The light pounding of footsteps could be heard as several unwanted republicans snuck around in a separatist base. Ahsoka Tano pressed her back to a wall as a group of battle droids made their rounds. She, her master, and master Kenobi had been 'invited' by Ventress, more or less. "Ready, snips?" Anakin asked his padawan with a smile. Ahsoka nodded her agreement and the two sprung from their hiding place. Sensing no trouble the two moved forward, giving the all clear to master Kenobi. The winding corridor they were currently in, outlet into a dead end. The three Jedi looked around cautiously, a heavy door suddenly slid shut behind them. "A trap!" Ahsoka exclaimed in surprise. "It would seem so." Kenobi said putting away his light saber and talking a few steps forward.

"Hello, Kenobi." Ventress hissed dropping from the ceiling. She rose up slowly a very imposing figure, if you didn't know better. Anakin and Ahsoka immediately ignited their lightsabers, but were stunned when a thick red tail whipped them out of their hands. "Good work, pet." Ventress said, as the owner of the tail agilely went to stand besides her. The boy, if it was a boy, was human shaped with lizard like qualities. His eyes were yellow, wide set and almond shaped. His tail was much longer than his legs but shorter than his body, he had to curl it up and out of the way. His curly white hair nestled itself neatly in between two ram like horns on each side of his head. His red skin was dark and blended itself with the shadows easily. In short he was your perfect description of a demon.

"Now, kill him." Ventress said, pointing at Kenobi. The boy was fast and appeared in front of Kenobi in no time. With little time to waste, Obi wan ducked the boy's high kick. The boy recovered quickly and used his tail like a whip trying to hit Kenobi in the face. Anakin and Ahsoka used the force to recover their light sabers, while Ventress and the boy were distracted. Ventress smirked and attacked the two, her twin light sabers a streak of red as she moved. "Anakin!" Obi wan shouted as the boy pinned him against the wall. The boy's tail moved with malicious intent, curling back and forth slowly in a wave like pattern. The boy leaned forward to whisper into Obi wan's ear, Obi wan flinched away slightly. "Take me as a prisoner, and I can get you out of here." The boy said, surprisingly calm. Obi wan considered his offer for a moment before nodding uncertainly. It was a crazy idea that just might work, after all Kenobi couldn't detect the dark side in this youngling.

He was surprised to find the boy immediately backing away, feigning being hit in the gut. Obi wan was even more surprised to see the boy wink a large yellow eye and turn his attention to the ceiling. The structure of the room had begun to collapse in on itself, a not so rare occurrence for these Jedi. Ventress looked around in terror before beating a hasty retreat, leaving her 'pet' behind. "Let's go!" The boy shouted, motioning to the door they had first come through, which was now open, further adding to Obi wan's surprise, and a little to his suspect, but the boy still was not with the dark side. Without a second thought the Jedi followed the boy out of the collapsing building. Slowing their pace the small group watched the building collapse inwardly into a giant pile of rubble. Kenobi cuffed the boy quickly, and made sure to stay away from his dangerous tail. "I did tell you to take me prisoner." The boy said glumly, hiding a slight smile behind his gloomy façade.

Anakin had been left in charge of the boy much to his, and the boy's, displeasure. "I don't like prisoners." Ahsoka mumbled angrily. She was prodded harshly in the side by the boy's powerful tail. "This 'Prisoner' doesn't like prisoners either, and he has a name." The boy said, bringing his tail back to himself. "Really? I didn't ask for it." Ahsoka said smartly. "To bad, 'cause you're going to get it anyways. My name is Kuai." He told her, sticking out a small black tongue to mock her. Ahsoka frowned and grabbed Kuai's tail as it gently waved towards her again. Giving it a small tug, she smirked. Kuai yelped and withdrew his tongue and tail, curling his tail against his body he whimpered. "Baby." Ahsoka said turning away from him. "Snips, that's not a way to treat our prisoner." Anakin said. "He deserves it." Ahsoka defended. "No I don't!" Kuai yelled. He was turning out to be a lot less intimidating than he originally appeared.

