Oh my god im sorry about the messed upness of the last thingy!! i just fixed it that was horrible T_T im so sorry (i hope i fixed it all, anyway....)
His lips lightly pressed against Seth's, deeply locking onto them. Seth groaned, his limping eye lids now passing the half-way and slowly decreasing to a three-fourths, only a crescent of white and brown now visible.
His wrists, firmly held onto the ground by hands, moved a centimeter against the grass, his fingers twitching as Jacob licked his bottom lip, wanting entrance into his mouth.
Seth curled his toes, tightening his ankle and foot. He parted his lips and Jacob's tongue immediately entered, scoping out the area.
His hot tongue caressed Seth's gums sweetly and trailed against Seth's perfect, white teeth.
Jacob's breath was a mixture of ice and mint, and even though it was so riled up and hot, it sent shivers down Seth's spine.
Seth moaned, and his eyelids finally closed over his eyes, all in accordance to Jacob's tongue lightly brushing against his tongue.
He squeezed them tighter, and his body stilled.
His heart, so dull to his ears before, started ramming in his ears; pounding.
He could hear it so clearly, feel it so easily. It was pumping against his skin and being. His mind was so slow though, all the blood seemed to flow to the beating heart, and it left Seth in a dizzy stir, lost in the pleasure and confusion.
Their tongues tired together, the saliva making them slippery and sloppy, thought the kiss seemed to be perfect.
Seth mewled, feeling his pants get tighter. "Jha..jhak....," he tried through the kiss.
"Do you think we should wake him up......?"
The voices, so faint, yet so disturbing. The fogginess of the dream, the whiteness that rimmed the picture frame of Seth vision, slowly started increasing. All pleasure.....all emotion(disclude tiredness) started fading away into a darkness, disappearing.
Seth groaned as Jacob started disappearing, calling out for him, trying to tell him to stay and kiss him again; make him feel good.
But the body just disappeared off, leaving Seth to suffer.
Finally, Seth awoke, his eyelids slowly drifting open. First were blurry masses of largeness, but they slowly became outline as Leah and Embry.
"Wha....," Seth trailed, his eyes narrowing. Why where they there.....in his room?
Suddenly, a hand came tumbling towards his face, going with an amazing speed.
Seth eyes widened as it came closer, terror ridden.
Seth quickly pulled the blanket over his face and forced his body to the side; the wrong side. His body no longer felt softness and warmness.
No, it felt air. And then, he felt thump. Thump hurt. Thump rang in his ear, like a wild siren going on and on, never ending. Only half of him was still on the bed—the least important half currently in this situation.
"Wha was tha fo?," Seth mumbled through the carpet, his chin scratching uncomfortably against the carpet.
"For dreaming what you just dreamed," Leah replied simply.
"We have school, c'mon," Embry said, and the two werewolves left Seth.
Seth slowly set his hands on the carpet firmly; he did a few tests to see if they could hold his weight, and then he pushed himself up to bed level.
And then, his feet tumbled off the bed, crashing to the floor—but not before his pinky toe hit the edge harshly.
"Fuck!," Seth screamed, and then his arms gave out and he came tumbling to the floor once more.
Seth walked into the kitchen back pack swung over shoulder. His hair was untidy and it was still dripping with water.
Seth sighed at the sight of Leah making out with Carrie Simons on the couch, their lips eating each others faces off.
Embry was watching the sketchy television, eating a piece of toast. He glanced at Seth when Seth entered the room, but then quickly looked away, trying to hide his smirk.
Seth grabbed a box of strawberry poptarts from the pantry and unfoiled them, letting the grey light packaging paper rest on the counter as he plopped the two sweet breakfast foods into the toaster—setting the time for two point twenty three seconds. That was the correct time, and the only time Seth put poptarts in. One seconds over the time would ruin the poptarts, make it burn to much; one second to late would make it not hot enough for Seth's wishes.
Seth pushed the small object down, and the two almost flat objects disappeared into the slots.
Seth sighed, picking up the tin wrapper like substance and throwing it into the garbage.
His mind kept wandering to the dream; no, dreams. Those dreams seemed endless, they haunted him.
