As promised! Here is the final chapter of Crimson Delight!

I'm so sorry that it took this long to finish it, but at least I kept my promise and brought you the update on time! (:

I love you guys!

All of you readers who stuck with me all of these years, wow, you guys are just so awesome.

Thank you. Seriously.

I really hope you guys enjoy this chapter.

I do not own KHR.

Two Weeks Later

Tsuna stood at the gates of the school, peering casually at the large building. His body was consumed by a dull ache, a slight throb if you will, from the remainder of his injuries. The bruises have begun to fade, the cuts and gashes have begun to heal and his broken ribs were in the process of mending themselves. Although he was given plenty of pain medication to keep away the any hint of discomfort, he preferred to only take them at home. Why take them at school? He had to be alert. He didn't want to be punished by the Discipline Committee.

The Discipline Committee.

Hibari Kyouya.

A light exhale slipped between soft, plump lips. Where would he be with the aloof male now?

Would life go on as if nothing were said? Would he be punished for taking so long to heal enough to return to school? Would they be together now? Would they hold hands and kiss whenever he wanted? Would they walk home together and eat lunch together in the Reception Room?

Another soft sigh.

He wouldn't get too excited. After all, it wasn't every day the mysterious Cloud confessed feelings for you now was it?

Taking careful, timid steps, the brunette began to make his way up to his classroom. He had to be careful not to exert himself too much yet. Although his wounds had begun to heal, they weren't actually done healing yet.

He opened the door to the classroom, low murmurs dying out and all heads turning to glance at him before going back to what they were doing.

Ah, I see. They still couldn't even be bothered to care in the least what happened.

Tsuna shook his head gently, a sad smile playing upon his lips. He wouldn't let it bother him too bad, they weren't worth it.

The quiet voices of the students had him a bit puzzled. The teacher wasn't in the room yet, so normally it would be a loud roar of excitement and conversation. He shrugged, propping his head on his hand and gazing out the window.

Even though Yamamoto and Gokudera had come back for his recovery, Reborn had them shipped right back to Italy again the moment he learned Tsuna was returning to school.

'As a mafia boss, you need to learn how to get along with out all of your guardians always around you. Honestly dame-Tsuna, how stupid can you get?' He frowned to himself, remembering Reborn's reply to his asking why they couldn't stay.

He knew he couldn't always rely on them. He knew that one day it might be he who their lives could depend on, and that still scared him. What if he messed up?

The slide of a door, the hush felling his fellow classmates, the short clacks of the teacher's shoes crossing the room before saying which textbook to open and grabbing a piece of chalk.

Tsuna paid the teacher no mind, absentmindedly gazing out of the window and looking at the sky.

It was weird, for as long as he can remember, he's loved to look at the sky. He loves to see the clouds lazily rolling across the vast expanse of blue. The bright, yellow sun steadily climbing high into the sky before making its descent beyond the horizon. The dark storm clouds rolling in, rumbling and bringing quick winds with them, but also bringing rain. Crisp, calming rain. And sometimes, even thunder. Loud, rambunctious thunder. And other times, he couldn't see anything because the dense mist would roll in, the entire school yard looking like some perfect setting for a zombie invasion to take place.

He could hear the teacher droning on and on, the sharp staccato of the chalk hitting the board as he hurriedly wrote sloppy words for the students to write in their own notebooks.

Another sigh.

I wonder what Hibari-san is doing right now…

He let his eyes focus on the lone cloud in the sky, watching it roll along at an easy pace. The prefect was probably busy patrolling the school and disciplining those who made the mistake of trying to cut class or sneak out of the building.

The slide of a door, the click as it meets the other side of the frame. Soft footsteps across the room, the slight crinkle of paper being unfolded.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi, you're being summoned to the Reception room." Came the voice of the teacher, finally breaking through the thoughts running rampant in his head.

He lifted his gaze to the front of the room, where Hibari's vice president of the Disciplinary Committee stood towering over the teacher. He nodded, the surprise quickly overtaking his façade before he ever had the chance to cover it up. He stood, gathering his books in his hands and slinging his backpack sloppily over one shoulder before making his way to the front of the classroom.

Once he was within a few feet, the large male gestured for him to follow and began to make his way out of the classroom and down the hall. He struggled to keep up with his large steps, having to take two just to keep up with his one.

They made their way silently to their destination, large caramel orbs peeking up to see if he could detect any trace of worry or apprehension on the other's face. He couldn't, which comforted him slightly as they finally arrived to their destination.

The click of a door being opened, the slight breeze of said door cutting through the air and allowing him to enter the cool room.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi." That low, deep voice cut right through his wandering mind and grounded him right to his spot as it sent a jolt of heat straight into his stomach, which in turn caused said heat to bounce up to his cheeks. "Kusakabe, you may now continue your patrol now."

"Yes, Kyou-san."

A light push on his back, the soft click of the door being closed.

Icy blue met with honey brown, both gazes locked with one another as neither of them made any attempt to move.

