Disclaimer: I own nothing. Title inspired by 'The Right Kind of Wrong' - LeAnn Rimes

"I thought we were done. Look Blair, just stop messing with my -"

"Hello? Is this Charles?" Chuck faltered - he knew that voice, although it sounded more subdued than usual.

"Eleanor? I-I thought you were Blair," Chuck explained, attempting an apology. Niceties never had been his forte. He should have known better than to believe Blair would be ringing him.

"Yes well, Blair and I would very much appreciate it if you could pop over? If it's not too much of an inconvenience, that is."

"I'll be right over." Chuck ended the call, grabbed his jacket and summoned his driver. For Eleanor to call him, Chuck figured something had to be wrong.


"I didn't know who else to call. I-I.." Eleanor's face looked pale, eyes were bloodshot and her voice broken. Chuck, faced with said Eleanor, was at a loss at what to do. Chuck Bass did not comfort people, least of all girls and certainly not their mothers. Yet somehow Chuck found himself passing Eleanor a tissue and gesturing her to sit down. He scratched his head uneasily as he waited for Eleanor to compose herself and begin talking again.

"She won't let me call her father, Serena's busy, she doesn't want Nate." Chuck's heart stopped. Blair not wanting Nate? If it wasn't such a serious situation, Chuck might actually have smiled. "I tried Jenny, Kati, I even tried Dan. I would have called you earlier, but what with your father.." Eleanor trailed off again.

Chuck looked away, eyes sharp and sullen. Previous emotions were replaced with anger and bitterness, leaving Eleanor unsure of how to react.

"Is she upset?" Chuck asked, regaining his former composure, remembering why he was here.

"No," Eleanor sighed, placing a weary hand under her head as if to support herself from tipping. "She's.."

"What? Sick?"

"You could say that," Eleanor emitted a short watery laughed which quickly transpired into a sob.

"Where is she?" Chuck asked, alarmed at the rate at which Eleanor's tears fell. She gestured to Blair's room, letting Chuck rush up there. He knocked on the door and entered, without waiting for a reply. Inside, he saw Blair sitting atop her bed, grimacing at who'd just walked in her room.

"Chuck, what are you doing here?" Blair demanded, hopping off her bed and coming to stand in front of Chuck. Her arms crossed her chest defensively and her foot tapped impatiently, waiting for an answer.

"Your mother called. She claimed you were," Chuck paused, looking Blair up and down, "Sick. Clearly, you play her just like the rest of us."

"Meaning?" Blair asked, arms still folded. Chuck waved his hand, rinsing himself of her problems.

"I'm going," Chuck announced to which Blair smiled. In her opinion, the less time spent around Chuck, the better.

"Chuck," Eleanor appeared at the entrance to Blair's room. "Stay, please."

"Just let him go," Blair instructed her mother, but Eleanor shook her head sadly. "Mother! I don't want Chuck here. We don't need him."

"Blair, you need someone," Eleanor's voice was little more than a whisper. Chuck's head moved from Blair to her mother as each one spoke.

"I don't need Chuck," Blair said curtly. "I don't need anyone."

"Blair, there's no one else left. It's either Chuck or I call the docto-"

"I'm not seeing a doctor!" Blair cried out defiantly, stalking over the window and staring out into the city below. "I don't need to see a doctor." Blair rephrased, calmer and more serene. Chuck watched hesitantly, wondering what exactly Eleanor expected him to do.

"Well then you've made your choice Blair. You sit and you talk to Chuck, because you clearly won't talk to me. If Chuck fails," Eleanor's voice wavered, as she looked over to Chuck with watering eyes, "Then you know what'll happen Blair."

Blair turned her back on the window and stared at her mum, eyes ablaze with tears, but not letting one escaped down her cheek. "I won't let you," Blair was adamant in her actions, shooting warning glares at her mother. "I won't," she repeated, shaking her head in emphasis.

"Blair, I'm sorry," Eleanor whispered, but Blair was too busy repeating herself over and over to hear. It was only when the key turned in the lock of her door that Blair was silenced.