Inspired by a MAD video on youtube (that made me cry alot)

Nothing special, just a short fic ^^.. ON WITH THE FIC!!!

As soon as the news reached Germany of the Berlin wall being demolished, he was awake. It didn't matter that his shirt was creased, or that his hair wasn't smoothed back as usual, all that mattered was him. He would be there! He ran to the door, almost ripping it off of its hinges in his haste. One of Ludwig's ankles throbbed as he reached the centre of Berlin.

It was finally happening.

Nothing else mattered in those moments as he approached the great grey monstrosity.

After… years of waiting, he could finally see Gilbert again. Prussia was coming home.

Silence fell all around him. Ludwig ignored the cameras and the crowds of people waiting to see long lost relatives. All he could hear was his heartbeat. It was beating so loud! Blue eyes were locked on a space of the wall. Hurry up damn it! You've got to go faster! His patience started to wear thin. When were they just going to tear it down?! If they didn't soon, Ludwig would do it himself!

A loud roar of machinery.

The wall crumbled.

The world seemed to stop around him.

But something was wrong… Where was Gilbert? Ludwig felt panic rise in his chest. His eyes scanned the area quickly, trying so hard to see a glimpse of silver hair, or burgundy eyes. Frantically, he wormed his way through the throng of citizens, searching for one man.


His feet moved forward, step by step, each getting faster and more urgent. Nii-san, nii-san, nii-san… Germany pushed through the crowd, easily able to see over the people around him. Gilbert, I'm here!

Those beautiful eyes turned to him. Gilbert had seen him! He could see those eyes light up; even from a distance he could see the swirls of colour.

The other nation started pushing forward, shouting his name.

"Ludwig! Ludwig!" Ludwig's heart felt like shattering. How long had it been since he had heard that voice? Gilbert reached his hand out, the tips of his fingers touching the gloved palm of his younger brother's hand. Suddenly, he was in Gilbert's arms. Hands gripped onto his shoulders, creasing the already creased shirt in an iron grip.

"G-Gilbert… I-"

"I'm sorry! Ivan promised… nothing would happen to you if… if…" Gilbert sniffed and a sob racked through him. "If I did as he said!" He pulled back, red-rimmed eyes looking up into Ludwig's own teary ones.

"He kept him promise, nii-san. He kept it…" Ludwig swallowed a sob, simply taking the smaller nation into his arms and holding him. "It's alright, I'm not letting go..."

...Never again.

Thanks for reading ^^

R&R please? All reviews are welcome and appreciated!!!Muffins (or other delicious baked products) to all who do!

x Muffin x