'Where is my special purple scarf?' I asked myself as I searched through my closet. It had been about a week since Marci's party and almost a week since Sam asked me out. Today was the date. And I was a little bit stressed. And nervous. And happy. And excited.

"Why can't I find that scarf?" I spoke again, frustrated. Sam was going to be here in a matter of minutes, and I wasn't ready yet. Temporarily forgetting about the scarf, I pulled on a long white tank top and a pair of Bermuda jeans shorts. Quickly moving to my mirror, I brushed through my hair and held it up in a high ponytail. I applied a little smoky eyeliner and a peach colored lip gloss. Pulling my bangs to the side, I exhaled loudly, satisfied. I looked simple, but pretty.

My mom was still at work, which meant I was the only one in the extremely quiet house at the moment. So when I heard my cell phone ring, I jumped at the disturbance. I chuckled to myself before picking up the phone.


"Hey, Adrianna. It's me, Sam."

"Oh, Hi Sam," I smiled immediately.

"Hey. Yeah, I was calling to tell you that I'll be at your house in about… five minutes. Probably less than that," he informed me.

"Okay then, see you soon."

"Alright." I hung op the phone, then ran to my closet, getting on my knees and looking for a pair of shoes to wear. I immediately saw the end of my scarf, which was dangling from one of my hangers.

"Oh Yes!" I cheered silently to myself as I grabbed the scarf and threw it on my bed. I was about to find some shoes when the doorbell rang from downstairs.

"Damn, that was fast," I said as I walked out the room and ran downstairs. I pulled open the door, and it wasn't Sam.

"Adrianna Nadal?" asked the postman.


"Sign here please?"

I silently took the digital clipboard and signed my name as neat as I could. Handing it back to him, he handed me a small cardboard box. I looked it over and saw no name on it at all.

"Have a good day, miss," he smiled as he began to leave.

"Thanks, you too." I closed the door and looked at the small box in my hand. I had a real urge to open it, but Sam was going to be here soon, so I decided to put that on hold. I'd open it after my date.

Running back up to my room, I placed the box on my night table. I went back into my closet and pulled out a pair of black gladiator sandals. After I finished buckling the second shoe, the doorbell rang for an second time that day. I walked back down, but this time, I stumbled on my way down and ended up running the rest of the way. I got to the bottom and grabbed the banister to steady myself, and I just burst out laughing for a good minute and a half. I was broken out of my laughing fit when I heard the doorbell ring for the second time. Standing up straight, I shook myself a little bit before walking to the door.

"Hi Sam," I said when I opened the door, a smile still on my face and a little laughter still in my voice.

"Hey. What's, uhh…"

"I tripped on my way downstairs. I'm still laughing about it," I giggled.

"Oh. Are you-"

"Yeah. I didn't hurt myself or anything. Here, come on in," I said, moving away from the door. He walked inside, and I watched as he looked around, observing everything he could see.

"Sorry I'm not ready yet, I only need a few more minutes," I told him as I made my way back up the stairs.

"Yeah, sure. It's cool." I got to the middle of the stairs when I realized that he wasn't following me. Turning around and looking down, I saw that he stopped at the bottom of the stairs, and he kept cautiously glancing around.

"Oh, don't worry. You can come up to my room. I'm the only one here. I promise my mom's not gonna pop out and taser you or anything," I smiled.

"I hope not," he chuckled, now following me up the stairs. It was a short and silent walk up to my room. I hurriedly grabbed my purse and threw in all the necessities: wallet, cell phone, keys, lip gloss, I-Pod… no, not I-pod.

"You play tennis?" Sam asked as he looked at the three trophies that were on my shelf.

"Yeah. I've played since I was six. My mom thought it was a good way to keep me active and out of trouble. But it's not like I don't like it. I love playing." I heard him mutter a small 'Oh' before I ducked into the closet to get my leather jacket.

"You have a trophy for arching?" he asked with a hint of laughter in his voice.

"Hey, don't laugh at me!" I whined.

"No, no. I'm not. I promise. It's just an odd sport to win a trophy for, that's all."

"Well, tell that to my old school. Arching was a part of my gym class for a semester, and my gym teacher suggested that I sign up for some arching program. I mean, not to brag or anything, but I have kick-ass aim. I could hit a target from a mile away."

"Well then I guess I better not get on your bad side. You might just end up shooting me," he joked.