Kyouya sat behind his desk, both elbows propped up on the wooden surface with his fingers laced together and hiding his mouth from view.

"Sit, herbivore." A pale hand gestured to the couch in the room.

Tsuna nodded, silently obeying his order, wondering why he was called up here if he was just going to be told to sit down any way. He placed his books on the table and his bag just to the side of the couch before sinking into the plush cushions. A grateful sigh left his lips, his still-healing body appreciating the comfort of the couch over the hard seats in the classroom any day.

His appreciation was cut short as his eyes went wide at the sight of the Skylark plopping down beside him and laying his head in his lap.

"H-Hibari-san! What are you d-doing?"

"Lay still and be quiet, herbivore. Do not wake me up." Came the quiet reply to his question.

He watched as those gorgeous blue eyes slid to a close. He remained quiet and unmoving, still not quite certain as to why he was sitting in the Reception Room with the head of the Disciplinary Committee in his lap.

He decided not to question it too much. He was happy he wasn't being ignored or pushed away.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips and he gazed affectionately down at the prefect. He admired the slope of his neck, the arch of his lips, the straight line of his nose, the high rise of his cheeks. The male before him was so devastatingly attractive, he honestly wasn't quite sure what to do with him He wanted to lean down and press a kiss to those inviting lips. He wanted to run his fingers through those ebony locks to see if they were just as silky as he remembered. He wanted to stroke the backs of his knuckles along those pale cheeks, just to see if they were a satiny as they appeared.

He pulled his lower lip between his teeth, worrying it lightly before deciding that he would take the risk of touching his hair. That wouldn't be too bad, would it? Just one touch.

He pick up his hand, letting it fall ever-so-lightly against the top of his head, genty stroking over the soft strands. When the male in his lap made no move, he became bolder, threading his fingers through the dark hair and enjoying the way it felt between his fingers. He idly continued running his fingers through the prefect's hair, the soft smile still in place.

He paused, however, the smile quickly fading and crimson heat flooding his cheeks, when he noticed the icy grey staring up at him. His hand stilled instantly, dread running through his veins.

I woke him up…

Was the only worried thought running through his mind at the time.

That is, until the head beneath his stilled fingers gave an impatient push against them and the eyes once again slid to a close.

"Did I tell you to stop, Sawada Tsunayoshi?"

Surprise lit his face, causing the blush to flare up ten times darker as he continued to play with the raven's hair.

So soft…

One Week Later

Every day was the same thing. He would come to school, go to class, and sit there for about an hour before he was called out to the Reception Room. While most other students would have been crying and probably wetting their pants, (he was one of them, once upon a time) Tsuna was excited to get to the room. Although they never did much talking, they did sit on the couch every day, Hibari's head in his lap, his fingers absently stroking through his hair. Instead of choosing to nap elsewhere in his favorite spots, the prefect had been opting to nap in the herbivore's lap.

Neither of them minded the limited words passing between them, they were both finally happy to be within the other's presence and not have to worry about consequences or punishments from outside parties.

Belphegor had been severely punished by the Ninth boss, the entire Varia beyond angry that the insane Prince had the nerve to assault the next boss the way he did. Although, they were angrier because of the punishment brought down on them by the current boss than the fact that it actually happened, especially Xanxus. He thought it was hilarious that Tsuna had been beaten within an inch of his life and called him pathetic trash. While it was a convincing argument that the brunette wasn't fit for the position of boss, he was still being punished for his treason against the ninth in using his body to fuel Gola Mosca and now Belphegor was being punished for his treason against the soon-to-be boss.

Content caramel orbs gazed affectionately down to the sleeping carnivore in his lap.

This is how it should have been from the beginning.

As steel hues slid open to catch his gaze, he could honestly say he was thoroughly surprised when a toned arm reached up to catch him behind his neck and pull him down to press their lips together in a sweet, yet chaste kiss.

Jumping in shock as a heavy blush filled his cheeks, Tsuna's mouth hung open before he was finally able to get his thoughts together.

"Wh-What are you doing, Hibari-san?"

"It's obvious." Came the steady reply, icy steel locked with molten honey. When it was obvious the brunette still didn't understand, he continued. "I'm kissing my herbivore."

"Y-Yours?" His! He called me his! Excitement coursed through his very being.

"You're not getting away from me again."

Caramel orbs widened as his blush had deepened exponentially. He would never admit how happy that statement made him.

His. He guessed that now his dreams were true, they were finally together. Finally an item. Finally exclusive. Just the two of them. No one else would get in the way.

After everything that had happened, Tsuna couldn't think of a better way for things to turn out.

After all they had been through, this change of pace and comfort between them was very refreshing. There was nothing to worry about now. It was just the two of them left together to find happiness in ways that only real couples can, and with the way love bloomed in Tsuna's chest at the thought of belonging only to Hibari, he wouldn't have even wanted it to end any other way.

A bright smile stretched across his face.

"I wouldn't even think of it, Hibari-san."


:3 So...

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