She hated it.
She absolutely hated it.
The sky swirled in dark grays and flashed in bright scars of lightning, but she didn't care. There wasn't much of a reason to, not anymore. She'd tried, oh, how she'd tried, she had walked down that aisle (Behind, always behind) beside her fiancé, arm in arm as she stood to side, right across from him. It had been beautiful, the adjacent aisles facing each other from separate sides of the chapel, carpets both of a deep red, allowing the new couple to meet in the middle, but if she had analyzed her life, she would have to say that seeing him, him, walk down the aisle, his powerful golden gaze resolutely glued to the floor (At me, they should have been on me) would be one of the most heart wrenching moments of her life.
She crossed her half bare arms and looked down the Cliffside through her gauzy white veil and straw hat, watched the tossing water crash against the side of the high rock wall. She could leave now (behind, leave it all behind) She had left a note for her brother, Toph and Aang. Goodbye notes. Apology notes. She had left something for him (as if he hadn't stolen enough) , not so much as a note, just one, simple word, that described it all. The one word that would forever haunt her dreams and night mares alike.
Couldn't love Aang.
Couldn't be strong for Toph.
Couldn't watch her brother grow stronger.
Couldn't pull her heart away before it was too late.
Couldn't stop loving, even when she should've.
Just, Couldn't.
If she left now, she would no longer be Katara, the one who wouldn't (Couldn't) live her life watching the man she loved grow older with her (else. Someone else). She could be the Painted Lady, The strong one, the able one, the one who would (could) do everything in her power to make sure the world stayed saved. No one would know, no one would catch (could) her,
Noone would Care.
The full moon broke through the clouds and lightning, causing an eerie glow on her dark shoulders and painted lips. She raised her arms, causing a cloud of fog , hiding her departure (escape) into the ocean.
She was the Painted Lady (the one who Could.) No longer was she Katara (The one who couldn't). The only reminder that she even existed was in three notes (Apologies), One Word, and a blue silk necklace on a faceless stone at the top of a cliff.
So...Yeah. this just kinda...poofed out. I'd like to know how good (or bad) you think this is, so just stop a sec and pop me a review!...Please?! xD