"Nah, I wouldn't shoot you. You're too nice," I chuckled softly. Finding what I was looking for, I grabbed my black leather jacket out of the closet and threw it on. Grabbing my scarf off the bed, I wrapped it loosely around my neck.

"Okay. Now I'm ready," I announced as I grabbed my purse and walked out the room. I closed my door after Sam got out and followed him as he made his way downstairs. We exited the house and I quickly locked my door before getting inside his car.

"You look nice, by the way," he said as he strapped on his seat belt.

Thank you," I smiled.

"So, you play anything else? Besides tennis, I mean," he asked as we began driving.

"Not, professionally, no. But, I play hockey and football, and I am really good at both."


"Yup. And, it's so funny, because back at home, me and a whole bunch of other people invented ice football."

"Ice football?" he almost laughed.

"Because one day, we got together, and half of us brought hockey sticks and pucks, and the other half brought footballs. So, since it was gonna take a long time to go back and get what we needed, we went to the hockey rink, and we got our ice skates and everything on, and we played football, on ice," I laughed.

"Wow, that's crazy," he laughed.

"I know. It was so hard at first, but once you get your feet steady, it is sooo much fun. But I got so many bruises on my arms, my legs, my side. I was sore all over for like, a week."

"Wow, that sounds… painful. Painful but fun," he laughed.

"So what about you?"

"What about me?" he smiled.

"I know nothing about you except that you're in most of my classes, your best fiend's name is Miles, and, apparently, you're into vintage cars," I stated.

"Okay then, ask me anything, and I'll answer you, but on one condition."

"What's that?" I asked, leaning forward and placing my chin in my palm.

"You have to answer all my questions too," he proposed, taking a quick glance away from the road to look at me.

"Hmm… you sure drive a hard bargain Mr. Witwicky. For all I know you can ask me my deepest, darkest secret." He smiled and shook his head while he focused on the road. "But, I think I'm willing to take that risk," I smiled.

"Okay, go ahead."

"Okay, well have you lived here all your life?"

"Yeah. Everyone in this town has grown up together. We've all known each other from elementary school to middle school to high school."

"That's different from me. My high school was different than my middle school."

"Where are you from?"

"I lived in New York for my whole life. So moving to a place like this was a big transition for me."

"How so?"

"Well, where I lived, was much bigger than here. I mean you could literally find something new to do everyday."


"Yup. Where are we even going? You never told me."

"Well, you did say you were looking for some excitement, so I'm gonna take you somewhere exciting," he explained. I looked at him for a minute, trying to figure out where we were going.

"We're going to Six Flags."

"There's no Six Flags remotely close to here," he chuckled.

"Okay, then we're going to an amusement park."

"Umm, no," he laughed nervously.

"Yes we are! Yes we are! You hesitated, which means I hit the nail right on the head! Ha!"

"Okay, okay, but you don't know which amusement park this is," he reasoned, still glad that he would be able to surprise me.

"Okay then. At least tell me the name."


"We have that in New York."

"That's impossible, considering there's only one of these places in the whole world, and it's here."

"Oh, you're right. I'm thinking of this place in Suffolk County called 'Adventureland.'"

"That's in, uh, New York too?" he asked. I nodded in reply.

"What's it like over there? In New York, I mean?"

A small smile made its way on my lips as I thought of one word to describe "The Big Apple." it was impossible to describe it to someone through words. It had to be experienced. That's how wonderful it was.

"Just amazing. And fun and exciting and spectacular. I lived there my whole life with my Mom and my, um, Dad. It was so hard for me to imagine leaving it at first, but eventually, I got okay with it, and it wasn't as hard."

"Well why'd you have to move in the first place?"

"Because my Mom was offered a promotion, and if she accepted, that meant she would be her own boss. But it also meant she would have to relocate to the office down here," I explained.

"So where was your Dad during all of this?"

"He… was not at all supportive. He was just for himself."

"I'm sorry. Was that too much?" he asked, taking his eyes off the road for a minute to look at me.

"No, no. it's okay. It's not even that serious. I don't care."

"You have any siblings?"

"Nope. It's just me. I, uh, actually had a baby brother like a year after I was born, but something went wrong during the delivery, so he passed away."

"I'm sorry," he said earnestly, taking his eyes off the road for a quick second to glance my way.

