
I do not own anything but Adrianna and an assorted cast of characters invented for the sake of my own plot, which I own as well. This will be my © 2009 copyright on everything that I own. Transformers belongs to Hasbro toy line, Stephen Spielberg and Michael Bay.

The loud screeching of the alarm clock that sat atop my bedside table awoke me from my peaceful slumber. Groaning, I turned onto my side and tapped the button that shut off the alarm. Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I looked at the clock to see it read 6:01. Deciding that it was time to get up, I sat up on the bed and let my legs dangle from the edge. Running a hand through my tangled locks, I let out a sigh before grabbing my towel and heading to my bathroom.

Locking the door, I slipped out of my PJs and stepped into the shower. After washing my hair and everything else, I wrapped a towel around my body and one around my hair. As I brushed my teeth, I could hear my Mom scurrying about downstairs, fixing breakfast. A small laugh escaped my lips upon hearing the clutter of pots and pans hitting the ground. She was an excellent cook, but very clumsy.

After I was done, I ran my blow dryer through my hair until it was dry. I then took out the curling iron and fixed my hair the way I liked it: loose curls.

Finished with that, I looked for a nice, comfortable outfit to wear. Seeing as how it was already 78 degrees, I picked out a pair of white Capris and a light blue checkered blouse. I found a pair of blue flats that would go well, so I grabbed those before descending down the stairs, into the kitchen.

"Good morning, honey," my Mom greeted me. She seemed really perky as she scrambled the eggs that were cooking on the stove.

"Why so cheery this morning?" I asked, gesturing to her unusual giddiness.

"No reason. Just woke up in a good mood."

"Mom, no one wakes up in a good mood. Everyone in the world - no matter how much they want to deny it - wakes up in a bad mood," I explained to her, a hint of laughter in my voice.

"Why do you always have to get so technical?"

"It's in my blood," I smiled.

"I'm trying to keep a smile on for you. Hopefully, it'll make today easier for you."

"Hopefully," I said as she handed me my breakfast. "What's the name of the school again?"

"John Marshall. John Marshall High School."


"Oh come on, Hun. It won't be that bad."

"All parents say 'it won't be that bad,' when, in actuality, it will be 'that bad.'"

"Well what's the problem? Are you nervous? Scared of the kids?"

"For your first question: I'm not nervous now, but I will be once I actually get to the school. And the second question: no. I'm not scared."

"Well then there's nothing to worry about. I'm gonna go get ready," she announced, already heading up the stairs.

"You know, it would be a lot easier if you would just let me take my bike," I shouted from where I was sitting.

"You know I don't like you riding that thing."

A small laugh escaped my lips as I finished my breakfast.

When I was done, I washed up whatever dishes there were and went back up to my room to finish getting ready.

Grabbing my single strap bag, I packed my notebooks inside, then added my cell phone, iPod, wallet and keys. Walking over to the mirror, I applied some eye liner, mascara and gray eye shadow to my face. Finishing with a little lip gloss, I grabbed my bag and walked back downstairs to see my Mom waiting patiently at the door.

"Ready to go?" she asked.

"Do I have a choice?" I asked with a smile. I walked out before her, pausing while she locked the door, then walking with her to the car.

We stopped in front of the school. The name John Marshall could be read as you walked up the stairs that led inside the school.

"Okay, I'll be out of work by 2:30 so that I can pick you up, then I'll probably have to leave for work again," my Mom explained.

"Okay." She looked at me for a while before giving me a small hug and a pat on the back.

"Have a good day," she said with a smile.

"I'll try. I promise." She gave me one last kiss on the cheek before I got out of the car. I watched as she drove down the street, out of eyesight.

That's when the nervousness kicked in.

I turned around and faced the steps of the school before walking up the stairs. As I got inside, I didn't see many people. Seeing as how it was only a little after seven, not a lot of people showed up yet.

I walked until I got to the office. I walked in and saw a lady sitting behind the desk. She was a thin, dangly woman with blond hair and brown eyes. Upon seeing my enter, her face lit up in excitement.

"Hello. What can I do for you sweetheart?" she asked with a genuine smile.

"Hi. I'm new here and I'm supposed to get my schedule."

"Oh yes. Adrianna Nadal?" she asked, even though it sounded like more of a confirmation than an actual question.

I nodded and waited patiently while she left her desk and made her way towards me, a few papers in hand.

"Okay, this is your schedule, your home room number and your locker number," she stated, handing me a sheet of paper. "This paper needs to me signed by all your teachers to confirm that you've been in class."


