Okay, note: this is a very and I mean VERY random oneshot…and it maybe a tad bit creepy. Yeah, the title is a bit self-explanatory, and no, I don't mean intercourse unimaginable. I can't believe I'm writing this, but for the sake of this argument – my OC, Cassandra – is in her seventh year and is eighteen-years-old. Just so you all know; I'm not one of those authors that put 30-something-year-old teachers with young, teen students that aren't legal adults yet. This teacher helped her out on the first day from some harassment of a Gryffindor (Cassandra is in Hufflepuff), and they start growing a student/teacher relationship, except it goes a tad bit overboard later on in the year. Now, please DON'T EXIT OUT because I said this, I feel uncomfortable writing this, but it's just one of those ideas you have to get down because you can fit it together perfectly, to me anyway. It's actually JUST like the Tonks/Remus pairing, just the fact that Cassandra is two years younger than Tonks. I don't think it's that bad, hopefully you'll agree. So, um, here's

"The Unimaginable"

"Cassandra!" The brunette named Cassandra turned to see the blonde, Julianna, whom she called her friend. Cassandra smiled widely to flash her famous white smile as Julianna came over and hugged her. Cassandra and Julianna were probably the best of friends in Hufflepuff, and they were the most popular ones. Cassandra was a very lean, tall, straight "O" student and Prefect. Julianna was the skinny blonde who was athletic and the only girl Chaser Hufflepuff had in years. "How've you been? I haven't seen you in months."

"I know," Cassandra agreed as they linked arm-in-arm onto the Hogwarts Express. "Oh my gosh, you will not believe what happened."

"What, give me details!" Julianna said excitedly shaking her arm a bit more.

"I'm Head Girl!" Cassandra explained.

"Well, congratulations! It's about time a Hufflepuff got to be Head Girl." Julianna said happily.

"Yeah, I know, we had a Head Girl from Hufflepuff, when? First year?" Cassandra questioned.

"I don't remember that stuff Cassandra; that's for you to remember, not me." Julianna said as they stepped into the train and started walking through the hall for a compartment. "How about here?" Cassandra nodded and walked in with Julianna. They got settled in and talked about their summers, up until Cassandra had to go to the meeting in the Prefect compartments. It was shortly after the meeting that something happened.

"So anyway, Paul is this close to asking Mia out, and then–" The train suddenly and abruptly stopped while making a screeching noise pulling it to a stop. "What's going on?"

"We broke down? I don't know," Cassandra said as she stood up. She opened her door and looked around, and then the train flung its passengers back in their seats. Then lights went out. They both looked out the window and around the area. They could hear noises of the rain battering against the window, but also the distant sounds of whooshing sounds coming closer.

"Oh my God, someone's on the train." Julianna whispered nervously. The train started and stopped abruptly twice before it was now unmoving. Ice started quickly and heavily formed on the window as Cassandra neared the door again. "Cassandra!"

"Shh! They're right there," Cassandra hissed quietly. Julianna rubbed her arms together feeling cold. Cassandra felt the same except she reached into her robes and grabbed her wand and started to shiver. She quietly opened the door and peered out. They both were able to see their breath. "I'll be right back," Cassandra closed the door slowly as she looked up the hallway. About halfway down from where she was, a creature she recognized as a Dementor stood in front of one of the compartments. She moved forward slowly and aimed her wand. The Dementor now had gotten into the compartment, which made her move faster, but she was still slow. She reached the door to the compartment as a burst of white light streamed out, and the Dementor blasted out, forcing Cassandra to the ground and to loose consciousness as she heard a woman scream her name.

"Oh my gosh Cassandra, please wake up." Julianna begged. Cassandra groggily opened her eyes only to be pulled in an impulsive hug by her friend. "Oh thank Merlin, you're alright!"

"Jules, I only passed out. Not that big of a deal," Cassandra said as they broke.

"To me it was! . . . . And you missed the new professor!" Julianna exclaimed.

"I did? What was he like?" Cassandra asked rubbing her head where it hurt.

"You'll see at the feast, but he left you this."

"He left me something? Why? How?"

"You see, when I went to look for you, he was coming out of, uh, Harry Potter's compartment, and he helped me bring you back here."

"Is Harry alright?" Cassandra asked a little worriedly.

"Yeah, he was fine. He said that Harry had just passed out, like you did. But yeah, he told me to give this to you when you woke up." She rummaged in her pocket and handed her a wrapper. Cassandra raised her eyebrows at her friend as she unwrapped the wrapper. Cassandra frowned at the item in her hand and looked back up at Julianna.


"Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" Professor Dumbledore called out to the congregation of students. "Now, I would like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. First of all, welcome to Professor R. J. Lupin, who has kindly consented to fill the post of Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher." Dumbledore was quite pleased and was happy saying this as Cassandra noticed. "Good luck Professor," Professor R. J. Lupin stood up and bowed, seeming shy and quite humble about this as everyone clapped.

"He seems cool," Cassandra commented.

"Yeah, seems better than Lockhart at least," Julianna agreed as she continued to clap for him. "Hey, maybe you'll be renamed as a "favorite student" again." Cassandra glared slightly at Julianna who merely smirked. In all of their classes, Cassandra was considered a teacher's "favorite student" especially in Professor Quirrell's Defense class. But since he was discovered to be a very close ally of Lord Voldemort two years ago and died, she hadn't been called it. The only reason why she wasn't called a favorite last year was because she didn't necessarily like Professor Lockhart, and he didn't necessarily like her, even though he gave her deserved grades.

