I'm back Everyone to give you another exciting chapter of Millennia Daughter.
Shiri turned to her opponent, her duel disk activating.
"I accept now lets duel!"
Mei drew her hand and Shiri drew hers. Shiri made the first move. "I'll play Obnoxious Celtic guardian in attack mode and end my turn with a face down."
Mei watched her opponents move and frowned. "I'll play Kung fu-nyan nyan in attack mode. Now my nyan nyan attack her Celtic Guardian!"
The kung-fu artist's monster destroyed Shiri's Celtic guardian, sending her life points spiraling down to 2600. Shiri gasped like she was afraid.
"No..my Celtic guardian."
We believe in you honey. Prove to your opponents that your deck is your guide.
Shiri looked down at her hand. Her favorite monster caught her eye. It could even help her summon an even more powerful monster. She smiled.
"My move. I summon Berfomet (1400/1800) in attack mode. This card allows me to automatically summon Gazelle King of mythical beasts(1500/2100). Now I'll fuse them with polymerization to create Chimera the flying Mythical beast!"
Shiri smiled a mischievous smile. She was doing so well. The trap she had set was perfect but she doubted it would completely work. She had to wait it out and see how it went. Mei drew a card.
"I'll play Master Kyonshee in defense mode. I'll sacrifice them both in order to summon my Dragon Lady(2500/2100) in attack mode."
Rune watched as Shiri frowned at Mei's words. She knew that Mei was up to something but she wouldn't say anything. Shiri had to find out herself.
"Now Dragon Lady, attack her Chimera!"
Shiri braced herself. "Reveal Face down: mirror force!"
Her attack was redirected back at her, taking 2500 life points. Mei frowned while Shiri rejoiced. She'd actually been able to do something right. Rune and Ijiri smiled.
"I'll play my Kunnoichi Dragon Warrior(1900/1300) in attack mode and I'll use the Spell Card Flying Dragon Whirl to send four dragon-type monsters from my deck to the graveyard. Now my warrior gains 300 attack points per dragon that's in the graveyard, bringing her to 3100. Now wipe that beast off the face of the earth!"
Shiri watched in horror as her Favorite monster was demolished. She shook her head as she looked at her hand. Her life points had dropped to 1900.
'Mystical elf, Monster reborn and Imperial Magician of Faith. What can I do with this hand….wait I know!'
"I play Mystical Elf in defense mode and I'll also use Graceful charity to draw 3 cards from my deck and discard two from my hand."
Mei rolled her eyes. "Just draw your puny cards."
Shiri laughed to herself. She'd gotten one of her favorite cards. "Your move."
-The Skies-
As soon as everyone arrived Seto arranged for one of his private jets to take them to their destination. Serenity was so excited to go on vacation for once. She couldn't help but look out the window to see the beautiful view. Tristan smiled at her. Ishizu was a little out of it. She'd been having the strangest visions. They bothered her and yet she couldn't do anything about it.
"Is something Wrong Ishizu?" Téa questioned, sitting next to her.
Ishizu seemed to snap out of her stupor. Her Sapphire eyes met with Téa'.
"I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind." she replied.
They had been flying for a while and all she could think about was her son. Something was bothering her about it and yet she didn't know why.
"Are you worried about Satori?"Téa questioned.
Ishizu nodded. "There's something strange in the air and I can't grasp it. Its foretelling of something evil but I don't want to believe it. I want to believe that everything is alright."
Téa didn't have children but she did know what she was talking about. She was worried about her niece as well as her godchild Satori. She placed a hand on top of Ishizu's.
"It'll be fine, I know it. Let's just hope for the best."
Suddenly there was a bit of turbulence before the jet began shaking violently. Téa buried her head in Yami's chest.
"What's going on?" Kaiba shouted, aiming his anger at the pilots.
One of the pilots came from the other room. "Mr. Kaiba, the Engines are failing, we don't know what happened Sir!"
"Brace yourselves everyone!" Yugi yelled.
The jet spiraled out of the sky and downwards. Everyone wondered what would happened when it finally hit land. Ishizu prayed to the Gods that no one would be harmed. There was a loud crashing noise, indicating that the jet made contact with land.
"Is everyone okay?"Kaiba questioned.
Serenity picked her head up and looked around. It was over. She sighed and looked up at Tristan who kissed her cheek.
"We're fine."
Yami looked down at Téa. Her eyes were clenched shut and she had her arms wrapped around him tightly.
"Are you okay?"he questioned.
The brown-haired woman looked up at him and lay her head against his chest, tears staining her eyes.
"I'm alright."
Mai looked down at her husband who was actually sleeping! How someone could fall asleep in the middle of all that was, she had to know. It was inhuman. She nodded at Kaiba's question before hitting her dimwit of a husband upside the head. He may have been a dimwit but he was her dimwit and she loved him.
"Just fine hon."
Rebecca took in deep breaths to calm her racing heart. She was scared out of her mind. Yugi looked down at her and she smiled.
"We're just glad to be alive." She said softly, her voice a little shaky.
Ishizu looked into her husband's azure eyes. Her prayers were answered. Thank Ra. She nodded her head in answer to his question.
"Yes. I'm fine."
Joey looked around. "Where are we?"he questioned.
"Like we know. Kaiba we should see where we are. There's no telling where we landed."Mai suggested.
Ishizu nodded. "Mai is right. We should see where we ended up."
Everyone agreed and the group ventured outside. They were on some kind of secluded island and there didn't seem to be any signs of people.
