OK, so I'm not sure if anyone remembers me after a year of absence. It wasn't an easy year and it's far from over, but lately, the muse has been poking her head out again and I caught her while I could…I hope you like. Since I last wrote anything a year ago, I apologize that no time has passed in the story but the style may be all different…oops
Thank you so much for all your wonderful reviews and PMs; it was so nice to hear from you, and it helped me a lot
A special MERCI to Stayce and Audrey for not giving up on me! Love you!
Chapter titles are taken from Bon Jovi's "Have a Nice Day!" and they aren't mine, just as JE's characters aren't. Sadly.
Chapter 25
"Steph, don't run away this time," Ranger said softly.
What the hell? When had I ever run? "Since when do I run?" I asked looking up, so surprised that I forgot I couldn't meet his eyes.
There was emotion in his eyes now and his voice had lost some of its coldness as well. Thank God! I was pretty sure I'd never meet Cuban-hot Ranger, not sure if he even existed, but the complete lack of emotion was something I never wanted to experience again, it was scary.
Ranger took a deep breath and motioned to the couch. "Let's try this talk thing one more time?"
Here's the thing, as much as I wanted to storm out because my feelings were hurt, I was also dying to find out the whole story. And leaving right now would leave me just as clueless as before, so probably it wasn't a bad idea to stay.
Ranger dropped his hands from my hips as I turned and I walked the short distance back to sit down.
"Okay," I said. "Let's compromise on you lied by omission and take it from there."
That's what it really was, so I could live with that.
Ranger went into the kitchen and returned with two mugs of coffee. He handed me one of the cups and sat back down in the same chair.
"Okay," he said. "I'm sorry you feel I lied to you. I meant it then and I mean it now- I never wanted to hurt you."
I looked at Ranger then and I knew apologies don't come much more sincere than his. His eyes bored into mine and I thought I could see the hope that I'd accept his apology.
"Tank said you needed me to believe the lie," I said, taking a sip from my coffee. "So that I'd be a credible witness."
"That's one of the reasons, yes," Ranger confirmed. "But the main reason was much simpler: I wanted to keep you as safe as possible."
"And not telling me the engagement was a smokescreen would have put me in danger how?" I asked.
I was tired of hearing about my safety; how come both Ranger and Tank believed ignorance was safe? Or rather, how could they expect me to believe that?
Ranger didn't break our eye contact. "You are in danger because you know me. If you'd been kidnapped or, for lack of a better word, interrogated, you were better off not knowing I'm getting married to save an unborn child."
Yeah, OK, so that made sense actually. I wasn't like Tank or any of the Merry Men, I wasn't sure how long I could keep any secrets under pain. I could almost buy it, but…
"Let's assume I agree with that, why was that no longer relevant Saturday morning all of a sudden?"
I could tell Ranger was thinking about his answer, there was a muscle working in his jaw before he took a deep breath.
"I thought maybe you went out with Santos because you thought I didn't care."
I hadn't seen that coming. Nor did I have a comeback for it. I had thought Ranger didn't want me and that was exactly why I'd agreed to go on a date with Lester but I thought I'd die before I admitted that to Ranger!
"What does Lester have to do with anything?" I asked.
Okay, so I thought I knew what Ranger was saying, but I wanted him to admit that…well, I wasn't sure exactly what. That he cared about me? That he was as jealous of Lester as I had been of Conchita? That he loved me like the Merry Men were convinced he did?
I just had a feeling Ranger was as vulnerable as he'd get and this was the time to dig deeper.
"You never went out with him before I got engaged," Ranger said.
Well, as long as we were going with the truth here, I decided to be open. "That's because Lester was sure you had feelings for me and didn't want to invade on your territory."
"He said that?" Ranger asked surprised.
"I'm paraphrasing," I said. "But yes, that was the gist of it. When you got engaged, he figured he was wrong and that I was available."
"And are you?" Ranger wanted to know.
"You know I'm single," I said.
He got up and sat down next to me on the couch. "That was not the question," he said.
"Let me ask you a question first," I said. "Are you still engaged and will you marry Conchita?"
He was quiet for a long moment, just watching me. Then he almost imperceptibly lowered his head, and to me it seemed like such a defeated gesture coming from Ranger.
"Yes," he said softly.
I remembered my resolution from the night before and decided to forget about my pride and be completely honest.
"No, you're not," I said a lot more resolutely than I felt. "There has to be another way."
When Ranger didn't react I lost a little of my bravado though.
"That is, unless you want to?" I hated how insecure I sounded and hoped Ranger didn't pick up on it.
Now a small smile played around his lips. "Is this still about me lying to you or did you move on to cancelling my wedding?"
It wasn't a smug smile, I would have made him eat that, but I'm sure he didn't mean it to look as hopeful as it seemed to me.
I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Silly, I know, but I just couldn't look at him while I said, "I don't want you to marry Conchita. Not even if I know you're not really marrying her."
I flinched when I suddenly felt Ranger's hands on either side of my face. He was slowly running his thumb over my lips as my eyelids fluttered open.
"Why Steph?" he almost whispered.
Here was my chance to tell him the whole truth: I didn't want him to get married at all, but if he absolutely had to, I wanted him to marry me. Why? Because I loved him and I couldn't stand the thought of another woman touching him.
I took a deep breath, trying to come up with a version of the truth that sounded less than a bodice ripper novella.
Ranger brushed his lips over mine, which didn't make it easier to sort my thoughts.
A/N: Yes, I know it's short, but that's because it's interactive – You decide, majority rules. Should Steph swallow her pride and tell Ranger how she feels or should she cover it up and pretend friends help each other out?