"Shut up," Julianna laughed a little, but silenced as Dumbledore continued,

"–Hogwarts, will until further noticed, play host, to the Dementors of Azkaban. Until such a time that Sirius Black is captured." Cassandra and Julianna looked at each other and continued to listen nervously as Dumbledore continued, "Dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now, I've been assured that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities; a word of caution to all. Dementors are vicious creatures; they will not distinguish the one they hunt and the one who gets in their way. I warn each and every one of you, give them no reason to harm you. It is not the nature of a Dementor to be forgiving. But – happiness can be found, even in the darkest of times." With a wave of his hand over a candle, the light went out. "If one only remembers, to turn on the light," With another wave of his hand, the flame came back.

"Can he speak in English and not riddles?" Julianna said exasperatedly. Cassandra laughed as they continued to eat. Later on, Julianna went to the common room with some of the Hufflepuffs from Quidditch, and Cassandra went off with Percy Weasley to help Prefects and students, new and old, find their way around. It wasn't until late that night that Cassandra could finally go back to the Hufflepuff dorm. She was walking down the stairs from the Hospital Wing after helping a first year student who had broken her ankle because she had gotten stuck in the invisible step.

"Hello Head Girl," Cassandra wheeled around to see Gregory Falmouth, the Gryffindor who had his heart set on her since their second year. He was one of the cutest boys of their year; there wasn't a doubt of it. He was muscles, tall, and had blonde hair, which tended to dangle in front of his eyes. He might not have been the smartest in Gryffindor because that was Percy Weasley, nor was he Quidditch captain because that was Oliver Wood, but he was the dream boy of Gryffindor. And Cassandra did nothing more but despise him.

"Falmouth, leave me alone. It's the first day back, and I don't feel like being annoyed by you." Cassandra said simply. She turned on her heel and continued down the third floor steps. "Shouldn't you be celebrating anyway in your dorm?"

"It's not much of a celebration without a particular girl there with me." Gregory called back to her while quickening his pace down the stairs. She rolled her eyes.

"Who would that be I wonder?" Cassandra angrily called back to him. "Diana?"

"Ha, you're hilarious Walker." Gregory sarcastically called to her, which made her smirk with pride. Gregory turned her around by the shoulder and pushed her slightly against the wall. "When are you going to understand Cassandra?" He was shaking her slightly by the shoulders. They gazed into each other's eyes for only a moment when Gregory slowly started to lean in. Cassandra was unsure of what do, but looked at him like he was a freak. He leaned in and kissed her, which she didn't resist to, until she realized who she was kissing and when it started to hurt. She had broken away a couple times, but he wouldn't stop.


"What's going on?" a voice came from the emptiness. Gregory quickly backed away from Cassandra at the voice because he seemed to recognize it, but to Cassandra's utter surprise, she saw Professor Lupin walking towards them.

"Great way to start off the year with the new professor; get caught being snogged by your archenemy." Cassandra thought to herself. "Just fantastic."

"Gregory, Cassandra." Professor Lupin greeted.

"Professor, I take all the blame," Gregory said. "I was just–"

"Professing love from what I saw." Professor Lupin remarked mildly. Gregory opened his mouth and closed it, looking downward. Professor Lupin smiled, "I'm not going to punish you this time, don't let me see you doing this again."

"Yes Professor," they both vowed ashamedly. Gregory walked off, but Cassandra stood there watching him go.

"How are you feeling Cassandra?" Professor Lupin asked. Cassandra was very confused; did he just ask how she was after she had just snogged Gregory Falmouth? "After your incident on the train?"

"Oh – oh, I feel much better, thank you. I guess – the chocolate helped." Cassandra answered with a smile.

"It really does, doesn't it?" Professor Lupin said returning the smile. "That's good."

"Thank you Professor," Cassandra said gratefully. Professor Lupin smiled a bit wider and bowed his head. "Have a good night,"

"You too," They both turned off in their different directions, but little did Cassandra know that Professor Lupin watched her go until she was out of his sight. He looked back up at the Gryffindor Tower, chuckled with a small smile remembering his years in that dorm, and he went up to his office.

"Hey! There she is!" Julianna exclaimed from the brown, leather couch. Cassandra smiled as she came to sit by her friend in the place she called home.

"Miss Head Girl," one of the boys from the Quidditch team named Jason commented. Cassandra smiled shyly. "How does it feel?"

"Oh just peachy," Cassandra replied as some of them laughed.

"We drink – Ahem! Fellow Hufflepuffs! Shut up and listen!" Julianna laughed realizing how weird that sounded along with a couple of other Hufflepuffs who were listening beforehand. "We drink to our last year!" Julianna proclaimed with a bottle of Butterbeer in her hand, now standing on top of the couch. They all cheered in response.

"To our best year!" Jason jeered proudly with a bottle of Butterbeer in his hand. They all once again cheered in response.

"To us!" Cassandra proclaimed taking Julianna's Butterbeer.

"To us!" Everyone resounded loudly. Julianna gave Cassandra a look, and Cassandra took a sip of her drink with a proud smile.

The Hufflepuff common room lights did not go out until one o'clock the next morning. It was nice for the first week or two of classes because Julianna and Cassandra had most of the same classes together; Advanced Potions, which they both disliked, but were good at, Advanced Transfiguration, Arithmancy, and other classes. They only classes they didn't have with each other were Defense Against the Dark Arts and Astronomy. Julianna was in a different group than Cassandra for Defense, and Julianna didn't take Astronomy, instead she took Divination. She supposedly liked making fun of Professor Trelawney while trying to "cast herself into the future" and pass that class with flying colors, someway somehow. Cassandra couldn't comprehend exactly how Julianna kept passing that class.

"You know Jules, I'm beginning to wonder whether Jason crushing on you." Cassandra said changing the subject as she took a bite of her pancake.

