Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any of the other characters in this story. Rick Riordan, on the other hand, does. I most certainly do not own the Greek gods, and I hopefully don't own this fanfic. Aw, crap, I do! Well, here goes nothing!

PS: This is my first story, and my first lemon. Please do not read and/or flame if you don't enjoy that sort of thing.

Chapter 1

Percy's POV

I. Am. BORED! Ever since we finished Kronos, things have gotten pretty boring, as in nothing-to-do-all-day-besides-train-and-train boring. Don't get me wrong, it's really fun, but when you have nothing else to do, it can get to you. Especially when you have ADHD.

My first class. Archery. I'm horrible at it. Seriously. So far, instead of getting bulls-eyes, all I've been good at getting is Centaur-eyes. And Chiron wasn't very happy about it. Any of the 3 times.

Anyway, I manage to get one single Bulls-eye with my arrows, and then I go off to swordfighting.

Now, I'm great at swordfighting. Just ask someone who has (a.) seen me fight, or (b.) fought against me. You might not find too many people in the second category, though, because not many survive.

After I disarm Conner Stoll, cream Clarisse, and get tackled by Mrs. O'Leary (who knew that dogs, even hellhounds, could slobber that much?), I get to go and do whatever until the campfire. I think you can guess who I met up with outside the Athena cabin. "Hey, seaweed brain." Annabeth, my new girlfriend.

"Hey, Annabeth. Why do you keep calling me that, anyway?"

"What, you don't like the nickname?" She teased.

"Well, not really..."

"Tough!" She gestured towards the lake. "Wanna go for a swim?"

I replied, "Sure!" and she ran off to change into her bathing suit. I just sat there, waiting, and I suddenly felt urges to go and peek in on her while she changes. She wouldn't ever know. I could just picture her sitting there, sexy, shirtless — Wait, what!? Since when do I think of her like that? Still, she was so sexy... No way. There is no way I'm doing that. Stupid hormones, I thought. Still, the thought stayed.

Annabeth's POV

I hurriedly changed into my bathing suit, already feeling happy about a jump in the lake. I daydreamed about Percy a little while I changed. I'm so lucky to have him. Sweet, funny, sexy... Wait, where did that come from!? Gah, stupid hormones. I then realized just how much I wanted him. Well, might as well have some fun to get my mind off him...

Percy's POV

"Boo!!!" Annabeth's voice came out of nowhere, making me jump five feet in the air. She was suddenly there, taking off her invisibility cap, laughing so hard she was crying. "I can't believe you fell for that!"

I felt like punching her, but she was my girlfriend. What does a guy do at a time like this? Oh, here's an idea!

All of a sudden, Annabeth got soaked. Nice, wet, cold lake water. Luckily (for me), she was already in her bathing suit. I noticed that she looked really sexy – wait, why is this happening all of a sudden? Aphrodite, I cursed inside. When she said she would make things difficult, she wasn't kidding!

I then realized that I had a huge, unexplainable boner. Crap. I began praying Annabeth wouldn't notice.

We were in the lake soon afterwards, after she gave me an earful about not soaking somebody for no reason. I noticed her graceful swimming as I dove underneath and touched bottom. She was so hot...

Annabeth's POV

I soon jumped in, after giving his backside a strong, hard kick. I went in first, and Percy's water powers gave me a continuous supply of air. After he dove in, I noticed a slight bulge in his pants... Oh, gods. When I scared him, was it possible that he was daydreaming about me... !?