Argh I hope you like this story, it's my first Ghost Hunt one so be nice, (be mean if you want just know I'll ignore you) it's a bit odd and not that great but I liked the idea and this is how it turned out, I'm so sorry! Just kidding it's a good story. I don't own Ghost Hunt or the Supernatural characters Dean and Sam (If you don't like crossover's don't worry this isn't one they are just briefly mentioned).

Summary: Well Mai was kidnapped and turned into a vampire, now she's without SPR to help her however all is not lost as the ones who turned her try to help her progress and adapt to this new life style and Gene's there too, will she make it back to her family? Maybe but maybe not you'll just have to wait and see.


Mai tried to resist the feeling telling her to run home and lock the door as she exited the school. She sighed, today hadn't been her day, first she was late for school. Then she fell asleep during one of her classes because her stupid narcissistic boss made her stay late at the office last night until she had finished all the filing. If that wasn't enough when she tried to explain this to the teacher that he accused her of talking back and gave her a two hour detention, meaning that she was going to be very late for work, meaning that she'll probably have to stay late again tonight not to mention the lecture she'll get for being late, especially as Naru had called a meeting. No, not her day at all.

Dejectedly she walked home to change into something more suitable for work, every now and then she would look over her shoulder as fear crept round the corners of her mind. She paused as she caught a glimpse of a shadow, her breath quickened as she decided to follow her instincts and began running home at breakneck speed not bothering to look back as she heard footsteps begin to chase after her, a surge of adrenaline kicked in making her run faster.

She sighed in relief as she saw her apartment in the distance; digging into her pocket she pulled out her keys, getting ready to use them. She made the mistake of looking back to see a group of dark silhouettes gaining on her making her gasp in fear.

Once she reached her door, she fumbled around with the lock, looking over her shoulder crying out in fear, she turned back when she heard the sound of her lock click. Bolting inside she locked the door, making sure all of the locks were sealed shut before leaning back on her door as she slumped to the floor catching her breath.

After what seemed like an eternity to her, Mai kneeled in front of her post box, opening it to see if they were still there. They weren't but Mai wasn't stupid, she knew they were waiting for her. Suddenly feeling the desire not to be alone anymore she pulled out her mobile and rang the first number on her phone which just so happened to belong to Ayako.

"Come on answer please," she said to herself as she willed her heart to slow down only for it to speed up again when she saw figures at her window, she gasped as they seemed to be trying to break in.

Ayako answered the phone on the third ring.

"Hello, Mai where are you? We're all HEY!!!" she heard her cry out in annoyance as the phone was taken off of her.

"Heya Mai, how's it going? Not to be a drag or anything but Naru.........." started Takigawa only to be cute off by Mai.

"Bou-san!! HELP!!" she screamed down her phone, "ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" she screamed as glass flew towards her from her now broken window.

Takigawa held the phone in a tight gip as he heard his sister figure scream.

"Mai? MAI!!!" he shouted down the line drawing all of the room's occupants attention. He cringed as he heard her scream, the sound of glass breaking was heard down the line.
"MAI! WHAT'S GOING ON? WHAT'S HAPPENING? MAI!" he screeched down the line.

"OW!! NO LET GO OF ME!..............SOMEONE HELP........PLEASE DON'T ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!" he heard her cry before the line went dead, his face loosing all colour.

"What happened? Takigawa!" cried Ayako as the monk jumped out of his seat.

"Come on we need to go NOW!" he yelled out as he started for the door, the others knowing that something was up chased after him, barely managing to get into the van before he drove off.

Once they got near Mai's apartment block, Bou-san jumped out of the car and charged in the direction of her apartment, terror filled him as he saw her door wide open. Entering the room he stopped dead in his tracks.

Fresh blood decorated the walls as broken glass covered the floor along with broken pieces of furniture, the room was trashed.

"Bou-san what's going......" asked Ayako trailing off as she entered the room, her hand coming up to her mouth, gasps from behind told her that the others had just entered the apartment also.

"MAI!! MAI!!" called Bou-san as he found his breath and began searching around the house, John joined him and checked all the places the small girl could hide, whilst Yasuhara comforted Masako and Ayako who were looking around the room with tears in their eyes.

Naru was standing behind them, a clear expression of fear and shock covered his face, he felt himself shake, had he lost another loved one?

"Naru the police are on their way," informed Lin as he hang up the phone, Naru dumbly nodded.
"Mai's not here!" called Bou-san as he ran into the main room walking over to Ayako who seemed to be in a trance like state.

"Blood," she said sadly.

"What?" asked Bou-san, Ayako fell to her knees along with Bou-san who had pulled her onto him to protect her from all the shattered glass.

"There's so much blood, no one can survive this much blood loss!" cried Ayako as she launched herself into Bou-san's shirt.

"Hold on, we don't know if all this blood belongs to Mai," said John as he walked over to them, struggling not to vomit as he looked around the main room. Yasuhara walked over to the wall.

"I found her phone," he chocked out as he bent down to pick up the smashed item.

"I can't sense any spirits here, I don't think she has died," announce Masako, her eyes were closed in concentration.

