Chapter 13 (....)

Gabriella lied down on her bed just replaying last night over and over in her head. After Troy had told her his news, she had left prom early. She felt bad cause Chace was having fun, but she just wasn't.

Flash back

' He sighed. "I'm getting married tomorrow." '

"Ugh!" she groaned and turned on her side. Her eyes wandered and she looked at the time. It was 11am. She picked up her phone and dialed a number.

"H-hello?" a tired voice answered.

"Shar are you up?" Gabriella said softly.

"No. I'm sleeping." she yawned.

"Well.." she signed. "I need you."

"What happen?" Sharpay asked worried.

"It's Troy." she said.

"Oh God. Gabi can't you tell me this later, when I'm awake!"

"Shar please, I need you to drive me to the church."

"Why?" she asked confusedly.

"He's getting married today in like an hour or so."

"And your gonna crash the wedding? Wait, you have a car take yours!"

Gabriella wined. "What if he rejects me or they throw me out the wedding I need you there to hug me or something. Please Shar!"

"But Ga- -."

"Pleeeeaaasseeeee!!" she begged.

"Fine, hurry up and get ready I'll be at your house in 10 minutes."

"Thank you, thank you!"

They hung up.

Gabriella grabbed anything and threw it on. She looked like a hot mess but it didn't matter she just wanted her man back. The horn honked outside and she ran down her stairs, and out her front door into Sharpay's car.

"Hey." Gabi smiled.

"Hii. Ready?" Shar looked at her.


And with that they drove off to the church. Gabriella played with her fingers along the way. She didn't know how she was gonna do this, but she had too. After about 10 minutes later they arrived infront of the church.

"God, I'm nervous." Gabi breathed in.

"Me too, and I'm not the one doing it." she looked at Gabi.

Gabi signed. "Thanks Shar, that helps so much."

Sharpay looked at her bestfriend. "Sorry, but look just go in there and tell him how you feel, let it be known that you love him and you won't let him marry that blonde bimbo. Tell him and everyone how you spend your life with him, and how you know he's the only one for you."

Gabriella smiled. "Thanks a lot." she hugged her.

"Now, go get him!" she laughed.

Gabriella got out of the car and walked towards the church. She walked up the stairs breathing heavily knowing this moment can change her life forever. She looked back once more at Sharpay then nodded and pushed opened the big wooden doors.

"We are gather here today too- -." the priest suddenly stop talking and stared at Gabriella.

"Why did you stop?" Brittany asked the priest then looked at the direction he was looking in. Everyone turned in their seats looking at Gabriella and whispering.

"Oh how wonderful." she signed.

"Gabriella?" Troy asked shockingly.

"You know her?!" Brittany looked at Troy,

"Troy... I need to talk to you." Gabriella said softly while walking down the aisle.

"Talk to him after!." she turned towards the priest. "Please continue Father."

"No wait, what happen Gabriella." Troy walked down toward her.

She signed then looked down and took a deep breath then looked at him. "Troy, I can't let you marry her. I can't face the fact that the guy I love is getting married and knowing I'm not the one he's marrying." she walked infront of him and grabbed his hand. "Troy I know you're the one for me and that this feeling towards you will never fade. I want to spend every living moment with you. And I know that things would be hard, but as you can see I'm willing to do anything just for you Troy. I love you."

Troy instantly smiled and grabbed Gabriella's face gently and kissed her. And with that she knew he loved her too just as much as she loved him.

"Um HELLO?!? What the hell is going on here." Brittany stumbled down the towards Troy and Gabriella. "Troy were getting married right now lets go!" she grabbed his hand pulling him.

He snapped his hand back. "No Brittany were not getting married. I'm sorry but I'm not gonna marry someone I don't love. I did love you but I don't now and I'm so sorry. You're a wonderful girl, your just not the girl for me." he looked at her.

Brittany looked at Troy teary eyed and nodded then walked off down the aisle.

Troy's eyes went to Gabi who was just standing there waiting. He smiled widely and picked her up bridal style. She giggled which made him smile even more.

"You look handsome." she touched his cheek softly.

"And you look like you just woke up." he laughed.

"Haha not funny."

He leaned in and pressed his lips against hers softly. Then pulled back and walked out with her in his arms.

awww . I don't think I'm going to end this story cause you guys gave me wonderful ideas. :) but please review and tell me what you think of this chapter. And everlasting will be coming out soon. And thanks once again for the great reviews you guys are amazing :) love ya!