Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts or it's characters, they are just my puppets, Muhahahaha!

Fist time im putting up a fanfic I wrote, hope you guys like it. The main paring is CloudxRoxas but if people want there can be others mentioned. By the way this story switches from Cloud view to Roxas view, just so you know. Enjoy xD

Warning this story has lemons! If you dont like it then don't read.



"Baby are you sure you have to leave?" Areith asked, "Can't you stay a little longer?" her voice sounded like a plea.

Cloud shook his head at her, "No, there's a lot I have to think about and I need to be alone." Finally seeing his determination she nodded sadly and said goodbye.

When the tall blonde had started home he went past an ally wall then stopped after he heard a groan. He saw what looked to be a sixteen year old boy in ragged clothes and bleeding from his forehead. Cloud imminently ran to him, the young blonde opened his eyes and Cloud could see two sapphire eyes.

"Are you ok?" he asked gently to the boy. When the boy shook his head, Cloud scooped him up and carried him to his house.


Roxas woke up in a warm bed. He was shocked at first and wondered what had happened. Then it all came back. His angry dad, the fight, his head hitting the wall. Quickly he touched his forehead. It was bandaged up but still hurt to touch. Wincing he sat up and looked around. It was a bedroom; he could see nothing to indicate to his rescuer just a lamp in a corner, a dresser, curtains on a window, and a clock above the door. The walls were a light blue with a couple shades darker curtains.

After a few minutes a man wearing a black vest and matching black pants walked in. He stared at Roxas a moment before asking, "Are you okay? You were really banged up." Roxas looked at his face and saw spiky blonde hair that stuck up even more than his own. When he looked at his eyes he became memorized. They were like his but darker and full of pain/hurt/mystery, and curiosity. "Maby your head got hit too hard," when the man walked over and sat on the bed and reached to touch his forehead gently, Roxas could fell his heart begin to beat faster.


Cloud thought the young blonde was acting oddly weird. The way he was looking at him. So he casually reached out to touch his head but as he leaned over he found himself watching too. The sapphire eyes that looked at him were some shade lighter than his own and full of innocence/wonder/pain, and some kind of wisdom. Then he found his own heart was beating faster and his hand was moving down the boys face. The boy let out a gasp, and his cheeks flushed. Cloud asked curiously, "What's your name?"

He stuttered out, "R-Roxas!" then he looked down embarrassed he'd shouted. Cloud smiled at him. Roxas, what an interesting name, it suites him Cloud thought to himself. After a few minutes he heard Roxas whisper, "What's yours?"

Cloud leaned back and sighed before carelessly saying, "Cloud." He could almost see the curiosity burning so he simply added, "I don't know who my parents are so I can't ask why they named me that"


Roxas stared at Cloud. What an unusual name, it fits him well, he thought to himself. When Cloud asked him, "So, Who beat you up so badly?" he had to look down and could feel tears welling up. "Hey, you okay? I didn't upset you did I?" there was an odd sound in Clouds voice that seemed a lot like care.

Finally Roxas spoke in a soft quiet voice yet tangled with frustration, "My father was angry with me because he got drunk and thought I was somebody else, a guy that lives down the road. They don't get along, so then he attacked me."

Cloud interrupted him;" Did you just take the beating without fighting back?" His eyes were darker and his face showed the barest hint of a frown. It seemed he didn't like the thought of Roxas being attacked. Well he must think that Roxas was weak and helpless…

"Hell No!" Roxas looked down again embarrassed he'd shout so loud. He continued in a lower voice, "Of course I fought! I was done putting up with his crap. I think I broke a few ribs. Trust me I might look weak but I used to be in boxing and I won quite a few matches. So really I'm in better shape than my dad right now."

The next thing he heard was Cloud laughing. It was a beautiful sound to his ears. "Well it's just so hard to imagine you throwing punches at other men bigger than you. I kinda feel sorry for your old men though if he looked worse than you. You were pretty bad when I found you." He grinned then frowned as Roxas expression changed, "Hey what's wrong?"