"Shut up Cassa!" Julianna hissed loudly. She started blushing, "You know I like him,"

"I know! I'm just saying he might like you back," Cassandra said with a smile, "the way he was staring at you last night – Oh Merlin, your hair is – ah! You put in a ponytail!"

"I was wondering when you were going to notice that." Julianna admitted quieter with a smile. "And he was staring at me last night?" Cassandra nodded. "Wait a minute, I thought he was studying – hold on, you did your hair differently too! It's down!" Cassandra rolled her eyes in response. "And . . . HOLY CRAP! You straightened it!"

"You're talking about me being slow?" Cassandra teased. "It's for him isn't?" She nodded towards Julianna's hair.

"I – yeah, it is." Julianna didn't even try to give excuses, which made Cassandra laugh.

"You'll get his eye. If you already don't that is." Cassandra encouraged with a wide smile. Julianna smiled in return, blushing a little, but her face dropped in an instant once she looked towards the Great Hall doors. "Jules?" Cassandra turned around and followed Julianna's gaze. Her face then dropped as well. Jason was walking in with one of the Ravenclaws by the name of Lucy. She was one of the prettiest girls in the whole school; she was asked by a couple wizarding magazines to be a model for lines of robes and different clothes. It was said that her hair, her eyes, her teeth, and her bubbly personality made her irresistible to any guy. Cassandra worriedly turned back to Jules who was now packing up everything into her bag. "Jules,"

"I'll see you in Arithmancy." Julianna left the Great Hall quickly. Jason had stopped talking with Lucy shortly before Julianna left, and he was able to see her leave. He then looked back at the Hufflepuff table to receive a cold glare from Cassandra before she left the Great Hall for Defense Against the Dark Arts with Professor Lupin.

"Intriguing, isn't it?" The group of seventh years looked at the bouncing wardrobe queerly. Some knew what it was; some didn't. They had learned it in their fourth year, which made it seem odd that they were going back to this subject. "I'm sure you've learned about this before, but can anyone tell me what's inside of the wardrobe?"

"That's a Boggart Professor, but you don't know what form it is because Boggarts take the form of whatever a person fears the most."

"Very good explanation Mr. Falmouth," Professor Lupin said as the wardrobe bounced again. Cassandra looked back at Gregory and sighed angrily. Why did she have to him in her class? Why not Julianna? "Today, I have decided to go back to some basics before we come to more advanced spells. I'm sure you all remember the spell to repel a Boggart? Riddikulus?" Professor Lupin asked. The class gave no response; some nodded. "Good. Because – we are going to have a bit of fun with that spell." The seventh years looked at each other. Cassandra even seemed a little taken back; did she even hear that right? "You surely all remember that in order to repel a Boggart, one needs both the spell and your imagination. This is all review for you I'm sure." At that, the class gave responses of yes. "Alright then, form a line, and turn your Boggart into something funny."

Before they formed a line, music that reminded Cassandra of a carnival, was playing loudly. Cassandra couldn't help but smile. Minutes of laughter had passed as monsters and creatures of the world whether they be animals or people, were turned into jokesters and clowns and much more different things of her classmates' imaginations. Professor Lupin was quite pleased with her class. And then Cassandra was up. She withdrew her wand with a smile, trying to regain herself after of her fellow classmates turned a python into a large monkey with banging thimbles. Once she examined the Boggart for minute, memories started to come back to her. Before she knew it, the tall, built man that haunted her dreams appeared in front of her. He had aimed his wand for her, but she was paralyzed. She couldn't move. She felt claustrophobic, which never happened, and she could only hear this man's cackling laugh, resounding loudly in her ears. The man's wand slowly started to gain light at its tip. Then the man turned into a Dementor that was soaring at her quickly. She felt someone pull her back, and someone stepped in front of her. But she was too weak and fell down staring at the person who had pushed her. Her eyes slightly widened when she Gregory standing there. But he was focused on his Boggart; he looked horrified and frightened at the same time. As Cassandra turned a bit to see his Boggart, she felt stomach sick. She saw herself standing there, looking around. But then there was a flash of green light, and as if it was happening slow motion, which was how she felt her world was moving, she started to fall to the ground. Gregory said the incantation quickly and loudly as Cassandra disappeared and a different woman blew up into a ball and started bouncing uncontrollably, which made the class laugh loudly.

That was all the Cassandra could remember.

"Hey Cassa, do you get Ancient Runes homework, at all?" Julianna asked Cassandra one day during their break. Cassandra looked up at her friend with a small smile.

"I'll explain it to you once I finish my Astronomy homework." Cassandra said flipping through the pages of her Astronomy book. "I should be done in five minutes,"

"Alright, it's just because I can't find this symbol in my book. It's like it doesn't even exist!" Julianna exclaimed flipping through the pages of her Magical Hieroglyphs and Logograms.

"He's been sighted!" Cassandra turned around to the Gryffindor table to see a group of third years with the Daily Prophet.


"Sirius Black!" Julianna and Cassandra gave each other looks.

"Dufftown! That's not far from here,"

"You don't think he'll come to Hogwarts. Do you?"

"I think that's what I'm going to be wondering." Julianna said so that only Cassandra would hear. "Not matter what type of creature is guarding our school."

"Yeah, and Harry Potter better watch out for himself. Because if Sirius Black does get into this school, he will be after that boy and Merlin knows who or what else." Cassandra agreed seriously. She went back to her work, but Julianna examined Cassandra for a minute. Cassandra looked back up at her friend, who was now closely examining her face. "What?"

"You look tired. How much sleep did you get last night?" Julianna asked. Cassandra pondered on it for a moment.

"Four hours. At the max." she replied shrugging.

"Jesus Cassa, and you went to sleep later than I did because of patrols." Julianna exclaimed seriously. Cassandra nodded in agreement, now seeming more tired than before, "That's not right. You need the sleep. Why – what happened?"