"You should have all of your books by the end of the day. Hand me this paper before you leave, and... Welcome to John Marshall!" she finished.

I couldn't help but chuckle at her excitement. "Thank you," I replied with a smile before exiting the office.

'Okay, Locker number 34,' I thought as I scanned the beige colored halls for my locker. I found it with ease, right between the bathroom and one of the classrooms.

After storing a few notebooks in there, I proceeded on to find my home room. That was easy to find as well, since the first number of each room indicated what floor the room was on. For me, my home room was room 207.

I walked inside, being one of the only few people already in the class, and was instantly greeted by the teacher.

"Ah, you must be the new student. Ms. Nadal, is it?"


"Well, I'm Mr. Craston. I'll be your home room teacher, and, if I'm not mistaken, your US History teacher."

"Yeah," I answered, glancing down at the schedule in my hands, "yeah, that's about right."

"And I believe I have to sign some paper?"

"Yes," I replied, handing him the signature sheet. He signed both the HR teacher line and the US History teacher line.

"Here you go. Just make sure you get the rest of your teachers to fill that out, and... that's about it. Welcome to John Marshall High," he ended triumphantly.

"Thank you," I smiled before taking a seat in the back of the classroom.

I listened to my iPod until the bell for home room rang through the halls. By that time, everyone was already in the room, and none glances and whispers that came my way escaped me. They all saw me now, and they were all wondering, 'Who the heck is that?'

"Alright everyone, listen up!" Mr. Craston announced. Everyone, including myself, looked up to listen to whatever he was about to say.

"Alright, as all of you must already know, we have a new student joining our school today."

Oh No.

"Her name is Adrianna Nadal. She's in the back right there." At that statement, they all turned around and looked at be. I instantly looked down, pulling some loose hair out of my face. Once Mr. Craston continued speaking, all eyes were off me again, and I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding in.

"Now, I want you all to be respectful and make her feel welcome here. Understand?"

They all said "Yes sir" in unison, rather unenthusiastically. They were either uninterested, or they just didn't care.

'Oh, this is gonna be a long day.'

"Did you get a glimpse of the new girl? Damn!"

"Where the hell did she come from?"

"She is smokin' hot!"

"Parading in here like she owns the school!"

"I'd like to get with her!"

"And the guys won't stop looking at her!"

"Hell yeah!"

Those were only few of the comments that I heard all day. I was thrilled to hear the last bell of the day ring. This was just too much to take in one day.

Just one day, and most of the girls didn't like me (and mind you, I barely said a word to any of them), and all of the guys wanted to get with me. I practically ran out the class upon hearing the final bell of the day ring. I was dying to get home.

While I was grabbing whatever I needed from my locker, I heard someone come up behind me. Turning around, I came face-to-face with one of the guys who were in a few of my classes. I let my eyes roam, examining him.

Tall, very built, blond hair hidden behind a dark blue cap, green eyes. From his appearance, I could already sense the smug personality he had.

"You're the new girl, Adrianna, right?" he spoke first. I simply nodded, so he continued.

"I'm Trent. I was wondering if you wanted to get something to eat? Gimme a chance to get to know you better."

I waited a couple of seconds before answering. I didn't want to be mean, but I wasn't gonna say yes."

"Umm... I don't think that would be a good idea. I'm assuming you're a jock, right? On the football team?"

"That's right. Quarter back," he smirked.

"Well, you're very attractive, I'm not gonna lie." This only made him smile more.

"But, seeing as how you're the star quarter back, I would think that you already have a girl. Probably not a permanent girlfriend, but a girl. And quite frankly, I'm not about to get into the middle of that," I finished, closing my locker shut.

"Besides, I'm not interested anyway." With that, I left him staring at my retreating figure as I exited the building.

I waited in front of the school, leaning on the metal gate and listening to my iPod.

It only took a couple of minutes before Mom drove up in her car. I quickly got in the passenger's seat, slamming the door shut.

"So... I'm guessing you had a bad day?" she asked as she began driving away.

"Mommy, you should have heard some of these people. The things that they say about people who they don't even know. It's unbelievable."

"I'm sorry, honey. Hopefully tomorrow will better."

"After today, I've pretty much given up on hope, Mom."

Author's Note: Okay, I'm feeling very accomplished today. Despite the fact that I have a fever and should be in bed, I was able to get this chapter out. Seeing as how Shia LaBeouf's birthday is June 11, and my finals start that day, I wanted to get it out now.

Sorry there was no Sam in here, but I promise he'll be in the next one. And if you're still here, Thanks for reading!

