Eyes on Fire

AuthorQuickNotes: I don't want to wait until tomorrow to post this epilogue. I wrote this one and the finale ahead of time and as the story progressed, I made adjustments according to the storyline. I hope you all loved or liked this story. It's not officially over and done with. It was a wonderful pleasure getting your feedback and reviews! Love you all! :)

"Scorpius, get your butt ready before you're late for your first day at Hogwarts. That doesn't look good on your behalf if you're late for the train," Jennifer hollered as she stared down the hallway. She narrowed her eyes and sighed, walking down the hallway and to the second door on the left. She knocked and pushed it open to see her oldest son bustling around. He had on his robes and uniform already and he was shoving, stuffing, and squeezing stuff into his trunk. Jennifer smiled and watched him for a while as he mumbled out stuff he'd need.

"Mom, I think that's all I need," Scorpius yelled and looked over at her with his wide, blue eyes. Jennifer chuckled and walked over, examining his trunk. She waited as he stared at her.

"Looks great, darling, now let's go," Jennifer stated and closed the trunk, dragging it out of the boy's room. Scorpius followed her and on the way out, he grabbed his newly bought wand that was pretty perfect for him. It was eleven inches and made of juniper wood with the essence of pixie dust and ginger root. Jennifer stared at him as he pocketed his wand and smiled up at her. He had his bright blond hair cut right against his eyebrows and it was parted down the middle, crookedly. Jennifer led him out of the house and outside. They lived in a community of witches and wizards and Jennifer smiled, apparating with Scorpius' hand in one and his stuff in the other. She often apparated with him since he was older than her other child, Shayla.

They appeared at the very familiar Hogwarts Express and Jennifer stared around, feeling the sense of home once more. "What house do you think I'll be in, mama?" Scorpius stated, shaking with anticipation. "I want to be in the same house my father was in."

"Your father was in Slytherin. Your mother, however, was in Gryffindor," Jennifer answered, kneeling so she was eye level with him. He wasn't too tall for his age of eleven but he wasn't short either. She always hoped he'd get his father's height. Scorpius smiled at her. "But whatever house you're in, you're mother will be proud nonetheless." Scorpius chuckled.

"You're acting as if someone's going to judge me by my house. Isn't that absurd?" Scorpius stated, chuckling even more. Jennifer smiled at her slightly naïve child and kissed his forehead.

"Go, darling. I'll see you for Christmas. I think Shayla is with us this Christmas instead of her father," Jennifer stated. Scorpius smiled.

"I miss Dean. You should invite him to Christmas," Scorpius stated. Jennifer smiled. Dean and she got a divorce last year because it wasn't as much of a fairytale as they were expecting. They got along but they weren't in love like they hoped for. Jennifer's heart was a closed bank that even Dean saw, even though Jennifer tried to love Dean with all her broken heart. "Did I tell you what I want for Christmas, mother?" Scorpius asked. Jennifer smiled, shaking her head. Scorpius always wanted something new every week for Christmas. "I want you to invite my father over so I can meet him. It could be half my Christmas and half my birthday present. I won't mind."

"Scorpius," Jennifer whispered. "One day you'll understand why I say its complicated to do that…but for now, you need to get on that train and show Hogwarts whose boss, mister." Scorpius giggled and nodded, hugging Jennifer hard and then rushing off as Jennifer dragged his trunk along with him. He hopped onto the train and Jennifer shoved the trunk up, blowing him kisses as she stepped back.

"Love you, mama!" Scorpius yelled, waving. Jennifer smiled.

"Love you, baby," Jennifer yelled back, waving as well as the conductor signaled they were ready and the train blew its loud whistle and started to take off down the tracks. Jennifer didn't depart like the rest of the parents. Instead, she stood there as the train disappeared from view and she was alone with her hand closed against her chest with a faint expression of sadness. Favoritism wasn't accepted but that little boy stole her heart when he was born and keeps stealing her heart the more he grows up. Jennifer took a deep breath in and her lips quivered slightly. He was growing up…

"Jennifer…" someone said and she turned around, wiping at her eyes to see the man her heart wanted. Draco Malfoy looked older since the last she's seen him but she reckoned she did as well. Jennifer wiped her eyes even more and stared at him. "Was that Scorpius that just went off to Hogwarts?" Jennifer nodded.

"He wants to follow your footsteps even though he's never met you," Jennifer whispered, frowning as Draco smirked, looking in the direction the train left. He's still so handsome, she thought as she stared at him. The lines of age made his face even prettier than before and his thick, muscled build beneath his business suit was appealing and made Jennifer's knees quiver. "What do you want, Draco? I have to go pick up Shayla."

"Shayla must be your other child, with Thomas," Draco stated. "Where is Thomas? Shouldn't he be with his wife?"

"Dean and I divorced last year," Jennifer answered. Draco looked at her and she saw the hope in his eyes but it was gone within a second. "I guess my heart was never returned back to me." Draco's lips twitched upwards to a smirk and Jennifer sighed, glancing to her left. "I really must be going, Draco. I can't sit here and talk to a wall. You never were the talkative type."