". . . I had the dream last night." Cassandra answered looking down back at her paper.

"Again? I thought you stopped having that dream in fifth year." Julianna questioned.

"So did I! But apparently, old feelings like to creep up on me lately." Cassandra said. She shook her head and muttered under her breath, "Bloody Defense class started it." She really meant that to be extremely quiet and to herself, but Julianna seemed to have sensitive ears and heard it,

"What now? Defense started this? Huh?" Julianna asked. Cassandra sighed,

"You know how the first Defense class I fainted and everything with Gregory and Professor Lupin happened?" Cassandra explained, which made Julianna smile widely and giddily. Cassandra shook her head, "Shut up Jules, I don't need to hear that again."

"Ah Cassa, Professor Lupin, practically carrying you­ to the Wing! I mean c'mon!" Julianna jeered happily. "How many times does anyone do that?"

"Quite often, I can assure you. But – the only reason why all that happened – is because that man was my Boggart." That made Julianna's face drop.

"Merlin, Cassandra," Julianna was at a loss for words, which was very rare and unusual, but she truly was. Cassandra shrugged and continued on with her homework. Julianna knew better not to press the matter considering that Cassandra was not only extremely afraid of him, but she absolutely hated him because he was the reason her life came to be what it was. Julianna shot one last concerned look at her friend before returning to her Ancient Runes homework. Julianna, later that night forced Cassandra to go to sleep before she did; Cassandra put up an argument but reluctantly agreed after minutes of pointless arguing. And Cassandra ended up falling asleep before Julianna did. But it did not last for very long.

"Mom! Dad!"

"Cassandra – get out!" She ran up the stairs as fast as she could to hear a shriek, a thud, and laughing. Cassandra found her parents in a room where a man stood by the window, and her father now lay on the floor. Cassandra wanted to faint or throw up, but her focus went onto his murderer. The man that had aimed his wand for her father was very tall and built from what she could tell. He was hooded and cloaked so she couldn't make out a face. Her mother held out her arm, "Cassandra, stay back."

"This is her." the man said a bit surprised. "She really is beautiful, looks just like you, Andie," Cassandra stepped back a bit, but his wand was aimed for her.

"Leave her alone Lawrence!" her mother said angrily.

"It's too late now. She's already seen her father die." Cassandra noticed the tears on her mother's face, and soon enough, Cassandra realized who he was.

"Lawrence Peterson?" Cassandra questioned.

"You wretch! You told her about me!" he yelled at Cassandra's mother. Cassandra's mother, Andrea, froze in spot. "You wanna play it that way, fine. AVADA KEDAVRA!" Her mother fell to the ground, which made Cassandra shriek. He just laughed. Cassandra fell back against the wall of her parents' bedroom. "How old are you girl? Fourteen?" Cassandra looked back at him with angry tears flooding her face. "It's such a shame, really, that your mother left me for him," She knew right away that Lawrence meant her father. "Because if she didn't, none of this would be happening. So, now, you can join your parents." Lawrence Peterson aimed his wand. Cassandra quickly withdrew her wand and fired at him, without second thought,

"Impedimenta!" She didn't even stay to see what damage it did, she just ran out.

"Fiendfyre!" Cassandra violently turned around to see three creatures made out of nothing but fire. One she could tell was a dragon, but the other two were creatures she had no idea of what they were. But, Lawrence laughed. "Good luck trying to ward those off, if you can." Then three creatures took their chance and started after Cassandra. She ran, but the creatures would not give up. They destroyed everything in their path, which meant that her house was crumbling all around her. As she was trapped by the three creatures, she started to heat up and suffocate in the smoke that was being released. She heard indecipherable yells, and the creatures slowly died away. Her vision though started to loose focus on everything. She saw the figures of people coming towards her, but she fell into the pit of black before any of them could reach her.

Cassandra bolted up in a fright, breathing heavily. Cold sweat covered her face along with tears. Julianna was on the edge of her bed, her hands tightly clutching her sheets. She looked a bit pale staring at Cassandra. Cassandra turned to her best friend; Julianna shook her head. Julianna ran her hands through her now extremely messy and tangled blonde hair. Cassandra cleaned herself up before going back to bed with Julianna. The next morning, the two girls stayed silent through breakfast up until Jason came up to Julianna.

"Hey Julianna, Cassandra," Jason greeted.

"Hey," Cassandra greeted with a small smile.

"Hey J, what's going on?" Julianna asked as he sat down next to her.

"We have a game against Gryffindor coming up." Jason explained, "And I wanted to make sure you were coming to practice."

"Why wouldn't I?" Julianna asked a bit suspiciously.

"Vinny had to drop out of the game because he broke his leg." Jason explained. Julianna's mouth dropped.

"So who is going to be our other Beater?" Julianna asked a bit nervously.

"Craig. He's the only back-up that's good enough to play a Beater." Jason explained. Julianna nodded. "Hey, are you busy . . . tomorrow night?" Julianna gave him a look, which was an astounded look. Cassandra smiled and quietly left the table as Julianna stared at him.

"Uh, no, I'm not." Julianna replied shaking her head. Jason half-smiled a bit nervously.

"Cool, so, um, do you – do you wanna, you know, hang out?" Jason asked. Julianna couldn't believe her ears, but nodded.

"Yeah, sure." Jason's confidence seemed to boost tremendously because he smiled widely and nodded back.

"Fantastic, see you in class, Jules." Jason said before running off to his next class. Julianna smiled widely and grabbed her stuff to go to Arithmancy and tell Cassandra.

"So, your first date with your dream boy." Cassandra said happily.

"I don't know if technically counts as a date–" Julianna said uncertainly.