"Don't be. I mean I never even got to know him, and I think that's better because if I did know him, it would hurt a lot more."

"Yeah, I guess."

"What about you?"


"Do you have any siblings?"

"Nah. It's just me and my parents. And Mojo."

"Mojo?" I laughed a bit.

"Yeah. My dog."

"I always wanted a kitten."


"Oh my gosh! What the hell does 'ew' mean? I love cats."

"Cats are, like, freakishly evil."

"Cats are only evil if you piss them off. Especially the girl ones."

"Either way they're gonna scratch and bite like hell."

We went back and forth like this until we got to the amusement park. The topics varied from what we were going to major in when we get to college to why all the models in the world have to be freakishly tall. He kept me smiling and/or laughing for the whole car ride. The whole thing was just very refreshing and fun.

"Is this the place?" I asked as he drove past two black gates that stood in front of a circular building.

"Yeah. It's much better than it looks, I promise," he smiled.

We were quiet as he pulled into the parking lot and searched for a spot. It took him a few minutes, but he finally found a spot and we were able to go in. We took the elevator from the parking lot and made our way up to the park.

When the doors to the elevator opened, it was a frenzy of people and noise. All I could hear was music and the voices of a bunch of people all talking at once. Screams form people on rides could also be heard in the distance.

"Wow. It's bigger than I thought."


"Yeah. I thought it would be smaller since it was indoors,' I stated as we walked up to the ticket booth.

"Okay, it's $25 for a full day pass, so-"

"I'll pay for my half."

"No, that's okay, I got it," he insisted.

"No, that's fifty dollars. I don't want you to have to pay the whole thing."

"But, you know, that's not very chivalrous if I make you pay," he pressed.

I thought for a minute before responding. "Okay, how about this… I'll give you $15 for the wristbands, then later when you take me out to eat, you can pay for the whole thing. That way you can be chivalrous and I still help pay. And you have to make me help you pay for something or else I'm gonna feel really bad."

"Okay, fine. That's fair enough," he smiled, hardly thinking about the money anymore. He was just happy that she insisted on him taking her out to eat afterwards.

After handing Sam the fifteen dollars, I waited for him to buy the wristbands. When he returned, I held out my wrist and he strapped on the wristband. After he was done with my own, I did the same for him.

"So, what do you want to go on first?" he asked as we walked deeper inside the park.

"Well, I was gonna say the roller coaster, but then I saw the 'slingshot,' and I definitely want to go on that first," I said, grabbing Sam's hand and pulling him towards the ride. The line was pretty short, so we didn't have to wait too long to get on the ride.

"Aww, we're gonna be sitting next to each other but I won't be able to see you," I pointed out as we got strapped in our seats.

"At least you can still hear me."

I smiled as one of the attendants came around and made sure we were secured in. All the workers walked out of the gate, and one of them walked behind the controls.

"Give me your hand," I told Sam as we waited for the ride to start. He lifted his hand and I was able to entwine my manicured hand with his own.

"If I can't see you, at least I can hear you and feel that you're there," I said. I heard him chuckle and he gripped my hand tighter.

"You nervous?"

"Me? Nervous? Of course not," he exhaled.

"You know, you can get off before the ride starts," I teased.

"Well if I did that, then I wouldn't be able to hear you scream."

"Please. I can't wait to here you scream!" I laughed.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to the Slingshot. Please keep your feet in and your hands on the bars and hold on tight," the announcer said over the PA system. Everyone got ready for the ride.

"3.… 2.…"

I didn't get to finish counting, because the ride shot up in the air. I didn't scream, but I held my breath the entire time. I wanted to laugh because I could hear Sam screaming like crazy, but I just held my breath and watched the view as we got to the top. The thrill was amazing. Unlike most people, I didn't get scared. I got excited. It was such a rush. It was breathtakingly wonderful.

"I can't remember the last time I had so much fun," I said to Sam as we drove farther away from the amusement park.

"I think we went on every single ride twice," he smiled.

"Yeah, and you almost made me deaf on each of those rides!"

"I was not screaming that loud. I know I wasn't."

"Sam, you sounded like a five year old girl," I laughed. He shook his head and smiled while paying attention to the road.

"So, what's on the agenda now?" I asked, stretching out my legs.

"Now… we get something to eat," he stated as we pulled into the parking lot of what appeared to be a diner. After parking the car, we walked out of the lot and into the restaurant.

