1It was September, the month where summer is over and back to school. Kids weren't so happy about that idea either. Gabriella Montez was one of those kids. Even though she was popular and adored by the whole school, she hated the work and the nasty rude teachers. Even though there was a rumor of a new teacher coming. Gabriella really didn't care. Another rude boring teacher it meant to her. Gabriella hopped out of her black Range Rover and headed toward the school where she was greeted by everyone. She finally saw someone she couldn't wait to see. Someone who made her smile. Her amazingly handsome boyfriend. Noone other than, Chace Dawson. The quarterback of Orange County's High School. And The hottest guy in school.

"Hey babe." he kissed her.

"Hey baby, I missed you." she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I missed you more." he kissed her neck.

"Mmm." she moaned lowly.

Chace smirked. "God, your hot." he whispered in her ear.

Vanessa giggled. "Let's save that for later babe."

He looked at her. "Okay, see you in class baby.' he kissed her once more.

"Yea, Bye." she winked and walked off.

Chace just stared at his beautiful sexy girlfriend gobbed smacked. Gabriella swayed her hips while making her way to her locker.

"Hey Gabs."

Gabriella turned. "Sharpay!"

"Hey babes, totally love your outfit." they hugged.

"Love yours too." Gabriella commented.

"How was it with Chace yesterday?" Sharpay asked.

"Great!" she bit her lip.

"Like always." Sharpay laughed.

"So, who's our new Math teacher I've been hearing about?" Gabriella asked.

"I don't know, noone seen him yet." she answered.

"What a great way to start your first day late."Gabriella laughed.

"I know." Sharpay giggled.

The two best friends linked arms together and walked to home room. Their teacher had an announcement and was also congratulating them on being seniors. Gabriella dazed out like always doodling hearts on her notebook, while the teacher blabbered about nothing. Finally, the bell rang and it was first period Math. Gabriella and Sharpay made their way in the class and took their seats next to each other like always. The new teacher wasn't there yet. So of corse the class was all wild.

"So what your doing after school?" Sharpay asked.

"I don't know." Gabriella answered.

"We should go shopping." Sharpay suggested.

Gabriella smiled. "Great idea! Shopping it is- -.

"QUIET!" a voice yelled.

The whole class grew silent. Looking forward. Gabriella's eyes wandered over heads and finally saw. The new teacher. Her eyes grew wide and her jaw opened. She couldn't stop looking at the man. She thought to herself of how handsome he was and so good looking and firmly built. And how perfect he was. From his hair to his feet. He was amazingly beautiful and sexy. She bit her bottom lip in need.

"I'm Mr. Bolton, and I will be your new math teacher for this year. First thing is, lets have a good year. I won't deal with disrespect or filthy mouths. I'll be cool if your cool. Deal? I'm young only 21 so I know how you guys feel I was in your spots not to long ago. Just show me respect and I'll do the same. Got it?" he said.

"God, his voice was even sexy." Gabriella thought.

Her eyes admired him in every way. Mr. Bolton had the bluest orbs she'd ever seen besides Chace. He had straight shaggy hair. That shined bronze. His light tanned skin. And muscular body under that button down shirt. His smile was breathe taking those white straight teeth he owned. Suddenly Vanessa heard her name being called.

"Huh?" she called out.

"Are you Gabriella Montez?" Mr. Bolton asked.

"Yes. Why?" she asked nervously.

"Well your in my class and I'm calling everyone name." he smiled at her.

"Sorry Mister Bolton." she said embarrassed.

"Don't be." he smiled comforting her.

Mr. Bolton called out some more names, then talked about what the would be learning this year. And already some girls commented on his hotness. Mr. Bolton would just say thank you and continued with his talking. Then the bell rang.

"Class dismissed." he said.

Everyone scattered out of the class room but Gabriella took her time.

"Bye Mr. Bolton" Sharpay waved.

"Bye girls." he said.

"Oh my god he's gorgeous." Sharpay squealed.

"I know. He's mouth dropping." Gabriella said.

"Yea, and he's only 21." Shar commented.

"You'd think he'd go for a 17 year old." Gabriella asked.

"Oh my god Gabs, getting ideas already?" she nudged her.

"Well I don't know." Gabriella smirked.

"Hey baby." Chace grabbed Gabriella from behind.

Gabriella screamed. "Crap! Chace you scared me."

He chuckled. "I'm sorry. Hey Sharpay."

"Hey Chace, saw the new hot math teacher?"

"Yea, guy looks gay." he laughed, while intertwining his fingers with Gabs.

"Hey!" Gabriella said.

"What babe? You think he's hot?" he asked.

"Yea, he's not bad looking."

"But I'm hotter right." Chace raised an eye brow.

"Of corse." Gabriella lied.

"Good." he kissed her forehead.

Sharpay just laughed. She knew Gabriella totally lied.

Time flew and it was already time to go home. Gabriella was at her locker getting her things. She was one of the last ones. Then Chace walked up to her.

"Hey sexy." he said.

Gabriella closed her locker and turned to Chace. "Hey handsome."

"I missed those lips of yours." he smirked touching Gabs waist.

Gabriella bit her lips. "They've missed you." she grinned.

Chace smacked his lips against Gabriella's. Kissing her hungrily and pushing her up against her locker. She wrapped her legs and arms around him. Moaning slightly as their bodies pressed together. Chace grew crazy over her low moans. He lifted her up and began bringing her into an empty class room. Gabriella's legs hugged his waist tightly. He shut the door with his foot. Without even breaking the kiss. He placed her on a desk. Slipping his hands under her shirt. Gabriella closed her eyes in enjoyment. Chace kissed her neck then slipped her shirt off and did the same to himself. Gabriella touched his ripped body caressing it. And made her way down from his chest to his buckle. She was just about to unbuckle his belt when someone opened the class room door. Gabriella fell back off the desk.

"What's going on here?" Mr. Bolton asked.

"Um, sir it's not what it looks like we were just, um ... you know." he stuttered.

Gabriella slipped her shirt back on and fixed her skirt. Then got up.

"Were, really sorry Mr. Bolton." she looked at him frighten and ashamed.

He sighed. "Make sure this doesn't happen again understand?" he said firmly.

"Yes, sir.." Gabriella looked down. Then walked out the class room.

"What a great way to show my impression to Mr. Bolton." she thought.