
As the bedroom closed, the mob rushed around it. "Quit pushing!"

"I was here first!"


Inside, Woody looked at Bo in astonishment. "You told everyone that I was proposing?"

"I most certainly did not! In fact I didn't even think you were!" Bo stopped. "I mean, not at first…but…I hoped you would."

Outside the toys continued to shove and push. "What's he saying? What's he saying?"

"Quiet!" Buzz demanded. "I can't hear!" He pressed where his ear would be to the door…

Woody sighed and took Bo's hand. "Bo, I do love you, but I'm just not sure we're ready to get married yet. I mean, it's a huge step…"

Bo sighed. "I understand." She looked so sad. Woody didn't like that look on anybody, but he especially hated it on Bo.

He took off his hat and rubbed the back of his scalp. What could he do to make this all better? Suddenly, he got an idea.

Putting his hat back on his head, he took Bo in his arms. "Ok, what if I promise that someday, when I am ready to get married, it'll definitely be to you?"

Bo looked into his earnest brown eyes. "How can you promise me that?"

"Because…" Woody shrugged as he started to blush. "Well, because I already promised myself."

"Oh Woody…"

The toys crowded around Buzz's back. "Well?" Demanded Mrs. Potato Head.

"Nothing. They've gone silent." He looked at the others, then pushed the door in.

Woody and Bo were entwined in each other's arms as they kissed. Woody opened an eye, and seeing the toys, made a motion for them to go away. Buzz mouthed the word "Sorry!" and quickly closed the door.

Bo stopped the kiss. "What?"

Woody shook his head with a smile. "Nothing." He pressed her to his chest for a long hug.

Yes, he thought as she played with his shiny Sheriff badge. I will marry her someday…someday soon…