Chapter five: Fears

At the beginning of the next day, Kagome planned to strategically ignore the demon lord and the young girl that had so quickly taken a liking to her. She spent most of her time focusing on her task of preparing food and gardening. To her luck the demon lord was busy doing his paper and also trying his hardest to ignore the hard headed female who had survived his anger to many times.

Inuyasha came into his brother's study, carrying some letters concerning affairs occurring in the lands. This wasn't his idea of a productive day, but his brother seemed to be on edge about something so he didn't complain as much he usually would be. His mind kept returning to the newest servant as he tried to pick out what was so special about her. There was something about her that connected with his brother, but he was so unsure about what that thing was.

He stood there thinking again about the young woman, handing the papers to his brother. He listened to his brother shuffle through the letters, stopping at one near the end. His eyes narrowed and he ripped it open, reading it quickly. "Go grab the new miko and bring her here." The coldness in his voice brought Inuyasha from his thoughts and he looked blankly at his brother.

"What?" He asked, completely dumbfounded to what his brother had just asked him to do.

Sesshoumaru looked up at his younger half brother and his gaze narrowed. "I said, Go grab the new miko and bring her to me." He growled through clenched teeth. Inuyasha rolled his eyes and grumbled but left the room to find the woman anyways. It must be important if he asked him to do it.

Today was supposed to be such a quiet day. It's already four o'clock, what could be happening so late in the afternoon. After twenty minutes of looking, Inuyasha gave up trying to find the miko. Everyone he had asked told him that they had not seen her since noon. So a little frightened he returned to his brother's study, hoping to find him there.

He knocked on the door and waited for confirmation to enter. When none came, he opened the door, only to find that his brother was not in his study. Sighing he closed the door and continued to look for him.

Sesshoumaru sat and watched the miko from a distance as she ran her hands over the flowers in the garden that he used to play in as a child. She was so gentle with the roses, caressing the daisies with tenderness. His mind returned to her offer…she had offered to help in the meetings, to listen to the minds of others. Now it was time for her to own up to her promise. The East wanted to hold a meeting. They had requested that she be there so that she could 'remind' them of the peace that they had agreed to. Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed the slightest bit. What did Naraku want that they needed to be 'reminded'? He let out a growl, watching as the miko's head jerked up, a flash of fear flooded through her body.

Was it possible that she had heard that? He was far enough away that he could not even hear her. Or did she just feel his presence now? He watched as she turned and stared right at him, her eyes shone with a glass cover. Her face was stone still and cold. If he were anyone else he would be afraid of the glare she was giving him. He could feel her powers skip through the veins in her body. "I will come with you, but make note that I will not be bossed around by anyone. I am nobody's prize." With that said, he started towards her. She remained silent and unmoving until he was right beside her. Quickly he moved his hands to grip her throat. She easily stepped to the side, avoiding the contact. "Do not be angry Sesshoumaru. I am not always in your head." He let out another growl and she laughed. It was not her heart-warming laugh. This was something he had never heard before. It was full of hurt and disgust.

"Shall we be going then? We wouldn't want Naraku waiting now would we?" She said. Her eyes serious. She was not something to remind them of any such peace, in fact she was here to start war. Revenge on her family, and the only person powerful enough to ensure that was Sesshoumaru. She would bring war upon the east if it were the last thing she would do. This was her chance to avenge her mother and father and no doubt her fiancé. "How are we getting there?" She looked at him directly, not afraid of the anger in his eyes. The anger grew when he realized this and he clenched his teeth. "What are you going to do Sesshoumaru, stab me again?

If she was anyone else he would have, but the memory of the blood that covered her body made him feel sick. "We are riding there." He turned around, bracing for himself for the questions he was sure would come. But none did.

Kagome followed him silently, knowing that he was expecting a zillion questions, but really what was there to ask. They were riding to the east, that's how she got to the west, although she was in a caged wagon that time. It was very rare that she had ridden a horse…and she knew that with Sesshoumaru there…he would no doubt laugh at her. She was after all, terrible at riding.