Suddenly tears began running down Roxas cheeks and Clod grabbed him into his arms and rested his chin on Roxas head while holding him tightly. "I thought he loved me. H-He just wasn't the same after mom and sis died. I had to quit boxing and our hose was sold, then we moved into a cheap apartment. He began drinking more and yelling at me all the time. He said it was all my fault!" by now he was sobbing. Cloud was cradling him to his chest and rocking him a little while trying to figure out how to properly comfort the poor boy. He's been through so much I can't believe he's not dead or worse, Cloud thought to himself. "Maby it is all my fault. If I hadn't had that stupid match that night then we would've never drove out in the rain and dad would've never started drinking after mom died,"

"It's not your fault, and don't think that way. Your mom wouldn't want you to. The way your father turned out was because of the grief and to him drinking was the solution. Not the right one though, I might add. "He tipped Roxas face so he could gaze into his eyes but it was a mistake. One look at those sapphire jewels overflowing with tears and Cloud was over compelled. Slowly he leaned forward and kissed Roxas.

It was at first gentle and light but then it deepened and he found Roxas was kissing him back. He released a moment to breath and was thinking he should stop when he heard in a panting voice, "No, don't stop. It… It feels good." Cloud knew he shouldn't kiss him again but it had felt really good. He leaned over again and kissed him deeply then opened his mouth a bit and waited for Roxas to do the same. They wrestled for dominance a bit but of course Cloud won, then stopped shortly for air.

Panting Cloud decided it was time to stop before something that wasn't supposed to happen, happened. He groaned and put his hands in his lap to cover his hard on. "Its uh… time for bed." He smiled as Roxas tried to stifle a yawn. He excused himself from the room but as he was at the door he mumbled," If you want you can stay here now, or I can take you home in the morning. Your dad probably thinks you're dead though. Anyways, goodnight." As he walked out he heard a soft goodnight. Cloud walked through the living room and to the bathroom to take care of some `businesses'. Then he'd go to bed on the couch.


He laid there thinking about the kiss. So now I'm into men, he thought. He moaned as he reached down in his pants to relive his throbbing boner. He muffled his moans as he started to hit the spot. When he came he saw stars a moment, and then wiped his hand off on his boxers. Roxas tried to sleep but after several minutes he just became more restless. Stumbling around in the dark room he finally found the door.

He walked through what might be the living room but it was too dark to tell. Moans were coming from behind a door not too far away from him. Slowly Roxas reached for the door to open it, he found it was unlocked. Inside he found Cloud with his pant down jacking off. He didn't notice Roxas standing in the doorway because his head was tilted back and had just hit the spot. Just as Roxas wondered what he had been jacking off to a sudden moan answered his question. "Roxaaasss…" Then Cloud looked over and he saw Roxas. Hearing his name moaned by Cloud had rearoused him and his relived boner came back throbbing painfully and twice as hard. Cloud saw and his limp dick rehardened too, his whole face turned red and he stuttered out, "R-Roxas! I… I didn't know you were up. You saw that didn't you?" when Roxas nodded he saw him put his head in his hands, "I'm sorry. If you want to leave I can take you home or wherever." His voice was pained.

Roxas shook his head and spoke in a husky voice, "No, I like it here. You seem to be having an issue though that needs to be attended to."


Cloud was so embarrassed he'd been caught jacking off, let alone moaning out his name! Roxas reached down and pulled Clouds pants down enough to revel his rigid cock. When he started pumping it Cloud moaned and even bucked his hips into his hand. After he went to space and back he grinned. "Your turn." his fingers stumbled a little with Roxas buttons and zippers but he finally got them undone. Pulling then down he smiled at Roxas hard on, he had a better idea than using his hand.

At first when he put his mouth on Roxas's length he heard him gasp but it turned into a moan. He sucked and licked then lightly bit with his teeth, it was fun teasing him. "Cloooouudd…" Roxas moaned then he gripped Cloud hair firmly but not too tight and began rocking into his mouth. Cloud bobbed his head slowly then faster until hot seed filled his mouth. He swallowed, it tasted good. Roxas body went limp and Cloud carefully cleaned both of them up before he carried Roxas back into his bedroom. He tucked him in then kissed him lightly on the lips before getting in the bed next to him. The steady breathing of the young blonde worked as a lullaby that Cloud fell asleep to.


Well there's the first chapter. Want more to come? Review! I might need some idea to what should happen next so please do tell!
And if anyone is wondering about what was happening between Areith and Cloud, it was because he caught her cheating on him with another guy, so yea.

Cloud: Omg! I can't believe im gay!!!

Roxas: .........

XOmarX: Muhahaha!

Roxas: Im in boxing?

XOmarX: Yepp and you were really good too. You could probably kick Clouds butt _

Cloud: Ya.... Not even in his dreams... xD