It was fairly old fashioned, with booths set up all around and a bar in the middle. There were two pool tables set up and a jukebox in the corner. It was very classy. Almost like something you would see out of Grease.

We both walked inside and we took a window booth in the back. I took off my jacket and purse and placed it next to me as Sam sat in the seat across from me.

"This place is nice. What's the mane?" I asked.

"It's Applebees, actually," he replied.


"Yeah. It's one of the first ones they opened. They came up with the whole '50s theme, and it kind of stuck," he explained as he handed me one of the menus. I nodded my head as I read through the list of foods.

"Hello. My name is Elliot, and I will be your server for today. Do you guys know what you want to drink yet?" one of the waiters came up and recited to us, as if it was embedded in his memory.

"Yeah, can I get a… strawberry fizzer, please?" I asked.

"Sure thing. And you?"

"I'll have the cherry limeade, thanks," Sam ordered. Elliot scribbled it down on his pad and walked away to get our drinks. Just then, my purse started vibrating. I unzipped it and pulled out my Blackberry.

"It's my Mom," I announced.

"Oh, do you want me to…"

"No, it's okay, thanks," I smiled before pressing the talk button. "Hey Mommy."

"Hey Honey. I'm gonna be home a little late today. I have a lot of stuff to finish up at the office before I leave."

"Okay, that's fine."

"Are you okay by yourself?"

"I'm not at home. I had a date today, remember?"

"Oh, Oh right. With Sam."

"Yeah, that's the one," I smiled, surprised and pleased that she remembered his name.

"Okay then. So what time are you gonna be home?" she asked, with a rather suspicious tone.

"Well, we're eating right now, and it's about nine o'clock. So I should be home by… eleven o'clock? 11:30 at the most."

"Okay then. I should be home by 12. Oh, and remember tomorrow is the brunch with the company execs. And you promised you would go with me."

"Aww, is that tomorrow? Mommy, that's gonna be so boring!"

"I know, but it's gonna be twice as boring if I go by myself. And you promised to go with me, sweetie."

"I know, I know. I don't mind going to the place. I just hate the fact that I'm gonna have to be sitting with a bunch of snooty little bit-"

"Language, young lady," she warned. I watched as Sam smiled, laughing over my almost outburst.

"Sorry. Whatever, I'll go."

"Thank you, honey. I'll see you at home."

"Okay. Bye."


"What was that about?" Sam asked as soon as I was off the phone.

"Something," I sighed, "I have to go to tomorrow. My Mom's company is having this brunch thing, and the big executives and their immediate family members are invited. And as I was telling my Mom, it's gonna be a whole bunch of fake people."

"Here are your drinks," the waiter Elliot announced as he came over and placed the two glasses on the table. "And have you decided on what you wanna eat?"

"Yeah, I'll have the Bacon Cheddar Cheeseburger, and a side of fries," Sam said.

"Okay… and you?" he asked directing his attention to me. I couldn't help but notice the seductive look he gave me.

"Yeah…" I drawled, frowning a bit. "I'll have the…chicken platter without the cole slaw, please," I said, handing him the menu. I directed my attention back to Sam as he walked back to the kitchen.

"What were we talking about?" I asked.

"This brunch that you have to go to tomorrow," Sam reminded me.

"Right. So, I have to wake up extra early to get ready tomorrow to go and hand out with people I don't even know."

"Wow, that kinda sucks," he chuckled.

"It really does," I groaned.

"Don't worry about it. I'm sure it won't be that bad."

I shrugged my shoulder and watched as our food came. Elliot quickly placed both our dishes in front of us.

"Enjoy your food. And…call if you need anything," he said, the last part directed towards me. I chuckled and shook my head a bit. Both Sam and I stayed quiet for a while as we took the first few bites of our food.

"Hey… do you mind if I ask you a personal question?" Sam asked as he took a sip of his drink.

"Yeah, go ahead," I said, chewing on a fry.

"And, you don't have to answer if you don't want to, okay?" he assured me. I nodded.

"What exactly happened between you and your Dad? I mean… it just seems like a bit more than you're mad at him for leaving your Mom."

I stopped chewing for a second, processing what he had asked me. I frowned a bit, not wanting to talk about bit.

"I'm sorry. Forget I asked."

