Well... here's a new Ouran High School Host Club fanfic I'm starting, well... started already. I'm already working on the sixth chapter, but I was curious whether this may be worth posting on fanfiction. So... please do me a huge favour and review! I need to know what you(the readers), think.
BTW, for those of you reading Chuck Versus NCIS, I will not be updating for a while as I need to 'research' up some things on the characters so I don't screw up even more than I have already. :D Sorry for the inconvenience and I hope I'll be able to update soon!
Anyway, so please R&R for this story!
Disclaimer: Ouran High School Host Club (c) Bisco Hatori
Claimer: everything else (c) me.
Chapter One: Mori's Secret Girlfriend
15-year-old Haruhi Fujioka opened the door to the Ouran High School #3 Music Room, only to be greeted by a big "Welcome".
Five handsome young men were there to greet her, one sitting in a fancy chair. All of them were dressed in black suits and tuxedos. Only she was wearing the boys' school uniform.
"Hey guys, sorry I'm late," Haruhi apologized. She was pretending to be a boy so that as a host, she could pay off her debt of 8 million yen. She wasn't too surprised by their fancy formalwear, considering the club enjoyed cosplaying a lot.
A small boy with blonde hair smiled, giving her a cute childish impression. "Don't worry about it, Haru-chan. We're not having any guests come in today," Mitsukuni 'Honey' Haninozuka assured.
"With all due respect, Honey-senpai, why?" she implored. Then she noticed something rather odd. "By the way, where's Mori-senpai?"
Tamaki Suoh, the founder and king of the Ouran Host Club, sighed and his glittering eyes dimmed. "I'm afraid Mori-senpai is off downstairs picking up some lilies that he ordered."
"Um… Is there a reason why Mori-senpai is doing that?" she asked.
"Today's the anniversary of his girlfriend's death," Kaoru Hitachiin answered, "She died one year ago."
The 15-year-old was taken aback, blinking surprised brown eyes. Takashi Morinozuka had a girlfriend?!
"You must be thinking that how did a silent guy like Mori-senpai get a girlfriend," Hikaru Hitachiin, Kaoru's twin brother, guessed.
Haruhi nodded.
Kyoya adjusted his glasses. "You all do know that she's not dead, right?" he added, flicking back some of his black bangs.
Tamaki, Hikaru and Kaoru stepped back, surprise written all over their faces. Only Honey looked unsurprised, as did Haruhi, probably only because she didn't actually know the girl.
"If she's alive, why hasn't she returned to the academy?" Tamaki demanded.
"Kazumi has been in a coma for the past year. She's being taken care of by some specialist doctors at an Ootori hospital. We needed to keep it quiet that she was alive. Mori-senpai has been visiting her every week for at least an hour. We're still unsure when she's going to wake up, or even if she's going to wake, but Mori-senpai's visits are helping," the vice-president explained.
"Today we were going to go visit her grave," Kaoru began, glaring in Kyoya's general direction.
"But since she's not dead, we're most likely visiting her with Mori-senpai in the hospital," Hikaru finished.
"So you knew the whole time, Honey-senpai?" Haruhi questioned, noting his lack of surprise.
The short and young-looking 18-year-old nodded. "Takashi told me after I asked him one time if he was okay because I was told he had gone to the hospital," he explained.
"He really loves her," Tamaki said quietly, "he's very loyal to her, considering he's never looked for another girl after Kazumi-senpai went into a coma. But… then again, none of us really have been looking for a girlfriend. Kinda eliminates the point of being a host… kinda…"
Haruhi placed a thoughtful hand on her chin. "But… did Mori-senpai remain in the host club, considering he had a girlfriend?" she asked thoughtfully.
They all nodded.
"They kept their relationship secret, and normally she'd come by and request him as her host. Ironic, really," Hikaru answered, "the ladies dream about having one of us as their boyfriend. For Kazumi-senpai, her boyfriend was Mori-senpai."
Her eyes sparkled. "That's so cool! Where did they meet and how did they meet?"
"Takashi saved her from a bunch of 2nd years who attacked her. When the 2nd years tried to get revenge on him, she took his place and saved his life," Honey explained, "She nearly died. The doctors managed to revive her, but she was trapped in a coma. Ever since… Takashi's been visiting her at the hospital every week just to be with her." His honey-brown eyes dimmed. "He's still hoping that there's hope of her waking up."
"We've done all we can," Kaoru sighed rather depressingly, "I assume Kyoya and Honey-senpai have done all they can to help. They probably didn't want Mori-senpai to receive the full brunt of it. Kazumi-senpai isn't the richest of people, and her status stands just above a commoner. She lives on her own in an apartment as her parents are elsewhere on business. She moved here for schooling."
Tamaki looked over onto a nearby table, and on it were five huge vases of various flowers. "We've already bought our flowers for her, and we just as bad want her to wake up. We know it would mean a lot to senpai if she did. But we're not sure when we're able to tip the scale to wake her up," he stated.
Suddenly, the door opened and Takashi Morinozuka walked into the music room, a vase of white and yellow lilies in one arm. A grave look was on his face. Out of all of them (excluding Haruhi), he was the only one dressed casually.
"Are you okay, Mori-senpai? What's wrong?" Hikaru inquired curiously.
"Bad news," he answered in a low voice, "If Kazumi doesn't awake by tomorrow noon, the doctors are going to cut her life support. It has nothing to do with money, and there's nothing I can do to stop them. Apparently they are under orders to do so."
"I'll speak to them," Kyoya said, pulling out his cell phone and quickly dialling, "Yes, it's me. Can you give me information on Kazumi Shirozaki? Yes… uh huh… excuse me? Who gave you authorization?!" He scowled as his grip tightened around the phone. "Yes… very well… I understand. Thank you." Then he hung up, an irritated look on his face. "I'm afraid Mori-senpai is right. It seems my father has decided to cut her life support. I'm unsure about the motive, but sadly enough, I can't override my father's decisions."
"Come on, let's go visit her," Haruhi suggested, "She might wake up sometime soon. The guys told me everything. I'm really sorry, Mori-senpai."
The 18-year-old forced a smile. "Thank you," he said before turning to the others, "Let's go."
So... please review and tell me what you think so far (also if you could please tell me how I'm doing on characters, that would be great)! THANK YOU SO MUCH (in advance) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!