Okay only Nowaki/Hiroki in the first chapter since they are the main character in this fanfiction. BUT there will be much Romantica and Terrorist to come.
Nowaki is considered by everyone to be the perfect boyfriend. Sweet, thoughtful, caring, generous, loving…What else could anyone ask from their soul mate?
But Nowaki Kusama has one downfall; His possessiveness. He is jealous of everyone and everything that holds his lover's attention.
For example, even the offhanded comment of "Nowaki, didn't you think Miyagi-san's editorial on Shakespeare was good?" will cause unwanted feelings of anger and envy to boil in the pit of the raven-haired boy's stomach.
Hiroki was Nowaki's.
And he absolutely did not share.
Now don't get me wrong, Nowaki is a kind and gentle man…unless he feels that his relationship with his lover is being threatened.
Sadly, Ryuichiro Isaka finds this out the hard way.
Chapter One
"Isaka, stop staring into space and get some work done." Ignoring his overbearing assistant Isaka kept his gaze on the open window.
"What work, Kaoru? I'm supposed to be finding the next big best seller, but there isn't an ounce of talent in any of that." He gestured irritably at the large stack of short-story novels overflowing from his desk.
Kaoru sighed and picked up one of the discarded stories before quickly skimming over the summary on the back.
Angela was sure of exactly two things. One; that she was hopelessly in love with Chris, and two; he would never recuperate her feelings.
Kaoru's eyes glided over the rest until he came to the last line.
Angela will do anything to stop Chris's wedding to her wicked stepsister and on the way maybe she will be able to prove her love to the man she adores.
"This one seems kind of good." Kaoru stated quietly.
Isaka snorted. "Its generic. I bet I can tell you how it ends: Johnny-boy realizes that he loved Mary-Sue all along and the ride off into the sunset as they embrace passionately."
The slightly shorter male flipped to the end of the story and read the last few lines:
"Oh Angela I realize now that you are the only one for me!"
"Oh Chris! You've just made me the happiest girl alive!"
"Come on Angela, we'll steal this horse and ride as far as we can! All I need is you!"
As Angela and Chris rode into the sunset they embraced passionately, both finally realizing that all they ever needed was each other.
Kaoru coughed to cover his surprise, how had Isaka known…? "Okay I guess you've got a point…but Japan loves generic, happy-ending stories. Why not just give them what they want?"
Isaka sighed tiredly and rubbed his sleep-deprived eyes, "But real life isn't like those kinds of nonsense. And the good stories, and I mean the ones that really seize your heart, don't always have a happy ending."
The shorter man blinked, regarding his boss with sudden admiration. "You mean like Usami-san's novels?"
The dark haired male nodded, "I'm well known for sponsoring only the best of the best. If I'm going to allow some author to represent my name, then they better be one hell of a writer."
Kaoru chuckled, "I suppose you're right."
Hiroki sighed softly as he slid his sealed and finished manuscript into the wide, blue mailbox sitting on the corner of his block. He had been working on that short story for about a year, only now having the courage to submit it to an editing agency.
And not just any agency, Akihiko's editing agency.
He didn't really believe that anyone at such a profitable organization would look twice at anything made by the likes of him, but hey, you can't blame a guy for trying.
Recently Hiroki had been feeling inadequate, especially when compared to his flourishing lover. The shorter male knew that Nowaki thought, for some unfathomable reason, that he needed to catch up to Hiroki, when in reality the prominent doctor had already passed his lover and at this point was very close to lapping him.
The literature teacher had never understood why Nowaki had said he needed to be successful in order to be worthy of standing beside his lover as an equal…
But now…Hiroki had a pretty damn good idea of what he'd been babbling about.
He turned slowly and began to walk away from the large mailbox, getting three or four feet away before suddenly panicking and spinning on his heel. He returned to the mailbox and desperately attempted to stick his arm through the extremely small slot to retrieve his package.
Why on earth had he ever thought that submitting his manuscript would prove anything? He needed to get it back before—!
"Hiro-san? What are you doing?"