"No, no. It's okay. Umm… I… you want me to start from the beginning?" I asked. He shrugged his shoulders and gave a small nod.

"Okay…well, back in New York… there was… a lifestyle that we lived by. I don't know if that makes sense, but it was how everyone lived. I went to private school my entire life, so me and my friends were pretty rich. We never actually got time to spend with our families because all of our parents had a really important job. So instead of actually caring for their children, they would just give them money to go spend. It was an easy way to get their kids off their backs.

"Me and my Mom tried really hard not to live like that. Every weekend we would try to go shopping together, or go to the spa together. She tried to be in my life as much as possible. My Dad, was the complete opposite. I feel like he tried to stay out of my life as much as possible. I love hockey and football, so I would get tickets to hockey games and football games just so that we could spend time together. He always seemed up to it at first, but he never committed to it. He would always eventually buy me some expensive gift or give me money to go shopping, thinking that it would make everything better. And it didn't.

"Naturally, if my Dad and I didn't spend time together, he wasn't spending time with my Mom either. I mean, I was a teenager. I wasn't stupid. I knew they weren't getting along, and it was just getting worse and worse. They finally had 'the fight' on my Mom's birthday. It was the day when she found out that she got the promotion. She told my Dad about it, and he flipped out on her. I just remembered him saying a whole bunch of shitty stuff, saying crap like 'If you loved me, you would stay,' and a whole bunch of other crap.

"I was supposed to be at something that night, I think it was a party, but I hadn't left yet, and I heard the whole thing. They didn't know that I was upstairs, they thought they were alone. In the… in the middle of the argument, the subject of who would have custody of me came up… and I remember hearing my Mom say, "There's no way in hell that I am going to leave my daughter behind. So what are you gonna do?" My Dad… in response to that said, "You can have her. I don't want her, and I'm not leaving. After I heard that, everything else was just blurred. Like, I couldn't believe he had just said that. So… that's what happened."

"Wow. I… I'm sorry. I don't really know what to say."

"It's not your fault. But, I've got to admit, I'm surprised that your so observant. You're the first person who's ever noticed that there's something deeper than it just being, 'My parents are divorced.'"

He shrugged his shoulders and smiled. "Well, look at the bright side."

I waited for him to say what the 'bright side' was, but he just looked at me.

"What's the Bright side?"

"I don't know. But my Dad says that all the time, and even if there isn't a bright side, you end up feeling good anyway."

I looked at him and laughed. It was a genuine laugh, and it lightened the mood that was set from the previous conversation. "See? I just made you laugh. Now you feel a whole lot better than you did before."

"I do, actually," I smiled.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah, I just need to use the bathroom first."

"Okay. Do you want me to make them put your leftovers in a container so you could take it home?" he asked as I got up from my seat, grabbing my jacket and purse in the process.

"Yeah, thanks. I'll meet you at the front door okay?" I suggested. I watched him nod before I turned around and headed towards the bathroom. I took care of everything I needed to, making sure to check my hair and face before leaving. After putting on a little lip gloss, I walked outside only to come face-to-face with Elliot- the waiter.

"Hey there, babe."

"Your obviously not talking to me, cause last time I checked, my name isn't 'babe.'"

"Well what would you like me to call you? Sexy? Smokin' hot-"

"You need to let me pass. Now," I said in a firm voice and attempting to walk past him, but every path I took, he stepped in front and blocked me. I exhaled through my nose, looking up in the sky, then looking back at him.

"How old are you anyway?" he asked, moving a little bit closer. I instinctively moved a step back.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 20."

"Well let me put it this way. I'm young enough for it to be considered Statutory rape," I stated, crossing my hands over my chest. He smirked, and moved closer in an attempt to trap me between his body and the wall.

"It's not like anyone has to find out about-"

"I think she just said that she's not interested," Sam intervened. I couldn't help but let out a small sigh of relief.

"Look kid, if I were you, I'd beat it, now," Elliot said, turning away from me and staring Sam dead in the eyes.

"Is that so? Well if I were you, I'd back off. I don't think your boss would approve of you harassing female customers. What do you think?" I watched as Elliot looked him up and down, but Sam just walked passed him and grabbed my hand, pulling me with him.

"Are you okay?" he asked, squeezing my hand as we walked in the cool night's air.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little annoyed and irritated," I said, sliding on my leather jacket. "Thank you."