"I do not doubt you can ride a horse?" Sesshoumaru asked, slightly unnerved by her silence. What was she thinking? Why was she able to read minds, but he wasn't? How that would come in handy so much in the courts.

Shock coursed through her body as he asked the simple question. How did he know? Years of training allowed her to keep her calm mask. "I got here didn't I? What kind of stupid question is that?"

All those years of horseback lessons she was told to take and yet refused came back to mind. I'm starting to regret not taking them. I'm going to look like an idiot. It was not her fault she was bad at riding horses. The truth was that up until a few years ago she really was afraid of the spooky beasts.

"Miko, is there a problem?" She heard the words, but they didn't register. She remembered the first time she seen someone fall off one of the large beasts.

[Flash Back]

Golden eyes stared the horse over, the stallion's black eyes measuring up the small boy. "Be careful on Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried from the other side of the fence. Sesshoumaru looked over his shoulder at the small girl and glared. Fluently he jumped unto the horse and sat in the saddle proudly. Kagome smiled back. He looked so grown up on the back of his father's horse. The black warhorse stood proud, but knew the young boy would not be able to control him.

"Walk on Kridel." Sesshoumaru said as grown up as he could. It was in the middle of the night and he as Kagome he snuck out so he could show he what he learnt today in his lessons. The horse he rode in his lessons was much smaller, but he knew he would be able to control Kridel. After all, his father controlled him just fine, so why wouldn't he be able to?

Kagome listened as the horse beneath her friends body snorted and pawed at the ground. "Sesshoumaru…be careful ok…he looks kind of mad."

Sesshoumaru's eyes narrowed. What was he doing wrong? Why was his father's horse acting like this? Sesshoumaru's hesitation was just the distraction that Kridel needed before he reared and bolted. Kagome watched as Sesshoumaru gasped and fell to the ground.

"Sesshoumaru!" Kagome cried as she watched the beast take off down the road, but she didn't care about the horse. As quickly as she could Kagome ran to Sesshoumaru's side. In his eyes she saw the disappointment and anger. Tears filled her eyes as she hugged him. "Oh Sesshoumaru. I am so glad you are okay. I was so worried."

His eyes widened in shock. He barely even knew the girl. He had only known her a few months, and she was already acting like…his friend. "Get off of me girl." Kagome froze but nodded and backed off.

"Sesshoumaru!" the sound of his father's voice made him cower slightly causing Kagome to frown at his fear. "Sesshoumaru what have you done?"

Kagome jumped up, holding out her arms to protect the boy. "It wasn't his fault Sir no Taisho. I told him too. I told him that he wasn't a man if he didn't do it. I'm sorry. I won't do it again!"

Golden eyes watched in awe as the small young girl took the blame for his doing. It was really the opposite, she had told him not to, but he told her she was being a chicken. "Kagome Higurashi go to your room right now. What you have done is very disrespectful." He heard the small girls father say is a deep steady voice. He continued to watch her as she nodded her head and bowed it, walking to her room in guilt as if she had done something wrong.

When she was gone Sesshoumaru looked up at his mother and father. "Sesshoumaru, are you alright?"

His mother reached out her hand but he ignored it and stood up. "She's lying. It was me who decided to come out here. She had nothing to do with it. I was the one who told her that she was being a chicken for not wanting to come. You should not punish her."

[End of flashback]

It was after that when Sesshoumaru had started to open up to her more, but she never got over her fear for horses.

Kagome hit something hard and fell to the ground, landing on her butt. With a couple blinks, she looked up to see Sesshoumaru standing there, glancing at her over his shoulder like he used to do. "Miko, were you even listening to me?"

She looked at the ground and pushed herself up. Her composure already corrected. "No I wasn't listening to you. I have better things to do."

She listened as he clenched his teeth. "Watch yourself miko." What's on her mind? Why isn't she being her annoying self? He watched her, studied her face, but her emotions didn't show through. It was like she learnt how to be cold hearted in one day.

A smirk appeared on Kagome's face. "I am sure even if I watched myself, nothing I wouldn't expect would happen, and wouldn't you like to know what's on my mind. Sesshoumaru."