"Congratulations anyhow." Cassandra said waving a hand at her, which Julianna smiled for.

"Now, you, we need to get you your dream boy." Julianna said determinedly. Cassandra shook her head exasperatedly. "Who is he? Lucian?" Cassandra shook her head preposterously, "Paul?"


"Gregory?" Cassandra stiffened at the mention of his name, but not like the stiffen that Julianna knew. It was more of an awkward stiffen than an angry stiffen and usually accompanied by a rant about how arrogant he is, but no such thing came out of Cassandra. "Something wrong?"

"Yeah, he's been acting strange." Cassandra explained. Julianna then understood. Gregory had not been his usual hot-headed, arrogant self since Cassandra's incident in that Defense class. "I mean . . . I don't know, it's just weird not having him constantly asking me out or stalking me." Cassandra sighed and shook her head as she ran her hands through her hair. "It's like he's a different person."

"Isn't that a good thing?" Julianna asked a bit confusedly.

"No – I mean yes – I mean," Cassandra sighed angrily hiding her face in her arms. "I'd rather suffer him than have him ignore the world." Julianna cocked her head to one side and picked up Cassandra's arm, so Julianna could see her friend's face.

"Well, won't he be glad to hear that!" Julianna said laughing. Cassandra gave her a friend a look and retrieved her arm with an agitated sigh. "You are going to eat something right?"

"I don't know, if I feel like it in the next couple minutes, I eat, I eat. I don't, I don't." Cassandra mumbled into her arms, but loud enough for Julianna to hear. Her friend nodded and returned to eating her lunch.

"Is that an owl?" Julianna commented. "What do my parents believe I did now?"

"Maybe they found out about Jason?" Cassandra teased looking up at Julianna from her arm with a small smile. Julianna threw her a look as the owl landed gracefully on the table in front of them. "They're probably checking up on you Jules."

"They never check up on me this early in the year." Julianna said detaching the letter.

"It's the middle November!" Cassandra exclaimed.

"Exactly my point." Julianna said looking at the letter. "Well, now I know why, it's not even for me." Julianna handed the letter to Cassandra, "It's for you." Cassandra sat up straight and took the letter, which clearly read, "Cassandra" across the middle of the envelope. The two girls exchanged a look before Cassandra actually opened the letter.

Dear Cassandra, meet me by the portrait of the One-Eyed Witch before you go to your next class. It is something very important. Do not tell anyone where you are going because I need to tell you this.


"I gotta go Jules. It's important." Cassandra said as she threw her stuff into her bag and quickly went off.

"I'll see you later then?" Julianna called to her.

"Yeah," Cassandra called to her as she went out through the Great Hall doors. She quickly went to the portrait, having gone by it numerous times throughout her years at Hogwarts, only to find Gregory – as his note had said – waiting for her. Once he got caught sight of her, he tensed up a little but tried to remain cool. "Gregory."


"So, what was your important information you have for me?" Cassandra asked putting her hands on her hips, subconsciously.

"I . . . uh, I wasn't sure if I should tell you this, but I made up my mind and thought you should know." Gregory explained a little nervously. Cassandra raised a suspicious eyebrow, "That man, your Boggart," Cassandra looked away, "He was the one who–"

"Killed my parents, yes, what does that have anything to do with me or you right now?" Cassandra asked cutting him off. Gregory looked away, but Cassandra eyed him seriously. With a flick of Gregory's wand, his eyes had changed a different color, an auburn-brown color from his hazel eyes. Gregory turned back to Cassandra, and he looked her straight in the eyes. Cassandra shook her head in shock. "No, you – he – it can't be –"

"I'm sorry Cassandra," Gregory said. "There was a specific reason why I never spoke about my dad. Now you know,"

Cassandra stormed off as Gregory sighed angrily. He flicked his wand, his eyes turned to their normal color, and he went downstairs to Potions, cursing himself and regretting his decision. But it was too late now. Cassandra knew, and she had every right to know. Cassandra didn't know what to say or do; she didn't have to do anything, she had study. She could basically go curse Gregory for walking this planet, she could curse herself for even feeling sorry for him. She could do a lot of things. She went into an empty hallway. No one really ever went done this hallway as far Cassandra knew. She cursed graphically and quite loudly and banged her fists on the wall. She leaned back against the wall and let herself fall to the floor.

"Do my ears deceive me? Is that Cassandra Walker who I hear swearing?" Cassandra looked over to see Oliver Wood, a close family friend, walking towards her.

"What? It's not like you haven't heard it before," Cassandra said as he dropped his schoolbag down and sat next to her.

"What's wrong?" Oliver asked curiously.

"You know Gregory Falmouth?" she asked. Oliver nodded. "Well, I just found out something, I think I didn't want to know–"

"You know he constantly proclaims he's going to get into your pants Cassandra," Oliver said casually. "That's not new."

"He what?" Cassandra asked a bit bewildered. She had not heard that from him in all of her years.

"Oh – sorry, I, probably shouldn't've told you that." Oliver said looking away a little embarrassed. "But, um, go on with what you were saying before." Cassandra was looking at him, and she noticed he was slightly blushing. Only a little though; it took Cassandra awhile to remember what she was saying because she hadn't seen Oliver blush before.

"You remember the guy who killed my parents, right? Lawrence Peterson?" Oliver rubbed his neck uncomfortably at the touchy subject and looked around. He nodded though, "He's Gregory's dad." Oliver's face paled, angered, and stiffened if that was at all possible. "He told me just now. And before," Cassandra was at a loss of words. Oliver looked at Cassandra concernedly like a brother would for his sister, "I felt sorry for him. I mean, just because of what happened in that Defense class . . . I felt sorry for him. And . . . now, I don't even know what to think of him."