"Of course," he smiled, opening my car door and closing it after I got inside.

The ride back to my house was fairly quiet. It was mainly because I was exhausted from the day, but Sam would sneak a glance my way every moment.

"You okay?" he asked quietly.

"Mmm hmm… just tired, I guess."

He let out a small 'oh' before focusing on the road again. The rest of the ride was full of small talk. Nothing too serious came up. It was just talking about stuff that wasn't too important. That lasted for about twenty minutes until we got to the front of my house. I unbuckled my seatbelt, grabbing my purse and watching Sam from the corner of my eye. It was the end of the date, and I could feel the nervousness coming off of his body.

"You gonna walk me to my door?" I asked with a smile.

"Oh. Umm, Yeah, sure," he said, unbuckling his seatbelt quickly. I was about to open the door when the radio started playing "Let's Get It On" by Marvin Gaye. I narrowed my eyes and looked at Sam. He shrugged his shoulders, and all I could do was laugh before stepping out of the car and slamming the door shut. I could hear him messing with the radio and trying to shut it off. When it finally went silent, I immediately heard his car door open and close with a thud.

It took a few seconds for us to walk up my path, and I quickly found my keys and opened the door, allowing us to both step inside. I turned around to face Sam, who was standing in front of the door.

"So…" he began, rocking on his heels. It was so cute to see him so nervous. It made him look so adorable.

"First, I want to sat thank you for today. It was a lot of fun. I really needed it. It was very… refreshing."

"Yeah, sure. It was no problem," he smiled. "Oh, before I forget…" he said handing me my bag with the leftover food. I looked inside and saw two containers in there.

"Your food is in here too-"

"No. I, uh.. I bought you a slice of cake when you were gone. I-I tried it before, and I thought you would like it."

"Thank you. I appreciate it." he nodded with a smile. "Are you doing anything tomorrow?"

"Umm… I don't think so."

"Then… do you wanna hang out? I mean, after my brunch thing is over?"

"Yeah. Yeah that sounds great," he grinned.

I smiled and watched as his face became unsure. He was contemplating what he was gonna do to end the date. After a few seconds, he held out his hand for me to shake. I could see the anxious look on his face, wondering if he did the right thing.

I simply smiled and moved closer to him, wrapping my arms around him. He followed my movement and hugged me back. It was a nice, warm hug that lasted a while. When we started to pull away, I gave him a small peck on the cheek.

"Get home safe. I'll call you tomorrow."

"I'll see you later," he said as he began waking outside. I watched him as he made his way down to his car, and I gave him one final smile and wave before watching him drive off.

I closed the door and locked it before walking to the kitchen and placing the leftovers in the fridge. I grabbed a fork and the cake and walked up to my bedroom. Putting the cake to the side, I took out my laptop and placed it on my bed, turning the power on. I changed into a pair of silk purple pajamas while waiting for it to load. I quickly went to the bathroom and washed my hands before returning to my bed, switching on the webcam and looking for Marci's name. I saw she was online and clicked her name, waiting for her window to pop up.

"Oh my gosh! You're back! Tell me everything!!" she screamed before I could even say 'hi.' I took a bite of my chocolate cake, getting ready for a long night.

Oh my gosh! I can't believe I got this out on a weekday. That almost never happens, so you guys should be proud of me.

I know a lot of people must hate me for taking so long, but my life has been extremely stressful for the past four months. There has just been a lot of pressure forced on me, and I'm always trying to please everyone. So I ask you guys to please forgive me.

I want to thank all of the people who have messaged me, alerted me, or reviewed my story. You don't know how good it feels to hear from you guys. You all inspire me and push me to write more, so thank you very much for the love and support.

I really like how this chapter came put. I was a little iffy with it at first, but I liked where everything went. I hope I kept Sam in character. I'm always afraid that the person I'm writing about doesn't fit the person they were in the movie. Anyway, If you liked it, or hated it, leave comments and messages and let me know what you liked or disliked. I am very sensitive when it comes to criticism, and I tend to take things personally sometimes, so I'm not asking you to tell me that you hated the chapter. I'm asking you to tell me if you didn't like some parts of it, and if not, explain why. That's all I ask.

Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this one. I am working on the next chapter, and the movie storyline will begin from there. You guys should expect that by New Years or early January.

For now, Tata.