"That's good.....Right?" asked Bou-san as he rubbed the miko's back in a comforting gesture.

"No, it could mean that she has either passed on, or has been kidnapped," said Naru, his voice shaking slightly.

"Oh God, Mai please be ok," cried Masako as tears rolled down her doll-like face.

Mai woke up in a dark room, she cried as a wave of pain wracked her body.

"Awake at last are we?" a deep voice said, Mai looked up to see a figure standing before her, their face was cloaked by the shadows but Mai could see that he was a well built man, seeing as he had a fine six pack hidden under a white top.

"Who are you? Where am I?" she whispered as she tried backing up away from the figure only to cry out in pain from the movement.

"Easy there, we are not going to........kill you," said the voice, not moving an inch to help Mai, his tone and pause only added to Mai's fear.

"Why am I here?" she cried out, whimpering as she felt blood slowly trickle down her arm from a re-opened wound.

"We need you," it replied in a neutral voice his unmoving stance reminding her of Lin.

"For what? Please I just want to go home," pleaded Mai looking to where she thought the persons face was. Without warning a hand shot out, snapping her head to the side.

"Enough, we own you now Mai," another voice snarled out startling the poor girl as she felt her cheek sting from the slap, tears come to her eyes as she tried to find the culprit who had viciously slapped her.

"B there was no reason for that," the first voice said, filling Mai with hope that someone could help her.

"Yeah well D her snivelling was annoying me, and the boss doesn't like weak people, so she better get used to it," the second voice snapped back to the first Who Mai now knew was D, from the sound of B though Mai guessed that it belonged to a female.

She shivered and wrapped her arms around her in a futile attempt to get warm, only now did she realize that she was still in her school uniform, her muscles ached but her desire to feel warmth overcame the pain.

"Well brat how'd you like to find out what it feels like to be immortal?" asked the female as she came out of the shadows. Mai stared at her, she was beautiful, her fiery red hair rested at the top of her shoulders, briefly wondered if her hair was naturally curly, she was dressed in a blood red kimono, she had an aura of a femme fatale surrounding her.

When Mai gave no move to reply, the one called B snarled, jumping her she started to slap her.

"Answer me when I'm talking to you!" screeched B as she continued to slap her.

"Enough!!" a voice called gaining everyone's attention. "She is not immortal yet, please reframe from killing her," the voice snapped, the women jumped off of Mai as if she were on fire, telling her that whoever just came to her aid was the boss. "Leave," it said "Now both of you!" the voice snapped when no move was made.

Mai heard two footfalls echoing off in the distance, she turned to face the man before her, fear gripped her once more, what were they going to do to her.

"Tell me Mai, what do you know about the supernatural," he said as he stayed in the shadows meaning that Mai couldn't see where he was as his voice seemed to bounce off of the walls, coming at her from all directions.

"The supernatural? Yo-you mean like ghosts?" Mai asked trying her best not to stutter.

"In one way yes, but what else do you know, what can you tell me about the creatures of the night?"

"What? I don't understand please let me go?!" Mai begged from where she sat. She heard the man sigh.

"No I suppose you wouldn't understand what you've never known, forgive my men for their rudeness, but D was right, we do need you, you are the one."

"The one?" Mai asked, a deep sense of foreboding ran through her.

"Yes, the one to save us all, you see the balance of nature has......Become unbalanced and right now we need a hero or in your case a heroine, one with a unique ability that only you seem to possess," the voice finished, pausing to allow her to absorb all of the information.

"Abilities? What are you talking about?" Mai half yelled back, this was really getting on her nerves.

"Your ability to adapt," at Mai's blank expression he continued, "You, Mai adapt to your situation, developing powers beyond comprehension, so far you have managed to unlock ESP, even having a guarding allocated to you."

"A guardian?" asked Mai interrupting his explanation.

"Gene," he replied as if it was obvious ignoring her startled gasp, "He is your guide, he is here to help you to adapt to your next situation, to help you progress with your powers as are we, we are here to train you in your next faze of life," he once again paused, waiting for Mai to question him.

"How did you know about Gene?" Mai asked feeling violated seeing as a stranger had just relayed to her, her most treasured secrete.

"We have been watching you for a while Mai, it was us who saved you that day when your mother died in that car crash," Mai gasped, they had been watching her for so long and she never noticed. "Of course we have, we are here to help you prepare for your difficult task ahead," he replied as if reading her mind.

"And what would that be?" she asked knowing that she wasn't going to like the answer.

"To become immortal, to become a vampire," replied the voice and Mai was sure she could hear the smirk in his words.

"What are you.........." before she could continue with her question, the man jumped out from the shadows, pinning her to the floor. Mai looked up at his face, he was perhaps the most handsome person she had ever met, with the exclusion of Naru of course. She stared into his eyes, they seemed to be a light orange, looking to his mouth she saw a pair of fangs and before she could move, he had already clamped his mouth over her neck, she whimpered as she felt the life drain right out of her.

"Naru!!" was her last thought before her eyes shut for what she believed to be the last time.