His anger flooded his body again. "I told you once woman. Stay out of my head." She was going to say something, something very smart, but it all left her mind as soon as he threw her a pair of reigns. Kagome followed the leather, only to see a chestnut mare on the other end of it, staring at her with big brown eyes.

Kagome screamed and threw the reigns.

The horse just stood there.

Sesshoumaru stared at the woman. "Miko, are you alright? It is just an animal."

Kagome just nodded and stared at the horse he was holding. It looked just like Kridel. "Is that, Kridel?" she asked, mostly to herself.

He stared at her, his eyes wide in shock. How did a simple human know of his father's warhorse? Kagome kept on babbling, talking to herself as she looked over the big black horse. More questions came up in his mind and she walked up and stroked the animal in front of her. The beast snorted confusion, but accepted the attention from the female.

Sesshoumaru's gaze narrowed slightly, he wanted her attention so that he could ask her questions, how was she so familiar with the castle? The past? The chestnut snorted, envious of the attention the stallion was receiving. The girl giggled and patted the mare on the neck, smiling at the animals. She didn't mind the animals, but riding them was another story, but no matter what she had to be strong in front of Sesshoumaru. She ignored him as his mind ran over the questions he wanted to ask her.

Slowly she walked around the mare and looked at the saddle that was placed on her. The mare was a fair height for a war horse, standing 16.6 hands tall, her back was just to the girls head. Slowly she placed her foot in the saddle and took a deep breath. Hopping up on the beast as she pranced on the spot, shifting at the woman's weight, Kagome exhaled quickly, her body going tense.

He watched her on the animal, fear rolling off of her in huge waves. He extended his hand and gripped the mare's reigns. He wanted to laugh at her, but he restrained himself. "Are you going to be ok miko?" He asked coldly, not really caring, but the female didn't answer him. He looked at her face, which was pale while in fear. Sighing he took her hand and tugged her off, catching her bridal style before tossing her on his stallion. She screamed slightly before grabbing the saddle with a death grip. Sesshoumaru looked at the stage hand and told him to take the mare back inside, informing him that he would be riding double with the pitiful female.

The only thing she was worried about was her life as she clung onto the saddle. She felt Sesshoumaru leap up behind her and she blushed slightly, uncertain of having him this close to her. She could feel the heat of his body behind him as he placed his arms around her to grip the reigns. He took off at a walk, causing her to tense up. "Miko I will not let you fall." He said is not normal monotone voice, but it was somehow reassuring. She relaxed a little leaning against him as another blush covered her face.

When he felt her relax a small smile flashed across his face as he felt her lean into him. Without warning her he pushed his stallion, Gunther, into a canter. A small scream left her mouth and she bend forward again, her body bouncing along, not riding with the rhythm at all. He watched her bouncing form and shook his head, wrapping one arm around her he forced her to move with the horse. Her hands clenched onto his arm as fear pulsed through her body. A single chuckle escaped his lips causing her to try to look at him. "I don't see how this is the cause of your amusement."

He frowned slightly as he tried to put his mask back in place. "Anything that causes you fear amuses me miko."

She wanted to elbow him in the ribs, but the fear of falling off ruled over any actions again him. "If you weren't holding me onto this animal I would very much enjoy causing you pain." A smile crossed his face again as Gunther traveled down the dust road. Quickly he removed his arm from around her causing her to scream.

"It's funny how much you despise me, and yet you need me." He whispered into her ear, causing shivers up and down her spine.

"You're so conceited. I don't need you. I would have been fine riding on my own." She said, attitude in her voice.

"it's that so miko. You control him." He told her, handing her the reigns. Fear ran through her again as the charging beast continued forward. Instinct told her to close her eyes, but she felt warm hands covering hers, helping her guide the beast. Kagome smiled. At least it would be a good ride.

Authors note: OMG its been soo long since I updated. Im missing my awesome reviews. And I know a lot of people are reading this, so I have one request, if u read this can u review on it pllleeaassee tell me what I can improve on, ideas, confidence that this story had any potential at all? That would be great. Thanks. I love you all btw!
