Shii-chan- Yay!!! Fanfiction of awesomeness!!! My first fanfic to ever actually post!

Rima- What do you mean 'to post'??

Shii-chan- I mean I've written others just haven't posted.

Rima- Are you lazy?

Shii-chan- Yes, yes I am.

Kusu-kusu- Hehe Shii-chan doesn't own Shugo Chara and never will

Shii-chan- That's right now excuse, while I give these nice readers there story

Readers- WOO-HOO!!!


My parents are fighting again. I hear something break with a crash. I curl tighter in my sheets and cry a little harder. Why can't we be one of those normal families where the parents actually like each other? I hear my dad yell that he's leaving and slam the door. I hear my mom's muffled foot steps as she climbs the stairs close her door to her room. I climb out of my bed and wipe away my subsiding tears. I walk to my parents room with a worried Kusu-kusu floating behind my, but not saying anything. I knocked on the door and walked in. My mom is sitting on her bed crying. I came up to her and squeezed her, crying again.

"Mommy, will dad come back?" I asked. I don't know why I still asked because it's always the same answer and it never hurts less.

"I don't know baby. I really don't know." She answered "Hey, honey, do you want to sleep with me tonight? I could use the company."

I nodded and climbed under the sheets with her. I was scared. The fact that she wanted me in her room with her meant that she didn't expect dad to be home any time soon. We cried ourselves to sleep together that night.