"Well, I was talking to him not long ago about this actually." Cassandra looked at her friend with an expression that read, "Why didn't you tell me about this?" Oliver shot her a look. "Hold your horses Casanova, I'm gonna explain."

"Oli-ver!" Cassandra exclaimed imitating the way the name sounded from the play Oliver! "Do not call me Casanova because I'm not a Casanova!" Oliver laughed heartily, and so did Cassandra.

"Okay, okay, but I was talking to him three days ago." Oliver started to explain, "He was actually explaining to me that he wanted to tell you something. He didn't specify on what, but I let him explain the situation. If I'm right, I basically said that he should tell you what you just learned. And, Cassandra, give him some slack. Supposedly he had been thinking about it non-stop, and he had only been avoiding you because he thought that you would question him on why he did what he did."

"I probably would've." Cassandra said nodding her head.

"I know, but listen. He was as nervous as you were – I don't know, uh, when you heard that Julianna and I were in that accident. Except, it was tripled that Cassandra. And you know, somewhere, deep down inside your mind, you know he did what he did for a reason." Oliver said. Cassandra shook her head in confusion. "Merlin's sake Cassandra! The guy loves you!" Cassandra was surprised; she looked and felt it. Could Gregory Falmouth seriously love her?

"Does he really?" Cassandra asked seriously. Oliver nodded. "I don't know what to do! I don't love him, I know that, but he seriously loves me . . . . . Merlin, how childish did that sound?" Cassandra laughed, not believing her ears.

"The fact that he loves you or the fact that you can't make up your mind?" Oliver teased with a smile. "Because it is funny seeing you, not being able to make up your mind."

"No! Not all!"

"Well, Cassa, I know I need to get to study before I get in trouble, and you probably do too." Oliver said as he got up. He helped Cassandra to her feet, and she gave Oliver a hug.

"Thanks a bunch,"

"Ah, it was nothing."

Cassandra went upstairs to the third floor and into her Defense classroom. She peered in curiously to find the door wide open. At the very front of the classroom, there was a staircase, and at the top of the staircase, the door was also wide open. Professor Lupin then emerged from the room.

"Ah, Cassandra, good to see you," Professor Lupin greeted her kindly.

"Good to see you Professor," Cassandra greeted.

"Something wrong?" Professor Lupin asked leaning against the railing of the staircase.

"I'm stuck in a bit of situation, I guess you can say." Cassandra replied hesitantly. Professor Lupin came down as Cassandra continued to explain, "I'm torn on a subject that will . . . definitely change my life. But I don't know what to choose."

"Well, if you don't mind me asking, what is your exact situation?" Professor Lupin concernedly as he sat down at his desk.

"Um, you know Gregory Falmouth? Well, he, uh, he explained to me that his father . . . murdered my parents." Cassandra explained. Professor Lupin stood up, "I-know-that-he's-liked-me-for-a-really-really-long-time-and-I-just-found-from-a-good-friend-of-mine-said-that-he-actually-loves-me-and-I-don't-know-what-to-do!" Cassandra was rushing through that entire sentence, looking and sounding very nervous and confused. Professor Lupin placed his hands on her shoulders, and she stopped immediately. "I don't know what to do Professor." She whispered.

"Let's take a walk. We can settle this, and I would also like to speak to you about something you might be interested in." Professor Lupin encouraged. Cassandra's face relaxed a little, and they walked out of the Defense classroom.

This turned out to be even better than Cassandra could've hoped for. Not only did Cassandra and Professor Lupin find a solution (temporarily) to her problem, but she also was offered to learn, privately, about her Patronus! Professor Lupin knew that Cassandra knew the spell, but he suggested that she should have some practice, (along with Harry because of their problems with the Dementors, but of course, Cassandra didn't know that). They were walking along the courtyard and boardwalk, having a very nice conversation, up until this,

"The first time I saw you on the train, I recognized you immediately Cassandra." Cassandra looked at her Professor with confused yet a bit of a questioning look, "You look very much like your mother." He smiled, but noticing Cassandra's look, he said, "You've probably heard that a lot."

"Oh yeah," Cassandra agreed laughing a little. "I heard it when I was really young I think a bit more often. But then at their funerals, I heard it from basically everyone." Her voice had trailed off, and she looked down, rubbing her neck uncomfortably. "But, you knew my mother, I take it?" Professor Lupin nodded.

"Very kind and smart woman. Much like yourself Cassandra,"

"Thank you Professor, that wasn't necessary–"

"In fact, it quite is, Cassandra. I have not met one person as a student of these standards since I came as a teacher to Hogwarts, except you." Professor Lupin explained shaking his head. Cassandra looked away to hide the blush that was creeping up her face, "So, when would you like to start?"

"Whenever is best for you," Cassandra shrugged.

"Friday, after your study?" Professor Lupin suggested.

"That's great. Thank you so much Professor," Cassandra thanked warmly and appreciatively. Professor Lupin merely smiled and looked out.

"Not a problem, let's go back inside, shall we?" They continued to have a conversation as they walked up to the classroom door. "Are you feeling any better?" Cassandra sighed,

"I'm walking, and I still have my sanity for right now. I'm as good as I'll ever be." Cassandra replied with a smile. Professor Lupin chuckled. "Thank you again Professor,"

"My pleasure Cassandra, have a good night." Cassandra and the Professor spilt their ways, and Cassandra peeked behind her to see her teacher reach his room before fully heading down the stairs. "Professor Lupin." Cassandra thought in her mind. "Hmm . . ."

