the bold part is somebody elses i have to find them and give them credit bet the rest is mine

i do no own bleach tite kibo does :-(

Oh I get it.

You used to always look just a little bit frightened of me, even when you said you weren't. I'd privately call you a liar in my mind, and you'd see it in my eyes. You'd turn away, your eyes cast down most likely and your hands clasped together in front of you.

So this time—the last time—I asked you, I was waiting for the same expression. The same small glimmer of fear that would flash through your wide eyes before you suppressed it or looked away.

"Are you scared, girl?" were my exact words as I reached my hand out to you. It was an impression of an attack, nothing but a front like my poorly regenerated arm and leg.

You looked at me for a moment, as you decided what to say. It was the same as the other times we spoke, your eyes at first empty as you tried to think of the face that you wanted to present.

I was waiting for the same reaction but it never came.

"I'm not scared," you say and your eyes are scrunching together as though you might be on the verge of tears. I don't think I've ever seen you with such an expression: so sad and unafraid, but also...pitying.

I look at you. "I see."

I don't want your pity, but I'll take it anyways. Isn't that why you were reaching out your hand towards me?

If I had stayed for just one second longer our hands would have touched.

Your face is disappearing from my view, my body decomposing into the dust of Huenco Muendo. Your hand reaches out, closing against that dust as my arm disappears.

This is it.

At the last moment, even when you are still reaching out your hand towards me, I turn away from you. I have already seen the expression on your face, the one where you tell me you are not scared. It would have been better if I had stayed a little longer. If I had, would you have taken my hand?---

"Souten kishun...I reject!" orihime said trying to hold back the tears collecting in her eyes.

"Orihime what are you doing" ichigo was shocked was she healing the enemy?

"Im sorry I-ichigo...I can't let him go, not after all he has done for me." She stumbled pronouncing her previous crushes name, now letting the tears fall.

"What are you talking about he is the one that brought you her!" ichigo fired back

"NO! I chose to come here of my own free will! Im tired of being a burden to you it's not right! You're always protecting me and I do nothing for you! I wanted to help in some way! Ulquiorra has taken care of me will my stay here, and you came here and risked your life for me again WHY!" orihime was balling at this point furious at this point. Why did they come? She was finally out of their way.

"But your not a burden to se your our friend" at this point ichigo was confused why was she doing this.

"And that's all me and you ever will be isn't it." She said solemnly

"W-what are you taking about?" ichigo was surprised what did she mean. But just as orihime was about to speak she saw rukia running to ichigo and rolled her eyes looking back to ulquiorra all that was back so far was his legs.

"exactly what I mean" orihime whispered, but why do I not feel heartbroken y the site of ichigo being happy again because of rukia? The NO. 4 espada was almost recovered full he was just missing his head.

"orihime what are you doing?! He will kill us all!" rukia said.

"No he wont, he isn't like that, just killing people whenever he wants. And im doing this because I cant let him go, I-" orihime was cut off by the now recovered espada.

"Woman, wh- what are you doing?" ulquiorra said sleight frustration on his face.

She grabbed his hand they were finally touching…she wasn't scared of him. "Im not going to lose you."

"I don't understand, your free from Hueco Mundo now you can leave."

"But I don't want to now, not without you." She said tearing again

He turned away from now looking around. "You humans truly are interesting."

"You use to be one" orihime said as she smiled.

"Hm ya long ago" ulquiorra said his eyes shutting and the yellow glow around him disappeared. He was in his regular form.

"Ok this is sick and wrong you wont to stay HERE with him and not go back with use." Ichigo was pisssed.

"Well I don't wont to leave him, and I wont to go back.." orihime was thinking. " Can I be alone for a bit guys." Everybody left but she grabbed ulquiorra to stay with her.

"I have finally found out what a heart is, thanks to you." Ulquiorra said wiping away orihimes tear. "I would like you to carry mine with you."

"I don't know what you mean what are you trying to say?" more teas building up.

"Why do you not smile, please do not cry, you cannot stay here you need to go back to your world and live your life."

"NO! I cant live without you!" Orihime through herself at him hugging him balling her eyes out. "You can come with me don't make me leave you I love you ulquiorra." She let go of the hug raised her head up got on her tiptoes and placed her lips on his.

He was shocked. He didn't no how to reply, but he kissed her back. He pulled away in a couple seconds. He looked at her his eyes finally showing slight emotion of caring. "Orihime, I love you too but…" her happiness faded away when he said but. " I cant go with you, I am a hollow, that place is for humans, I belong here in Hueco Mundo, besides were would I stay?"

"I don't care if your I hollow you still have a heart, you could stay with me in my apartment." She said

"But my appearance, and there would be no order in Hueco Mundo without someone in charge." He said

" We will get you a gegi, and this place didn't have a leader before." She was winning.

He thought for a while. "Fine, I guess I will accompany you to your world."

She was now happy again. He got to see her big bright smile again. They walked back to her friends and grabbed ulquiorras hand.

plz comment and i will continue

give me idels if you wont i promise to include them sumtime in the storie

thanks for reading