that she didn't need to pick me up after classes and entered just as lunch was about to end.

"Freddie! I thought you weren't going to show or something." Carly said once she saw me. We were on our way to science class then after this we're forced to go and watch the talent show.

"I wasn't feeling well this morning." I said as I stifled a yawn.

"Oh… Well… coz Sam didn't come to school today too." Carly said as she sat down on her seat at Science.

"She didn't?" I asked a little too curiously, but Carly didn't notice.

"Yeah." She said. Then our teacher came in and I made me way to the back and sat there. Great, now I feel even worse. She didn't even go to school.

We sat through a boring science class and then the bell rung. We all stood up and groaned as we made our way to mandatorily watch the talent show.

Carly and I took seats beside each other and sat down. There were a few good talented people, but since Mrs. Briggs picked them out again it was all boring.

"And now, our last but not the least. Miss Sam Puckett!" I looked up from surprise. I'm pretty sure Carly's did too, and so did everybody in the room. Suddenly everybody broke into applause.

"I didn't even know she joined." Carly said as she beamed and clapped along with the rest. I was too shocked to move.

She stepped out into the stage and everybody gasped. Even me. She was wearing a black mini skirt, a white long sleeved shirt, and black hi tops. And with the stage lights pointed at her she looked amazingly stunning. I looked towards Carly and could see shock and awe at her face… mostly shock. Suddenly I heard most of the jocks and the rest of the boys in the school start whooping and clapping. I turned around and glared at them. Sure… ignore her when she's not wearing anything too short or anything but actually ogle at her because she is. I rolled my eyes. They just can't see how beautiful she is inside and out. I looked back at her and saw her grinning. I was caught by her charm again. I could feel my mouth hanging agape at how beautiful she looked.

Then she met my eyes. "I'm singing here today to prove that I am not untalented." I felt my face drop with regret and shame but she was already looking away. "This song that I wrote is about two little kids, who are really, really good friends." She continued.

Suddenly the music started.

Lonesome stranger
With a crowd around you
I see who you are

I was entranced at her voice at the very first note that she sung. But I could tell that the song has a much deeper meaning.

You joke, they laugh
Til the show is over
Then you fall so hard

I remember how much hard work Sam did to put up her 'tough girl' act. It was so carefully put up that even I, who was supposed to know her best, wasn't able to see through it. I only saw it until it was too late… when she finally broke.

If you're needing
A soul-to-soul connection
I'll run to your side

I wasn't even there for her for the past 5 years…

When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart

The weird thing is, even if I wasn't there for her all that time she was always there for me. I mean, if it wasn't for her I a lot of people and jocks would've bullied me, like Gibby.

Open, close me
Leave your secrets with me
I can ease your pain

I wish I have been there for her. I miss being there to comfort her.

And my arms will be
Just like walls around you
Come in from the rain

Flashback to a scene with a 10 year old Sam crying on the roof of her house and 10 year old Freddie sitting there, sharing her pain. I miss all of the times we spent together.

If you're running
In the wrong direction
I will lead you back

I watched her as she made her way around the stage. I'm sure a lot of people were in awe like me. After all of the years that I've known her I didn't know that she could sing a song so beautifully and write one that is too beautiful to bear.

When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart

Flashback to all the times that Sam came running to Freddie for help and of Sam keeping her arms open for Freddie to run to whenever he was sad. I miss all of the times that we depended on each other.

Shattered like a mirror
In a million pieces
Sooner or later
You've got to find
Something someone
To find you and save you

She stopped walking and was standing at the dead center of the stage. She was putting so much emotion to the song that a lot of the people's eyes in the auditorium were watery. She closed her eyes and she looked so free and pained. I wish I could just run up there to the stage and save her from her pain.

When you're lost in the dark
When you're out in the cold
When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart

Flashback to all of the times Sam and Freddie had having fun, playing on the playground, smashing cake on each other's faces during their birthdays… and all the other good memories. I miss all the fun times that we used to have. She just raised a really high note on the chorus… and just like everything she does… it was flawless and beautiful.

When you're looking for something that resembles your soul
When the wind blows your house of cards
I'll be a home to your homeless heart

I could see her eyes searching until they landed on mine. I could see her eyes twist a bit in confusion, I think my eyes might have gave away all of the emotions running through me. She whispered the very last line of the song while looking directly to my eyes.

I'll be a home to your homeless heart

She put the microphone down onto her side, still looking at me. When the music stopped there was a quick moment of silence and then everybody erupted into applause. Her eyes broke away from mine and she looked around smiling.

"Great job, Sam!" Our music teacher came up again.

"Thanks." She said to the mike.

"Okay. Now it's time for me to announce who won as most talented! I have the envelope from the judges. Now everybody was judged by their presentation, audience reaction, judges' opinion, and originality." Our teacher smiled.

'I should go.' She mouthed as she headed to go backstage. Even through all of this I still couldn't help but notice how cute she was when she's like that.

"Hold on a second, Sam." Our teacher said. A lot of my classmates laughed. She was already halfway there. "You won!" He shouted.

"I won???" She shouted in disbelief. I wasn't that shocked. She surpassed ever other person who performed. I applauded and cheered with everybody else. Carly was beaming.

"Yes, you won. Congratulations!" My teacher said to Sam grinning as he handed her an envelope.

"Thanks! Awesome!!!" She said as she took the envelope and gave the audience one last wave and left the stage.

Once all of the rush died down and people started going out to head home Carly and I finally was able to sneak in backstage to congratulate Sam.




We kept on looking for Sam, seemingly not able to find her. Our music teacher heard all of our screaming and walked towards us.

"Are you looking for Sam?"

"Yes." Carly said.

"Yes. Have you seen her?" I asked at the same time.

"Yes, but she left a while ago with her mom."

Carly's face fell and so did mine.

"I guess I'll just see her Monday. Unless she decides to go back and visit my house again." Carly mumbled as we walked out of the auditorium.

"Yeah. Monday." I replied. I still couldn't get Sam out of my head.

"Hey Spencer's picking me up at front." Carly said.

"Nah. I'm going somewhere." I said without thinking. I was too engrossed in the fact that I might have permanently damaged my friendship with Sam.

"Oh. Okay. See you, Freddie." Carly said as she waved at me and left.

I turned around and went straight to the way that I know by heart ever since I was old enough to walk around. I was barely aware of what I was doing… but halfway there… I knew. There's something I need to do…

Ahhh… there you goooooo… 3 more chapters to go :P.

Reviews!!! Tell me what you think! :D. The fate of the story depends on your hands. So click on the little green button down there. Haha. About 5-7. Please? :P