Hiya there! Here's just something I wanna do for a little fun and let out a little stress. It's gonna becone of those one-shot/drabble collections things, with mainly Kagome. Read, Review, and ENJOY!
First one up, a Shikamaru/Kagome pairing from none other than Naruto/Inuyasha!
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Just the crazy ideas I come up with
—Tag, You're It!—
A seventeen year-old Kagome Higurashi sped through the forest, laughing jovially. Her bright tinkling laughter filled the area, echoing lightly.
Jumping from tree branch to tree branch, she maneuvered her way swiftly. Her hair blew in the wind, whipping wildly as she soared.
She was a woman on a mission, and she would not fail! No matter the cost!
She grinned cheekily as she dodged the oncoming tree, and closed her eyes, embracing the feel of the wind rushing past her.
Feeling like she was far enough, she skidded to a stop on a random tree branch. Looking over her shoulder, she smirked smugly when she found nothing.
She finally lost him! Yes!
She was about to jump down when she suddenly froze.
Fuck! She couldn't move!
She willed her arms, her legs, hell her head…but nothing!
Crap, crap, crap!
Her body shivered as she felt something crawl up her skin, heading up to her head. She bit her lip as she mentally cursed herself for not paying better attention!
"Tsk, tsk, tsk. Wow Kagome-chan, what would Tsunade-sama say if she saw that one of her brightest chuunin were caught off guard because she was careless?" a masculine voice teased lightly.
Suddenly, against her will, she turned, and her eyes narrowed as she saw her captor.
She pouted. "Shi-ka-ma-ru!" she whined pitifully. "Lemme go!" If she could, she'd be stomping her foot right now.
The lazy chuunin known as Shikamaru Nara was leaning against a tree not too far from her, his hands held in formation as he conducted his jutsu. He chuckled at her and shook his head. Jumping towards her, he landed on her branch.
Making her turn his way, he stepped closer, putting his mouth against her ear.
Kagome couldn't help the shiver that went down her spine at his closeness.
"Now why," Shikamaru whispered roughly. "Would I do that? It'd make it too troublesome for me to do this."
Leaning back, he smirked at her. Kagome held her breath, eyes wide as dinner plates as he leant closer to her face.
Soon their lips touched, and Kagome basically melted. His warm, inviting lips were like heaven.
Shikamaru wasn't let off that easy either. He loved the feel of her soft, plump lips against his own.
Now if only he could taste them…
Releasing the jutsu, he wrapped his arms around the black haired kunoichi, and slowly pushed her back into the tree.
Feeling the jutsu being released, Kagome smiled into the kiss and linked her arms around his neck.
With their lips moving in sync, Shikamaru decided that now was as good a time as any. He traced his tongue against Kagome's lips, and almost moaned. She tasted like sweet vanilla and berries.
Kagome actually did moan when she felt the moist, warm appendage graze against her lips. She opened her mouth, her own tongue peeking out of her mouth to touch against his, and her eyes fluttered in pleasure.
They continued with this ritual for a minute more, before breaking apart purely because of the need to breathe.
Panting to get their breath back, Shikamaru leaned his forehead against Kagome's to rest.
Shikamaru smirked down at Kagome, their eyes locked on each others. "We should play tag more often…" he remarked casually.
Kagome rolled her eyes, but nodded as she gave him a foxish grin. "Sure, and maybe next time I could chase you."
Shikamaru chuckled and dove in to steal a kiss. "That, I don't mind. It's too troublesome to try and catch you anyways… you're fast…"
Kagome smirked. "I have a lot of practice…" And she winked before slipping out of his grip and jumping away, not forgetting to tap him on the shoulder. "You're it again!"
Shikamaru shook his head amusedly, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Women…such troublesome creatures…" he mumbled, before chasing after his girlfriend.
This woman may be troublesome, but with her, he didn't mind.
658 Words
Liked it? Just something I did cause I was bored and I've been wanted to write a Kag/Shika drabble one-shot thingy for a while lol.
Uhmm so yea, I'm gonna keep this going and write random drabbles about whatever pairing that comes across my mind, but I'm open to suggestions ;) Go to my profile for more info!
Comments, criticisms - whichever, whatever, they're all appreciated!
Till laters!