"What should we do? We don't know where we are so we can't call for help." Serenity said softly.
That was something else to think about. If they couldn't call for help they were stuck here. Seto went back onboard to call headquarters.
"This is Seto Kaiba, headquarters come in."
There was no answer.
"Headquarters, come in!"he yelled.
Still no answer. Kaiba slammed his fist against the wall. Ishizu placed her hands on his shoulders.
"Don't get upset over it. Lets explore the island and see what we can find. Okay, honey?" she said softly.
He looked down into her sapphire eyes and nodded. It was pointless to get mad over something like this. He had to keep calm in a situation like this.
"You're right. Lets go." He said before leaving.
Ishizu followed behind him and back to everyone else.
"We should just explore the island and see what we can find. There's got to be some type of civilization around here."
[Shiri and Mei's Duel]
Shiri's LP:200
Mei's LP:500
Mei laughed to herself as she could feel victory in the palm of her hand. It was only a matter of time before she claimed her star chips. Shiri looked up at her Kuriboh and Magician of faith. She drew one more card from her deck and fortunately it was the card she needed.
"I'll activate Black luster ritual to sacrifice the mystical elf and my Magician of Faith in order to bring forth Black Luster Solider!"
Rune turned her attention back to the duel, upon hearing that name. Ijiri couldn't believe it.
"That ritual card…I can't believe I'm seeing it firsthand." Ijiri said in surprise.
Mei stepped back as the almighty monster appeared on the field. She just couldn't believe it.
"This can't be…No!"
Shiri smirked. "Now Black Luster Soldier, attack her Lotus Master and end this duel!"
The almighty monster slashed the Lotus warrior, destroying it and depleting Mei's life points to zero. Rune smiled as she watched as her best friend jumped around, squealing like a fan girl. Mei walked over.
"That was an excellent duel. As promised here are the three star chips we wagered. I hope we can duel again someday."
Shiri took the chips and placed them into the slots on her dueling gauntlet. She smiled a goofy smile.
"I hope so too Mei. Maybe we'll see each other again during the tournament."
Mei nodded her head. Her red eyes gleamed brightly and her black pigtails blew in the wind.
"Of course. I'll see you around!" she said before running off.
Shiri ran up to both Rune and Ijiri, grabbing them in a crushing hug.
"I won guys, I won my first official duel!"she exclaimed happily as she let them go and bounced around happily.
Rune smiled and patted her shoulder. "I'm glad for you. You got 3 star chips already. You could probably kick my butt all around this island." She said with a smirk.
Ijiri couldn't help but laugh. "You have your perks too sis."
Shiri nodded. "I've seen you duel and you're much better than I am."
Rune turned on her heel and began to walk away. Shiri looked over at Ijiri before following her.
"Don't look now but isn't that Satori over there? Looks like he just won himself a duel." Shiri said as she folded her arms.
Satori smirked as he walked over to the person he truly despised. There was something about her that he hated deep inside. The spiky-haired freak just annoyed him.
"If it isn't Rune, don't tell me you've actually won a duel?"he teased.
Rune glared at him. "I haven't dueled in an official duel yet so no I haven't." she replied.
Satori smirked. "You are an amateur after all. I didn't expect any more from you anyway, seeing as how you despise the game."
"Are those fighting words?"she growled.
Laughing filled their ears. "Well how about you duel us?"two voices said in unison.
The four turned to see two children. They looked like middle school kids. Shiri wondered who they were.
"Both of us at the same time….Me duel with her?"Satori questioned.
They both nodded. "Both of you together. A double duel."
Rune wasn't surprised. It was only fair. She activated her duel disk. Her first official duel would be interesting. Satori folded his arms.
"I'm not about to duel beside her. I have my reputation to uphold."
The two children rolled their eyes. "Well I guess you forfeit then."
That angered Satori. "I never forfeit. On with the duel!"
The four readied themselves and Shuffled each others decks. Rune threw two of her star chips between them.
"I'll wager my two star chips."
The other three threw out their wagered amount of star chips.
The young girl and her brother decided to go first. "We play harpie lady and baby dragon in defense mode along with a face down card. Your move."
"I'll go first." Satori declared, I play rude Kaiser in defense mode and I'll place one card face down."
Rune rolled her eyes. "I'll play Ebon Magician Curran(1200/0) in attack mode. I activate Trial of the princesses which special summons my Princess Curran(2000/0). I'll also activate her special ability which inflicts 600 points of damage for each monster you have on the field. Good riddance to 1200 of your life points, leaving you with 2800."
Satori glared over at Rune. She was actually good and even inflicted damage without attacking. He wouldn't let her take all the glory next turn.
"I didn't ask you to do that Takashi!"he screamed.
Rune rolled her eyes. He was so pompous and blind to see that this was a double duel where they had to work together as a team. His ego was too big for him to think about anything else. It was sickening.
"You know what? I don't give a flying crap about what you want. If I lose my star chips because of you I'll make your life a living hell because all I've done will have been for nothing. I don't have the time to go around losing duels because of your mediocracy. What ever the cost I will won this duel."
How'd you like it. I really needed to upload something since I haven't updated most of my stories. If you are a reader of Kiara and Kovu's Pride: The lost one, Momoiro no Hana, Sesshomaru no Saisho no Ai, or Mulan:Epic Tale of a heroine queen I will be updating soon. Don't worry I just keep getting new ideas for my other stories and I'm trying to do everything at once. I apologize again and I hope you enjoyed this chapter of Millennia Daughter.