"Karakura town, a very strange place indeed." Said Robin as she, Franky and Kon traveled down a street in Karakura.
"It's weird...you guys don't really look like pirates." Said Kon still being carried by Franky.
"Oh, and what do pirates look like in this dimension?" Asked Robin with a smile.
"You know, big beard, a peg leg, an eyepatch and a parrot." Said Kon envisioning an image of a generic pirate. "Not like a super hot, classy looking woman like you, that's for sure." Kon thought to himself with a smirk.
"Well in our crew, we have all kinds of crazy things. From a reindeer to a skeleton." Said Franky with shade.
"Don't forget a cyborg" said Robin clapping back with a smug grin. Shutting Franky down completely. Even Kon had to snicker.
"So what does this Aizen guy want from Chopper anyway?" Said Franky shrugging it off.
"Hell if I know honestly." Kon replied
"That's not the only thing I'm wondering." Robin chimed in. "Why would Aizen go through this much trouble just to kidnap Chopper; Someone who has no connections, or even knowledge of his existence? Another thing that troubles me is, why would Kuma send us here? How did he know where to send us?" Robin said puzzled.
Robin then had a flashback to when she was at the Kurosaki clinic, talking to Issin. "Here" he said handing her a map with a place circled. "If you find this place, there's a man who can tell you everything you need to know." Said Issin. The flashback ended "and so my search for answers began. Running into you two was completely by coincidence" Robin explained.
"It's convenient that you showed up too. That hollow would have killed us for sure. That power of yours is amazingly!" Kon praised
"Why thank you" Robin said with a chuckle
"Hey, don't forget who's super punch it was that killed that thing" Franky chimed in.
"You already got your praise" Kon said with a sweat drop.
"You've finally made it. We've been waiting for you. Said someone sitting in front of a near by shack. It was Yoruichi!
"It seems we have indeed arrived and our destination" said Robin checking the map.
"Yoruichi-San!" Said Kon excited.
"What? Who is this and what happened to the other guy?" Said Franky confused.
"Kisuke had to step out and he hasn't returned. But come inside, I'll explain the plan to save Chopper when you're all together" said Yoruichi leading them inside.
"How do we know we can trust you" shouted Franky.
"H-hold on guys, I know her, she's cool." Said Kon trying to calm Franky down.
"What do you mean when we're all together? Who else is here?" Asked Robin curious.
"Why don't you come inside and find out" said Yoruichi with a smile walking into the door.
Franky and Robin hurried inside. As if somehow knowing who was inside. As if they could suddenly feel his presence. As they walked through the door, there he was. Luffy in all his glory, stuffing his face with a pile of food. "Luffy!" They both expelled with joy.
"Eh?" Luffy looked up from his food to see his two friends standing before him. His eyes immediately teared up. "Robin, Franky, you guys" Luffy sprung outta his seat and bombarded them with a hug. "I was so worried about you. I was afraid I was never gonna see you guys again." Said Luffy bawling his eyes out.
"It's good to see you too captain" Robin said being squeezed, with a big smile.
"Bwahaha, you idiot, of course we'd see each other again. I'm so glad you're ok" said Franky, also bawling his eyes out.
Yoruichi and Kon smiled as they observed the reunion.
"I'm glad you're all here and acquainted. Now we can prepare to send the three of you to Hueco Mundo. Where the real fight will finally begin" Said a voice that was none other than Urahara Kisuke. Making his usually out of nowhere, flashy entrance.
(Visards base. Karakura town.)
"Pathetic" said Hiyori standing over a barely conscious usopp. With all of the Vizards standing in a circle around him
"Well that was quick, again" cracked Shinji
"This guy isn't even trying" said Kensei
"I think he is, that's the saddest part" said Rose
"Well then, should we kill him then? He's obviously not cut out for what's to come." Said Kensei
"Naw he ain't worth it." Said Hiyori walking away. "Oh and by the way, your friends are here too. I have no reason to lie, how else would I know this much. We were gonna help you save you little tanuki from Aizen. But if you're this weak, you and your shitty little pirate crew don't stand a chance against him." Monologued Hiyori, as one by one each of the Vizards starting to follow her. The last being Shinji, giving one last disappointed look at Usopp before starting twoard the others. "You have 30 seconds to get the hell away from here. We can't help you get back to where you came from; and where you're gonna go is not our problem." Hiyori finished.
Suddenly a huge burst of spiritual pressure started to emit itself from Usopp, catching all the Vizards attentions. "If you speak the truth, and my comrades are indeed here, then I'm right where I need to be! No matter the enemy, he will be sorry he ever laid a finger on my friends head. I am... SOGEKING!" Yelled Usopp righteously now with a mask on his face, evidently making him into the one and only Sogeking.
"That mask" said Lisa shocked.
"Wooooooooow" said Mashiro impressed.
"Well I'll be damned" said Shinji with a smile.
(Seireitei 11th Division field training area)
"I hope you not gonna go easy on me" said Zoro tying his green bandana around his head. Standing opposite of an eager Ikkaku on a battlefield.
"Ha, are you kidding? I might have to tie my arms behind my back so I don't accidentally kill you." Said Ikkaku drawing his sword.
A spectating Kenpachi, Yumichika, and Yachiru stood close by.
"Readyyyyy annnnnd Begin!" Yelled Yachiru enthusiastically.
The two darted at each other.
(Somewhere in the Seireitei)
"No! Please somebody help me" yelled brook, running around and causing a ruckus. He was being chased by a fast perusing female soul reaper with dark hair and a lifeless expression on her face.
A captain class soul reaper creepily followed them. He had a purple head piece and his face was completely painted. "Good job Nemu, capture him alive and we'll begin test immediately. A living skeleton from another dimension right at my doorstep? It must be my lucky day." The captain said with a grin revealing his yellow teeth (Captain of the 12th division and research and development. Mayuri Kurotsuchi)
"Yes Maruyi-sama" said the melancholy apprentice who continued to chase Brook. (Vice Captain of the 12th revision. Nemuri Hachigo)
(Seireitei, 8th division barracks)
"are you ready, Sanji-kun?" Said Kyoraku
"Ready whenever you are" Sanji replied.
"On the count of three then. 1 2 3" Kyoraku said as the clashed cups of sake and both expelled "Kanpai!" And laughed their troubles away.
"You two are supposed to be preparing for the upcoming battle, not taking shots!" Yelled Nanao entering the room irritated.
"Relax Nanao-Chan? You know your Captain is super strong? I'm sure he can afford to take a few shots here and there?" Teased Kyoraku.
"Nanao-Chan!?" yelled Sanji immediately appearing directly in front of Nanao holding her hand with his.
Before Sanji could begin to utter a peep Nanao slapped him with a Kido infused hand and sent him flying across the room. She then glares at Kyoraku.
"Why must you be so scary Nanao-Chan?" Kyoraku said with a nervous smile.
(Back to Luffy's group. Urahara's gigantic basement)
"I need you all to understand that none of this will be over until Aizen is stopped. This rescue mission is only the beginning." Explained Urahara. "But the fight starts here, is everyone prepared?" He asked rhetorically.
"Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh" yelled Luffy and Franky. Robin gave a nob with a smile.
"Then I shall open the Garganta" Said Uarhara.
To Be Continued.