"You are the weirdest being I've ever met!" Ahsoka said in exasperation. She screamed as Kuai's whip like tail thudded heavily across the back of her legs. "And you're CRAZY!" she shouted, quickly grabbing for his tail again. Kuai pulled his tail out of the way and scowled at her. "Maybe I wouldn't be so mean if you where nicer to me! I don't mean any ill intent…" Kuai began before Ahsoka cut him off. "No ill intent? You're a separatist, you're the bad guy." She told him. "From my point of view you, my friend, are the bad guy." Kuai said, wagging his tail underneath Ahsoka's nose. She scowled and snagged his tail quickly. "I'm getting really tired of this thing." She said tightening her grip. Kuai snorted and lifted her off the ground with his tail. "Good luck trying to tie it down." He said, setting her back on the ground in one smooth motion.

"That is interesting." Anakin muttered, watching the two's interaction. "Master Jedi… is this the part where you put me in a cell?" Kuai asked, curling his tail around himself in insecurity. "Actually, I have a better idea." Anakin said with a smirk. Ahsoka backed up slowly. "I don't like that look master." She said waving her hands in front of her face, creating a visual barrier. "Of course you do, Snips, he's your new roomy!" Anakin said with a bright smile. "NO!" Ahsoka and Kuai screamed simultaneously. "Be good, and keep Kuai in your sights at all times. Bye now." Anakin said, quickly removing Kuai's handcuffs and disappearing.

"That did not just happen." Ahsoka said angrily. "So, this is a bad time to ask if your name's really Snips?" Kuai asked with a smirk. Ahsoka slapped him in the back of the head, and turned away from him with a 'humph'. "Hey, that actually hurts, you know?!" Kuai shouted. "Yeah, that's why I did it and my name is Ahsoka!" She said. "Right, how about we stop all this hitting each other?" Kuai asked holding the back of his head. "How about not?" Ahsoka asked, igniting her light saber. "Fine by me." Kuai said, sliding him self into a fighting stance. Ahsoka swung at him but Kuai dodged nimbly. "What if you actually hit me!?" Kuai screamed ducking another swing from Ahsoka. "Then you'd be dead." She mocked. "I don't like this game." Kuai said as Ahsoka's lightsaber lightly grazed his skin. Kuai aimed a punch at Ahsoka's stomach and was not surprised when she dodged. She didn't get far before Kuai's tail connected with her side. "I take it back, I love this game." Kuai said, warping Ahsoka up in his tail.

"What the hell?" someone questioned off to the side. Ahsoka and Kuai turned to look at Rex. Rex stared at them from the doorway wondering if he should shoot Kuai, or turn and leave. "Hi Rex, it's not what it looks like… we where, uh, playing a game and it got a little out of hand." Ahsoka quickly explained as she watched Rex's hand twitch towards his blaster. "Er, right. Commander, isn't he the prisoner?" Rex asked, it was a bit, how you say, awkward to find one of your commanding officers wrapped up in a charge, in the literal sense. "Yeah." Kuai said, releasing Ahsoka in a hurry. Ahsoka stumbled away and smiled bashfully at the two of them. "Well Sky guy decided it would be wonderful if I roomed with the prisoner. I didn't like the idea but now I'm stuck with it, or…" Ahsoka said mischievously looking at Rex. He tensed and looked back and forth between her and Kuai. "Rexy?" Ahsoka asked coyly. "Ma'am?" Rex asked curiously, he didn't like where this was going one bit. "You don't mind taking Kuai, do you?" Ahsoka asked pouting cutely. Rex seized up, he couldn't say no to her, could he? As a clone of course he couldn't say no to her, but as a person… he still couldn't say no to her. "With all due respect, Ma'am, I 'aint watching the kid." Rex said, he felt guilty as soon as Ahsoka face fell from dejection. "But I will ask Commander Cody if he can room with us in the barracks." He added, just to see her smile. Sure enough it worked, Ahsoka beamed brightly. "Thanks Rex!" Ahsoka said cheerily.

