In the end

You seem to be full of nothing but hope

As these smiling faces are all bright and new

But I feel I must warn you, for the sake of your sanity

Of the ones that came before you

The first was the one who had everything planned

He lived by his own law, and died by the hand

Of another whom he'd grown to call a friend

You can trust nobody, in the end!

The second was lost to the sick of his mind

And wanted only the attention of the first

One fatal flaw ruined the plan of his life

In the end, dying might not be the worst

The third was the one who was cold as snow

Without a heart to call his own

Although he succeeded, he lost everyone

In the end he was all alone

The fourth had anger in his soul

He took matters into his own hands, and gambled it all

He walked with his head held high to the last

In the end, he caused his own fall

The fifth was the last, but not the end

Followed orders faithful and kindly

Never angry, never one to doubt

Like a lamb to the slaughter he followed blindly

In the end, they were all betrayed

By friends, themselves, their own minds

So choose wisely before you come here

You'll most certainly regret it, in time