Authors Note: Hey guys! This is another story idea I thought of! I will be writing this story and my 2 other stories, a normal family and my fake girlfriend.

Troy Bolton. He works for the biggest company in the world. He's smart, charming and very handsome. One night, back in 2006, he went to a club and let's just say, he had a bit too many drinks. He ended up having sex with a woman in a nearby hotel. When you're drunk, you always forget to use something when you're having sex….

Gabriella Montez. She is the editor of ELLE magazine. She's sweet, caring and drop dead gorgeous. She too, had one night back in 2006 where she had too many drinks. She slept with a guy at the club at a nearby hotel. The next morning she woke up and saw she was in a new place. She scurried off before the man had woken up. The next few weeks she realized she was late and took a pregnancy test…

The next 9 months, Gabriella carried the baby at age 25. When her dad found out she was pregnant, he didn't take it so well. Him being the head of the FBI, he didn't want his daughter to raise the baby. Instead he took the baby away from Gabriella, a few months after the baby was born. He scanned the baby's DNA and finally found the father. Gabriella couldn't believe her father took her own baby! She cried until there weren't any more tears in her eyes.

After Troy's drunken mistake, the head of the FBI came to his house 12 months later and handed him a baby. The FBI told Troy this was his baby. Troy was shocked but still raised and cared for his baby.

What happens now when the baby is now 2 years old and Troy still keeps him? Troy, like any other man, tries to find love. He goes on dates with many women but whenever he tells woman he has a 2-year-old toddler, they just don't seem to be interested into him anymore. Troy has trouble finding a woman who actually accepts the fact that he has a 2-year-old toddler. Until one day, Troy's friend Chad introduces him to Chad's daughter's babysitter. This babysitter is gorgeous, but will Troy ever find out they had met 2 years ago?

Will Troy and the babysitter make love bloom?

Will the babysitter or Troy ever find out that they both share something?

What about Troy and Gabriella's baby?

Find out in Babysitter surprises


Zac Efron as Troy Bolton

Vanessa Hudgens as Gabriella Montez

Tyler Bolton as Troy and Gabriella's baby

And more…..