I swore I would not write another story until I've finished the one I'm currently writing. But what the heck, this is just a one-shot anyway so might as well get it out of my system hehe :)

This is based on an email that was circulating on the net. Thought it was appropriate for Soujirou and Yuuki's situation.

Disclaimer: I do not own Hana Yori Dango, if I did, Akira would have had more exposure ;)



Soujirou woke up with the most terrible hangover. He was lying on his front and his face was buried in his pillow. The blankets were twisted all around his body, and he felt so stiff, he knew he must have been in that one position for HOURS. He frowned, his eyes still closed. His mouth felt horrible, his tongue was thick and numb, still with the faint aftertaste of alcohol in his breath.

His head hurt. He must have drunk himself to oblivion for he doesn't even remember how he got into bed, let alone how he was able to remove his clothes.

Thinking of the state he'd arrived home in, he cringed, anticipating his wife's reaction and the lecture he will surely get once she comes home.

Opening his eyes – first one, then the other, he immediately saw the note leaning against the lamp on top of the bedside table. He had to squint and rub his eyes for they were still groggy from sleep – his alcohol induced haze affecting his eyesight, or so he thought. He took the note and re-read it, thinking that his mind must be playing tricks on him.


I thought you might have a bad headache from last night. Here's two pills, take them and drink lots of fluids, it'll make you feel better. See you at home later!

I love you!

Your loving wife,


Soujirou was amazed. He could not believe it. Yuki did not seem angry at all. He took the pills and walked to the bathroom to take a shower and refresh himself. He saw a neat stack of clothes folded on top of the bureau with another note.

These are newly washed from the dryer. I thought you might want to wear comfortable clothes today. They smell good too! Breakfast is in the fridge, just heat it up if you get hungry.

Love you!


Soujirou smiled. He could not believe his good luck! He took a leisurely hot shower, and walked to the bureau with the towel tied loosely around his hips.

He looked into the mirror and stepped back in horror – he had a big shiner below his left eye! Where could he have gotten that? He didn't remember. He certainly hoped he did not get into a fight at the bar last night. Or did he?

He was confused now. What did happen last night? He did not think his wife would have had this warm a reception if he had come home drunk.

He put the clothes on and walked into the living room. It was a mess! Books and magazines littered the floor, the throw pillows were askew – the glass of the coffee table was broken even. What had happened to cause this much chaos?? He was more perplexed than ever.

Soujirou walked into the dining room to fix himself some breakfast. There he saw his son reading a comic book and spooning some cereal into his mouth.

"Hi, Dad!" he greeted, raising his milk-soaked spoon in salute.

"Hi, Hiro!" Soujirou returned his greeting as he walked to the fridge and found his favorite breakfast waiting to be heated up. "Hmm, can you tell me what happened last night? Why is the living room such a mess? And how did I get this shiner in my eye?"

"Well, you came home stinking drunk at 3 in the morning, Mom had to help you walk across the hallway, but before you could get into the bedroom, you made a ruckus and a mess in the living room, throwing stuff around and everything", his son explained.

"Then why all the notes and breakfast too?"

"Oh that. Mom was p*ssed at the mess you made, so she dragged you into the bedroom, but while she was taking your pants off, you said, 'Leave me alone, woman. I'm married.'"

The End.