Waving to Rex, Ahsoka grabbed Kuai's tail and pulled a yelping Kuai out of the room behind her. Rex sighed, and shook his head. "What have I gotten my self into?" Rex asked to no one before leaving the room himself. Down the hall Kuai violently ripped his tail away from Ahsoka's grasp. "What was that?! Trying to pawn me off to you boyfriend or something!?" Kuai asked angrily. "He's not my boyfriend!" Ahsoka shouted defensively. "Oh, but you like him." Kuai teased. Ahsoka tackled him to the ground; Kuai's thick tail wrapped around her waist and pulled her off. "You wanna go!?" Kuai yelled. "Let's." Ahsoka said angrily. Kuai tackled her and the two fought while rolling around on the ground. The sound of someone clearing their throat made the two look up. Smiling down at them with amusement was Obi wan, Anakin, Cody, and Rex. "Are you sure you want us to take Kuai from you?" Anakin asked, earning a snort of protest from Rex. "Yes!" Ahsoka screamed, using the force to quickly jump away from Kuai. Kuai skillfully rolled to his feet and swept his tail quickly in small arc.

"I leave you alone for the briefest moments, Snips, and you get in trouble." Anakin said with a chuckle. "That reminds me of another padawan I once knew." Obi wan said, eyeing Anakin carefully. "Kuai is a hard person to get along with." Ahsoka huffed. "Yeah, about as hard to get along with as you." Kuai said, equally as peeved. "See? He always wants to start a fight." Ahsoka pointed out. "What! I'm pretty sure you tackled me on that last one." Kuai said, rounding on her with his fists clenched. "You were teasing me!" Ahsoka defended, preparing her self to fight too. "Um…" Anakin tried to intervene, unsuccessfully. "You just don't want to admit that you lo—" Kuai started, pointing at a very confused Rex, before he was tackled by Ahsoka again. "Shut up!" she roared. "Never!" Kuai yelled back. Obi wan separated them with the force before they could properly start to fight again. "Oh my, Anakin?" Obi wan asked, looking at his ex-padawan's guilty smile. "What possessed you to put these two together?" He asked. "I thought that this was an opportunity for Ahsoka to, um, branch out and see another opinion of the war." Anakin tried lamely. "Nice one, general." Rex said chuckling to himself at Anakin's failed attempt. "Rex?" Anakin said. "Yes sir?" "Shut up." "Yes sir." Rex said, finishing their disyllable conversation.

"Cody?" Obi wan asked his commanding clone. "Sir?" Cody asked back, standing at attention. "Can you take, Kuai was it?" Obi wan asked. Still hanging in the air Kuai nodded, carefully curling his tail up and out of the way. "Take Kuai to the room then bring him back to Ahsoka, they seem to have a lot to talk about." Obi wan said, setting Kuai on the ground. Cody motioned for Kuai to follow him, and waited patiently while Kuai wobbly tried to regain his center of gravity. "Come on kid I don't have all day." Cody said, sounding a whole lot like Rex, before turning around and walking away. Kuai followed along until he was well down the hall. Turning abruptly, Kuai flicked his tail playfully. "You're in love!" he shouted, right before he was hit upside the head with a flying crate, angrily thrown by an agitated Ahsoka. "There's more were that came from!" Ahsoka shouted. "You just don't want to admit it! UWAUGH!" Kuai screamed, ducking around the corner as Ahsoka threw another crate at him.

The small company of males stared in shock at the fuming girl. "Well, today is turning out to be a very, um, exciting day." Anakin said awkwardly, scratching the back of his head. "I'll say." Obi wan added in, smiling to himself. "We should've killed him when we had the chance." Ahsoka mumbled before storming off. "I think that went well." Anakin said watching his padawan walk away. Obi wan shook his head and left the scene in amusement. "What have I done?" Anakin asked Rex, who shrugged in turn.

Yay! I'm done! I apologize if the termonology is a little off, this is the first Starwars Fic i've done... EVER!! So be lenient and cut me some slack.