"So, our game against Gryffindor is coming up soon, and supposedly Oliver's got something up his sleeve with Harry." Julianna explained to Cassandra as she scribbled across her paper. Cassandra wasn't even paying attention. She was caught up in a day-dream of her favorite Professor at the moment. Her hand was holding her chin, and she was staring at out into space with admiration in her eyes. Yet, Julianna, not knowing that Cassandra wasn't paying attention, continued on, "Now, Harry, being who he is, has gotten better. So, Jason is getting really frustrated, and – Cassandra?" Cassandra looked at her friend, a little taken aback now that she was out of her day-dreaming, "Did you hear a word I said?"

"Um, sorry, I didn't. I'm a little spacey today,"

"I can see that clearly." Julianna said a little skeptically.

Cassandra looked at her queerly. Julianna kept her look while staring Cassandra down before returning to her Divination homework. Cassandra did the same with her homework. The silence staggered between the two friends, so Cassandra went and walked upstairs and out of the Hufflepuff common room for her patrols, but heard a low but growl that was loud enough to be heard as she came up to the sixth floor. Cassandra turned around to find a shaggy black dog near the Fat Lady portrait. The dog looked tired and possibly a little sick. Cassandra quietly and quickly went up the stairs. The dog turned around and growled at furiously, backing up towards the wall.

"Hey, it's alright." Cassandra said in a somewhat even tone. The dog continued to growl, not being fazed by her. The dog suddenly lunged and tackled Cassandra. It clawed at her uniform, which ended up getting torn and turning red with some blood on her arms and around her neck quickly. Cassandra grabbed the dog by the throat with some effort, and suddenly the dog started to become a human as he tried to rip her grip from his neck and also tried to choke her. "Oh my God," The man she recognized who was now one of the most wanted men alive had reached for her wand and cast a spell. Cassandra yelled in pain as she closed her eyes. The man turned back into a dog as he heard some voices . . . . . . .

"Someone get Madam Promfery! Get a teacher!" Cassandra opened her eyes groggily; she could not clearly depict anything that was going on around her. Slowly, but surely, her vision came clear to her, and she saw Oliver Wood and Percy Weasley at her side.

"Thank Merlin, you're alright," Oliver sighed deeply, relief washing over his face.

"W-what happened?" Cassandra asked, trying to sit up. Oliver and Percy helped her to sit up.

"We just found you at the entrance to the Tower. You're scratched up terribly, and I think . . . you have a handprint on your neck!" Oliver exclaimed outrageously.

"Oliver, keep your voice down." Cassandra said, looking around. "Crap, my chest hurts."

"I'm not at all surprised," Oliver commented sarcastically. "What were you doing anyway?"

"Patrolling the halls, dad." Cassandra said, glaring at her friend. Oliver looked at her before McGonagall and Madam Promfery came rushing in.

"What happened here?" McGonagall demanded.

"Sirius Black was here! In the boys' dorm Professor!" Ronald Weasley, one of Percy's younger brothers, cried almost hysterically. "He tried to kill me!"

"Are you alright Miss Walker? Where did you get these cuts from?"

"I-I think it was a dog," Cassandra said, quite unsure.

"A dog?"

"Yeah, a dog – no, this man's Animagus was a dog!" Cassandra exclaimed. Madam Promfery became confused, and Oliver cut in,

"A man attacked you while he was a dog?"

"Yes! Didn't you say that I had a handprint on my neck? It was from that man!" Cassandra explained.

"Who was he Miss Walker?" McGonagall asked turning to her, obviously overhearing their conversation.

"It was Sirius Black." Cassandra said. McGonagall was more than taken back; she looked bewildered, which made Cassandra continue, "There was a dog by the entrance to the Tower, it attacked me, and it turned into Sirius Black who hit me with some spell. That's all I can remember." McGonagall was absolutely horrified now; she turned to Ronald Weasley and asked him,

"How did you know it was Sirius Black that almost tried to kill you Weasley?"

"I saw him peeking through my curtains in my bed! They're all slashed up Professor," Ronald explained.

"Sir Cadogan," McGonagall said turning to the portrait, "did you let a man into this Tower?"

Sir Cadogan, nonchalant about this, nodded,

"My dear lady, I most certainly let a man into the Tower." McGonagall's eyes widened.

"Why Sir Cadogan?"

"He had the passwords; previous and the most recent one. He had them on a small sheet of parchment." McGonagall closed her eyes in anger; Oliver and Cassandra exchanged a look, knowing that McGonagall's temper too well.

"Who would be the idiot to write down the passwords on a piece of parchment and carelessly loose it?" All of the Gryffindors looked at each other. Finally, after a staggering moment of silence, Neville Longbottom stepped forward hesitantly.

"Mr. Wood, would like to help me escort Miss Walker to the Wing?" Oliver helped Cassandra up, and the three of them walked up to the Wing, where Cassandra spent the night. Madam Promfery said that the cuts were minor, and they only thing that she could think of was that the spell that Sirius Black had cast on her just made more blood spill out, so it physically hurt more to Cassandra.

"They're telling everyone to sleep in the Hall," Oliver explained. "All of the teachers are searching the place for Black."

"I should be searching too, I'm Head Girl," Cassandra insisted as she started coming out of her bed in the Wing.

"Oh no, Casanova, you are going to lay right back down in that bed," Oliver said holding her back by the shoulders, which hurt her. He picked her up and put her back down on the bed.

"Ugh, you really do act like my dad, you know." Cassandra said tiredly, folding her arms across her chest.

"Hey, this is my get back for last year, mum." Oliver said with a cheeky smirk. Cassandra muttered something under her breath about Oliver, and he laughed heartily. "Good night,"

"Night," Cassandra looked up at the ceiling and exhaled. She didn't realize the moon was that bright. She smiled as she closed her eyes.