Hiroki quickly withdrew his hand from the slot and smiled nervously at his lover. "Nowaki, uh I was—I mean that is I um dropped some money into the mailbox…" He trailed off weakly, his statement sounding more like a question then an answer.
Nowaki smiled adoringly at the smaller male, making the elder's ears turn pink at the obvious admiration. "Well I don't think you will be able to get it back Hiro-san, the slot is to small for your hand to fit through."
Hiroki blinked, Nowaki was so…so trusting.
Even though Hiroki's answer was so undeniably false, he still trusted the brunette enough to not question him.
Hiroki found himself falling even more in love with the younger man.
"Yeah, I suppose you're right."
Hiroki didn't like lying to his lover, but he couldn't bring himself to tell him the truth.
What would Nowaki think of him if he didn't from the agency? He would surely never be able to look the raven in the eyes again if Nowaki knew he had failed.
At least this way, if the agency rejected him, only he would know of his disappointment and Nowaki would never have to know that his lover was an utter failure.
"Hey…" Hiroki blinked back tears as Nowaki gently tilted his chin up. "What's wrong?" Concern creased his lover's brow but Hiroki just batted his hand away.
"Nothing you brat! Let's go home, I'm starving!" He began to walk away when a strong hand closed around his wrist pulling him backwards until his back collided with the harsh metal of the dark blue mailbox.
Nowaki must have some sort of fetish for having him pinned to things.
"I want to help, Hiro-san. I don't like it when you're sad."
Hiroki's eyes softened and he found himself showing his lover one of his very rare smiles.
No matter how much of a nobody he was, Nowaki still loved him.
"I love you, Hiro-san." The shorter male started as he registered what the younger had said, gradually feeling his heart warm at the sincerity in the doctor's voice.
"I-I love you too, Nowaki."
Smooth, soft lips descended upon the literature teacher's, gently coxing the shorter male's mouth open for exploration purposes. Their lips moved skillfully against each other with the practiced familiarity of lovers as there tongues met and slid sensually against one another.
Hiroki was forced to break the kiss when oxygen became a necessity. However, that didn't stop Nowaki from continuing a trail of kisses down his lover's neck, biting down hard enough to leave a mark once he reached the junction between the neck and shoulder.
Hiroki cried out softly as he felt the harsh sharpness of teeth strain the skin above his collarbone. "Dumbass, that'll leave a mark."
Nowaki withdrew his mouth from his lover's skin, fixing the brunette with an unreadable expression, "Exactly."
Hiroki rolled his eyes, "You're such a possessive bastard, you know that?"
Nowaki smiled, dipping his head down to gently sooth the irritated skin. He ran his tongue skillfully over the sensitive flesh of the bite mark before pressing a light, apologetic kiss to the abused area.
Hiroki shivered, unable to control his body from reacting to the ministrations of his lover.
The younger man pressed his mouth gently against his Hiroki's ear and breathed hotly onto the appendage. "We need to go home, unless you've recently become a fan of PDLM."
Hiroki blinked. "PDLM? Don't you mean PDA?"
Nowaki shook his head, laughter clear in his gorgeous blue eyes. "No I mean PDLM, Public Displays of Love Making."
An embarrassed Hiroki sputtered indignantly, "You pervert! Who says that we're even going to—!"
Nowaki pressed a chaste kiss to his infuriated lover's lips. "Let's go home, Hiro-san."
Hiroki sighed, what was he going to do with this boy?
"Fine, let's go."
The shorter male pulled away from his lover and marched angrily in front of him, all the time aware of the love-filled gaze directed at him from the taller man.
What was the point of even trying to disagree with Nowaki? Hiroki was incapable of not giving the younger male exactly what he wanted.
Was it even possible to love someone as much as he loved his Nowaki?
Hiroki glanced back, meeting a gaze that warmed his body from the tops of his ears to the very tips of his toes.
Yes, it was possible.
Hiroki prayed to whoever was listening that his manuscript would be successful. He wanted so very badly to impress Nowaki. To be worthy of Nowaki.
He sneakily crossed two of his fingers in his coat pocket for luck, before slowing down and falling into step with his lover as they took the familiar route back to their apartment.
Please submit a review and make my day XD