He was, after all, besides Jacob(who he really felt already had) the only one yet to imprint. It frightened Seth, scared the life out of him. Why wasn't he able to fall in love? What do you feel when you imprint anyway? Does your heart ram in your chest, wanting to explode into a billion pieces be cause it is so god damned happy? Does you mind fuzzy with a light that just beams down from heaven because you are blessed to find the one that you will forever cherish and spend your life with? Do you want to curl up against thou person and snuggle, and wrap yourself in their arms, because you feel so safe?
Seth hoped it was not so, because if that was it, then he had imprinted on Jacob Black.
And Jacob Black, to Jacob Black's words, said that he had already imprinted on Bella Swan, a girl who rather be with Edward Cullen then Jacob.
Suddenly, an acrid smell wafted into Seth's nostrils, causing the boy to scrunch up his nose in disgust.
Embry's and Leah's heads suddenly snapped to look at him, staring at him with wide eyes. Then, a hint of a smirk touched their lips, and they turned away.
Seth raised an eyebrow an curiosity, but the smell was getting to horrible to concentrate.
"OH NO!," Seth yelled, quickly turning to find his poptarts on fire, including the toaster.
Seth frozen to the spot as he watched the white and pink objects turn brown in black as they were consumed with raging fire, was finally able to think a thought.
Seth's hands fumbled with a glass bottle, which quickly flew out his hands and shattered against the floor, cascading sharp glass everywhere. This time, Seth managed to grab a plastic one, and after carefully, yet quickly making his way towards the glass and dropping the bottle a few times, was able to fill it up with water and return to the flaming toaster.
"Not a good idea....."
"SHUT UP!," Seth yelled. "Water gets fires out!"
Seth then poured the water on the toaster, and then everything went worse.
There was an electricity wave, and sparks flew everywhere, some even catching onto Seth and sending his hair on end.
Water on electricity equals bad.
"Told you so......"
Ignoring Leah's comments, Seth Unplugged the toaster, got a new cup of water, and then poured it on the toaster, finally putting out the fire.
Then, he hopped on one foot, pulling the glass pieced out that were stinging his skin.
Embry, Leah, and Carrie stood up, slinging their back packs over their shoulder.
"Let's go!," Embry called. "We got school!"
Seth groaned.
"Hey, Paul can i have a pencil?" Paul happened to be my last hope; I had asked everyone else in the class and all reply's were 'No.'
And apparently, this would be the same.
"Nope Seth."
I groaned, slumping back into my seat. I raised my hand. The teacher called on me. "Yes?"
"No one has a pencil," I replied. She had told me to look around, and i did, and i still came out empty handed .
A worried expression came over the teachers face as she shuffled through her cabinets and papers. "Sorry, Seth, but i don't have one either. Use a pen."
I would've used a pen in the first place. But I had left my favorite ball-point pen at home—much to my horror. I only use ball-point pens. Their easy to write with. And i love how inky they are. "I don't have a pen either," I simply said.
Now the teacher became annoyed. She turned to the class. "Does anyone have a pencil for Seth?"
I hope she wasn't trying to make me sound stupid. It wasn't working. I was already considered the child and less-experianced one in the pack. I couldn't care less about this.
After a few seconds, Paul spoke standing up with a pencil. He was grinning as he came towards me. "I have a pencil."
I mouth dropped, and i sat up immediately, full of rage. "You suck!"
"Seth!," the teacher shrilled.
I quickly closed my mouth and turned to face her. "Sorry."
She shook her head, putting out her hand. "Planner."
My eyes narrowed. Paul put the pencil on my desk. When the teacher wasn't looking, i took it and broke in half. I was already on temper.
I shuffled through my bag, looking for my planner past all the books.
And then i realized: I had left it on my laptop in my bed.
The teacher looked to me, waiting. It seemed to grow quiet.
I grit my teeth. "I don't have it."
"Ok, you have an out then. Bring it tommorrow and don't get in trouble so no one will look to your planner for a strike," the teacher said simply. Then, she started class.
I slumped back into my seat, balling my fists.
There was a burning inside me, threatening for my body to shape-shift.
But i had to control it.
I had to control all my anger. And tonight, i will beat the shit out of Paul.
(A/N: I've talked a lot about strikes and outs haven't i? Well, if you didn't catch: Out = three strikes. Strike = a mark in your planner when you in trouble. I don't know if they have these in highschool(im putting Seth at the same age as them..just shifting later) but i don't care. There's a reason why i don't put detention)
(A/N: This actually happened to me. It's what led up to what i put in the last now-deleted chapter. Spotlol, this is what led up to the lunch issue)