*looks around at all the glares* Um..........I blame collage for the lack of updates. *ducks* Please enjoy.


Oh, and I don't own Gundam Wing blah blah blah...Its a FAN-fiction. For fun not profit. Jeez!

Heero reacted; he didn't even really think. He bent over clenching his hands into fists, pressing his knuckles against the legs of the Oz Solider holding him captive. He felt something 'pop'.

He smiled to himself. It was all going according to plan. Soon he would be able to take control easily from the fools in charge.

Agents from the brotherhood were in place within OZ, their positions well secured and high. Rommifeller was nicely handled. The Alliance was so twisted that those that weren't part of the brotherhood wouldn't be noticed missing.

Twelve inches of harder-than-steel claws exploded from behind his knuckles, ripping through the soldier's pants and leg tissue, cutting through to the bone and back out. The air seemed to echo with the sounds of metal and the soldier's screams as blood pooled from his legs. Without pausing, Heero yanked his claws out and spun in a tight circle, shooting out a three clawed fist at the other solider. They went straight through his right shoulder, causing him to drop like his companion in a pool of his own blood.

For a few seconds, Heero stood panting, staring dumbly as the soldiers screamed and begged for help.

Then, he ran.

Pain. That was the only thing that Heero could feel. His hands were stinging as they adjusted to the new additions. He could feel the blood trickling down his arms, and knew he had some smeared on his face, but he just had to keep going. He had to complete the mission. Heero inhaled deeply, tensing as he smelled those just up ahead. There was no time to stop and think about what had just happened. He locked those moments away for now. There was only one thought he held onto; it was the one he needed at the moment.


Frowning as he watched the news reports, he rubbed his chin.

Those gundams.

They were a problem; they answered to unknown factions. There was no word on who they were getting their orders from. Such blanks were not ever good for an equation. Unknown factors needed to be exposed so that the rest of the problem could follow through.

Duo stopped running. He turned. His eyes widened; it was not a burning base that he saw being devoured by the flames.

It was a church.

Duo felt himself frozen for a moment with the heat that reached him even from here. For the past few months the heat that had flowed through him was a comfort. Now, he felt like it was eating him alive. The smoke turned the sky a reddish grey, the thickness of it pressing against him.

After a moment of long silence he went to his monitor and began typing. Pulling up the files, he redirected the equations and set up another program. Letting it run, he again turned his attention to the new casts. The images of the attacks seemed odd for just the Gundams. Something about how the attacks were carried out simply couldn't be only from the Gundams. The destruction wasn't as clean as the weapons they were said to be equipped with should have been.

Duo backed away from the sight. What he was seeing, what he had caused, overlapped with the very real image in his mind. Terrified, Duo broke in to a run, not stopping or caring if he was seen. The images were still playing for his eyes only. When he reached Deathsythe, he didn't bother with the cable, instead scrambling up the side of the dark gundam before reaching the cockpit and locking himself in.

Eyes wide, body shivering, Duo gasped for breath for a few moments. The inside of the cockpit blocked out the sight that was happing only a few miles away. The sounds that had been ringing in his ears were muffled to nothing at all.

He stared at his hands, hands that the flames had danced so merrily around.

Flames that had burned the church.

Duo closed his eyes, opened his mouth and screamed.

For some reason, the voice of a man echoed in his mind. A stupid man.

"The Natural Variable is unpreventable. You can eliminate the carriers but they will still appear." For some reason those words came back to him. The last time that happened was when Heero Yuy refused his offer.

When his monitors lit up with the results of the program, he frowned. The equation now had a section highlighted. A letter that should not have been there was blinking cheekily at him in bright red.

The mission was going fine, right up until the Oz soldier had ordered him to remove his glasses. Trowa froze, unsure how to answer. Before he could say anything the impatient soldier reached out and snatched the glasses right off his face. Trowa had seen the hand move toward him and, even though he was the enemy, tried to cry out a warning.


X factor. The Natural Variable.

A massive red beam of energy shot out of Trowa's eyes before he could close them. Luckily the beam didn't give away his position. Unluckily the soldier who had stood in front of him had taken the full blast and now his topless body fell backward. Trowa ducked down on one knee, feeling around for his glasses. When he found them and placed them back on, he stared at the body in front of him. Only small amounts of blood would stain the ground; the energy beam had sealed skin and flesh even as it burned. With his face expressionless,Trowa turned to complete the mission. No one would ever see his eyes again, though, so it was all right for emotion to blaze in them.

"Impossible." He murmured as he hit a few keys to expand the genetic work done on the equation. In an unusual bout of frustration, he growled and hit the keys harder than necessary. About fifteen minutes were spent trying to work out the kink in the system, running the program against the original equation and the flawed one. They came back the same.

It was too much. His head was going to explode, his heart burst. Thoughts that were not his own invaded his mind. Fear that was not his own, though shared, caused him to be physically sick. Around him he felt Sandrock shift and groan as it lifted into the air. For a few moments Quatre wasn't aware of anything but the chaos that was his mind.

He gripped the edge of the computer table in frustration. And if he had been a honest man, he would have admitted to fear as well. How had this happened? After everything, all the planning and steps taken to prevent this from happening...

Quatre felt his friends, their pain and confusion. His heart ached and reached out, trying to find them. Then, suddenly, it stopped. The silence was deafening. Quatre stared at his readouts and shivered. The base looked like he had made Sandrock dance through it. Quickly, he reached out again and felt relief that somehow the base had been evacuated successfully. Rubbing his chest, Quatre set the controls to head to the safe house, pushing down the worry that rose in his throat. He had not felt that out of control of his powers before. It was…intoxicating.

And terrifying.

Those Gundams, they were the key to this flaw. Ever since they had showed up things had seemed off. His agents had been trained, little more than the dolls they controlled. But the Gundams were different. The men who piloted them…he must find out who they were. They were the cause for all of this.

Wufei felt the rain falling on his skin. It felt so familiar, so comforting. Yet at the same time he felt irrational anger at it. His mission had gone without much trouble. The same as usual. So why did he feel like he failed? He didn't need those powers. It was obvious that he could not utilize them, excluding the bit of clouds when he was annoyed. They could be used to mask his movements. Otherwise....

As the news of several Oz bases being attacked, he simply stared. Many of his agents had been stationed at those bases. Not that they were any big loss. The simple fact was that he had to subtract then add more numbers into the equation. However, if he let things continue at this rate, the whole equation would have to be re-drawn. That would send them back weeks if not months, maybe years.

Wufei never noticed that the rainstorm had advanced, the rain coming heavy and hard. "Nataku. Forgive me for being weak." He spoke to his Gundam. The wind picked up, chilling his skin. Out of all the pilots, he had thought himself one of the strongest. However, every one of them, even Maxwell, had control of their powers. He was now the weakest. Weak.

The wind picked up knocking down a few trees. Lost in his thoughts, Wufei never noticed.

"The Natural Variable is unpreventable. You can eliminate the carriers but they will still appear."

The Natural Variable had appeared. The control was gone. And he knew right then who the voice had belonged to.

"Damn you Jared."

Confuseed? The parts in the itallics are what has been happening to our boys over these months. Okay I was lazy. The normal parts are in one time frame. Its the same guy from chapter 3. Who is he? Good question! Thanks agian to Sapphire as always.