The next day, she noticed that she didn't see Professor Lupin; he didn't show up for class, which was even stranger. Professor McGonagall had to come and substitute. When he did come back the following day, she noticed he was bit scarred up around the neck; it looked like some type of creature with claws had attacked him. Cassandra also noticed he was pale as well. It seemed a little off, so she searched through some creatures books. She observed all the creatures that had claws, but none of them seemed to match. Cassandra finally came down to two creatures: a werewolf and that dog (Sirius Black). It would be reasonable if it was Sirius Black in his Animagus form, but his scar was far too long for normal dog claws. Yet, Sirius Black could have slashed him downward, which would explain the scar. However, it fit better to assume it was a werewolf that had scratched him. Going along this thought process, Cassandra ended up coming to yet another possibility. Could it be possible that her Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher was a werewolf? It was a ridiculous thought and accusation. Until she realized that it was full moon that night. Cassandra remained silent about her findings and thoughts until she could prove it otherwise.

Before many of the students knew, it was Christmas break. Julianna and Oliver both offered Cassandra a place over break, but she decided to stay at Hogwarts. Little did she know, that this would totally change the path of her seventh year. Professor Lupin and Cassandra had already started to work on the Patronus. She was making steady progress; better than any girl at her level was what Professor Lupin had said. It was the memory that was restraining her from going further; she couldn't find a strong enough memory. It was problem that many had with the Patronus Charm. Two days before Christmas day didn't seem any different.

"Professor, something's wrong. I still can't think of anything." Cassandra said leaning tiredly against the pillar in the Astronomy Tower.

"It's alright Cassandra; most people have difficulty with this part." Professor Lupin assured. "Your shield is becoming stronger; you just need a stronger memory. What was your memory this past time?"

"I was thinking about my parents' tenth wedding anniversary. My grandmother and I had set-up a romantic type of event. I remembered that I had put on some music, and they started slow dancing." Cassandra explained, breathing a bit unevenly. Professor Lupin nodded.

"That is strong, but for your sake, you need to think of a stronger one than that." Cassandra nodded as she went through her memories. Professor Lupin eyed her.

"I've got one. I think this was one is the happiest that I've ever felt." Cassandra explained taking out her wand again.

"Are you sure?" Professor Lupin asked.


"Alright, let's have a go at it." Cassandra positioned herself and held her wand readily. Professor Lupin looked carefully at Cassandra before lifting up the box. The Boggart, in the form of a Dementor came soaring out. Cassandra closed her eyes for only a second before carefully aiming her wand.

"Expecto Patronum!" she yelled. Within seconds, a bright and large white shield came out of Cassandra's wand and was forcing the Boggart backward. The Boggart tried to pass the shield, but no such luck came. Professor Lupin smiled widely as Cassandra moved the Boggart into the case. Once Professor Lupin shut the case, Cassandra leaned back against the wall and breathed heavily with a smile as Professor Lupin laughed.

"Well done Cassandra, you did it!"

"Thank you Professor," The two sat down on the steps, and Professor Lupin gave Cassandra some chocolate.

"You would've made both of your parents proud! That was really well done," Professor Lupin said proudly.

"Thanks Professor," Cassandra looked and smiled at Professor Lupin who smiled warmly in return. "Professor, can I ask you something . . . do you know when you're in love?" Professor Lupin looked at her; she was staring off, looking out at the window. "Sorry, it was just a thought . . . but my memory . . . I guess revolved basically around it."

"Usually, most people don't know it right away, some are lucky and do, but most do not. When they do find out though, they tend notice everything beautiful about them . . . even their flaws will seem beautiful to them. Then they realize that this person is almost everything to them . . . they seem to make your life just a little easier and brighter . . . they understand everything that you feel, and they support you through it. That is my understanding of love." Professor Lupin explained.

Cassandra nodded, still looking away from him. He looked at her though; then she looked back at him. Their eyes locked for barely a moment. Both leaned in, hesitated, drew back only a little, but Cassandra, mind already made up, leaned back in and kissed her Professor. In that kiss, something in Cassandra clicked. It was a ray of warmth; she could feel her heart racing. Professor Lupin caressed her cheek and held her gentle face in somewhat rough his hands. Suddenly, the moment was broken. Professor Lupin had drawn out, realizing what they had done. What should not be done between a teacher and a student. Yet, they did do it; if word was to get out of this, both of them would get into severe trouble. Cassandra and Professor Lupin sat there for what seemed like hours that was only a minute, wanting to look back at each other, but didn't, fearing and loving the thought of kissing again. When they did though, Cassandra was flushed, and Professor Lupin was quite uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Cassandra,"

"No, that was entirely my fault. I had asked the question, and I let my feelings get way too much in the way–"

"I persisted the topic."

"I kissed you first!"

"I kissed back," The two found each other in an interesting situation. They both looked at each other.

"I can't help it Professor," Cassandra muttered looking away.

"Help what?" Professor Lupin asked, confusion clear in his voice.

"My feelings. They always mess up everything and anything–" Cassandra said exasperatedly.

"No. It didn't mess up anything and everything right now," Cassandra looked hopefully up at her Professor, "Your feelings make you who you are, Cassandra," She smiled.

Well, how about that for my screwed up mind, eh? Yet, there is still so much more I could write about, but I am limited to thoughts and time because I need to finish Emma before I start another extremely huge project/story. Also, I need to studying for Finals; I should be studying for Finals, but I'm not because I'm trying to entertain you guys while I figure out what I am supposed to write for Emma and my other bloody stories!

Dedicated to my BFF (however messed up her mind may be) Natalie.

Now, I must go and study for my Science exam ... what fun that will be considering that is by far, my worst subject.

Please leave a review, and if you're going to flame, can you put it nicely or nicer than a normal flame? Can you just criticize me justly?

Thanks so much - Mysterious Victoria :)