Disclaimer: I don't own Life with Derek! :(
A/N: So, this is my first Life with Derek story. I hope you like it! :D Happy Reading!
Casey's POV
Mom and George were going to be away for the weekend. They were taking Lizzie, Edwin, and Marti to some theme park. Derek and I both chose to stay home. We had been getting along better in the past few months and we were both wanting to have a party. This was the perfect opportunity. We had already started making plans in secret. We were even good enough to keep it hidden from Lizzie and Edwin. We had invited the whole school, via mass e-mail and forward text messages. Now all we had to do was wait for them to leave so we could go get the food.
It was finally Friday night and we both jumped in Derek's car as soon as our parents had left. We had to hurry, it was four and the party was and seven. That gave us three hours to get the food, set it up, clean up some, and put on the music. It might not sound like much, but it was a lot of work for two teenagers. Especially when one didn't want to do any work, I'm not mentioning any names, but (cough, Derek, cough.)
"Come on Derek, we already have enough soda, we need to get home." I yelled at my annoying step-brother. He had been in the soda isle for at least ten minutes, just standing there. I had already got the soda. I refused to have alcohol at the party. I also have to be on alert tonight, because I'm sure Derek has gotten someone to bring it and spike all the drinks.
"I'm here." Derek was suddenly behind me. I didn't expect him to be there that fast.
"Let's go." I lead the way to the check out counter. "We have to stop by Suzie's Pizza Parlor, I called in five pizzas. I filled him in on what I had done just before our parents left.
"Just five pizzas?" He asked in disbelief.
"Yeah, I mean we already have all this other food, five pizzas should be enough." It wasn't only that, but I only had so much money that I could spend. The rest was being put back for college. Derek and I had decided to go half and half on all the stuff.
"Fine, have it you way." He said looking bored out of his mind.
"What's wrong with you?" He had been acting a little strange the past few days. I was guessing it was that he was wanting the party to hurry up and get here.
"Nothing, I'm just ready for this party." I knew it. I've always been pretty good at reading people.
Derek's POV
I had been waiting for this party since the last one I had. You remember right? The one where Casey and I got locked in the bathroom together. That was fun. I never knew that she could be so awesome, and here lately we had been getting along better. I couldn't believe I was even thinking about her in a good way. I had always tried to destroy here, she always seemed so perfect, and thought she was better than me. But now she has been more laid back and easy-going.
"Me to." I was surprised when she came to me about having a big house party when our parents were gone. It was so unlike her, but I took the opportunity.
When we finally got all the food and were back at home, I decided to make a little call to my friend.
"Hello. Randy?" I knew Casey had forbidden this, I couldn't resist.
"When, where, how much?" He automatically know what I wanted. This was going to be the best party EVER!
"Tonight, my place, and as much as you want. The whole school is going to be here."
"Okay. Do you want to me disguise it?"
"That would be perfect. And try to avoid Casey all you could, okay?"
"Sure thing." And then he hung up. I heard a knock on my door.
"Derek, get down here and help me clean. People are going to be here any minute." Casey was hounding me about helping her clean. Didn't she know that I never cleaned?
"Okay, fine. I will be there shortly." I lied. I wasn't going to come down until I heard the door bell. I did however start getting ready. I put on some cologne for the ladies, my hair already had that perfect bead head look. After that I took my time to relax. Nobody knew what I had in store for tonight. It was going to be fun, wild, and crazy.
A/N: So, what did you think? I would really like to know. Please review! :D