"No, that's true. I was here last year to see if that was his year to go but when I didn't see either of you, I came this year in hopes to see you and look at what happens," Draco stated as Jennifer smiled, shrugging. "He's grown up a lot since the last I've seen it. He looks…"

"Just like you," Jennifer interrupted. Draco looked over at her and the ghost of a smile appeared on his face. "It makes it harder when my heart belongs to someone else but that boy keeps stealing it."

"So he has charm?"

"Yes," Jennifer stated, smiling. Jennifer's eyes drifted to Draco's lips and she wanted to feel them against hers once more. Her heart tugged and urged her forward but her legs wouldn't move as she stared at him. "I don't doubt he won't break a few hearts, like his father." Draco's smirk faltered to a frown as Jennifer looked away, frowning herself.

"Jennifer," Draco stated. "I didn't want our relationship to end like it did…

"What relationship? We were just an impulse," Jennifer snapped, glaring over at him. Draco's face fell into a slight glare as he turned his head to the side, averting his eyes away from her. "I don't need a history lesson, Malfoy," Jennifer stated, staring at him squarely. "I knew I shouldn't have told you and it was my fault. I should've kept it hidden all these years and we could've been two adults having a simple fling with a child." Draco frowned. "I was foolish. You were just being…you."

"No, I wasn't. I was being foolish. Jennifer, what I'm trying to say is…"

"Don't." Draco looked at her. "If you're going to say it now, it's too late. My heart took all that pain and its finally dulling. It can't take another heartbreak because I have something to live for now. Scorpius and Shayla are the reason I'm living. Scorpius can't watch his mother cry herself to sleep anymore. He was born of pure love, on my part and he's special. I can't go into the hole while I have him," Jennifer stated. Draco frowned.

"Then let's start over?" Draco asked. Jennifer looked at him. "Jenn, I made a huge mistake leaving you that night. I can't stop thinking about you…and our son." Jennifer's heart swelled and she had to fight the smile back. This couldn't be happening. Just when her heart was starting to heal, he comes stomping back into her life and claiming he was the foolish one. Jennifer narrowed her eyes but couldn't stop her bottom lip from quivering as tears welled into her eyes. "Jennifer," Draco stated, stepping forward.

"Don't," Jennifer choked out, putting her hand out and moving her head to the left to wipe her eyes. She couldn't let this man see her weaknesses, again. His chest pushed against her hand and his arms circled around her, drawing her in. Her elbow didn't even lock him away as her body met his in a hug. Her head pushed against his chest and she frowned, willing herself some relief as she wrapped her arms around him. It felt nice to feel his hug once more. It felt more like seeing the sun for the first time after being blind for years and years.

"Jennifer, give me another chance. I've changed. I'm a changed man," Draco whispered, pushing his lips against the side of her head. "I'm no longer that stupid, young boy." Jennifer didn't say anything as her mind felt like she was a teenager again, loving this ridiculous man.

"Draco, I can't trust your word," Jennifer stated, pulling back and staring up at him. His arms stayed locked around her as he stared down at her. 'But Scorpius has been begging to meet you,' Jennifer thought, frowning as she allowed her hand to reach up to cup the side of his head. His head moved against her hand and Jennifer frowned. "Did they find out who killed Albus Dumbledore?" she decided to veer to. Draco's eyes blinked as he stared at her, confused.

"Yeah. It turned out it was Gregory Goyle using the polyjuice potion to turn into me," Draco stated, chuckling. "That was a nice topic change."

"How'd they find out?" Jennifer asked, narrowing her eyes. She knew it wasn't Draco (and besides, this was a nice way to keep him off the topic of the so called them).

"Uh, veritaserum," Draco answered. "Jenn, stop changing the subject." Her heart twitched as she frowned, pulling from his arms completely and sucking in her bottom lip. She looked around; the train station was completely empty. Jennifer looked back at Draco and sighed. "I have to go pick up Shayla." She went to turn to walk away but Draco's reached out and grabbed her wrist, pulling her back against his chest as he glared down at her.

"I'm trying to apologize for my teenage dumbness years ago and you're not making it easy," he snapped. Jennifer's eyes widened as she stared up at him as a very old, familiar flame sparked in the pit of her stomach. It almost consumed her completely as her knees grew weak and she literally collapsed against him. Draco chuckled, smirking. "That still works on you, huh?" Jennifer narrowed her eyes.

"Fuck you and…your manipulation over me!" Jennifer yelled, pushing away as her lips began quivering as new tears raced down her cheeks. "I waited for years for you to wake up and come sweep me off of my feet like my white knight before I dated Dean and got married. But you never showed up and now you expect me to say I forgive you and love you and we can start over. You're crazy!" Draco frowned as he stared at her. She looked so vulnerable, so broken and all because of him.

Taking action, Draco walked forward and wrapped his arms around her, tilting her and pressing his lips against her quivering lips. Jennifer didn't object as Draco's lips felt like angels to her lips. It swelled millions of butterflies in her stomach and her head grew fuzzy as Draco pulled back, smirking as her eyes fluttered open to stare at him. "Listen to me, wench…" he whispered. "I've realized I've loved you this whole time and I'm going to take you out to dinner tonight, at eight o'clock sharp." Jennifer couldn't stop the grin from appearing on her face as she stared at him.

"I guess Scorpius just might get his Christmas present," Jennifer whispered. Draco narrowed his eyes.

"What'd he ask for?" Draco asked. He planned on going out to buy it right now.

"His father home for Christmas."
