Wow. I don't think I have ever written anything quite like this before. This is a fanfic based off the work of *sapphiregamgee on . Her stuff just rocks! Anywho she did this picture of the G-boys with the x-men powers and it was like 'fanfic-senses-are-tingling' moments. So here it is.

I do not own Gundam Wing or any of the Char.'s-Though it would be fun too!

It was an intriguing thing to be a gundam pilot. You really never knew what would happen, who you would meet, what you would blow up in pretty, fiery colors. It was however another thing to blow something up in a fiery pile of goo which happened to be your alarm clock by placing your hand on it. In Duo Maxwell's case it was unusual enough to cause worry and confusion.

"Oooookay. That's not normal." Duo said nervously, debating within his head rather this was payback from one of the guys for his last prank or if he was still asleep.

Duo sat up at gently poked the smoldering goo. After nothing else happened, he gave a shrug. "Weird but oh well." He muttered to himself, standing to start the day. Throwing his covers over the bed in a slightly orderly fashion, steadily ignoring what used to be his alarm clock, Duo wondered what time it was. His alarm had been blaring yet he didn't actually see the time before it melted. Duo knew he had stared at the black goo for a good while before moving.

Feeling a bit stiff around the shoulders Duo began to stretch. It wasn't till he placed his hands above his head that he noticed something odd. Blinking he stared at the burnt marks on the covers in the spot that he had graved them. Still blinking Duo brought his hands down.

Happily burning flames were dancing around on his palms and fingers. Duo stared eyes wide and body trembling.

"Yeah, that's really not normal."


Living in a house of five teenage boys, regardless what they did with their lives, one learns to accept the odd moments or two. Especially when the boys in question daily work on or with explosions and machines of war. So it was understandable that when Chang Wufei walked into the kitchen he really didn't notice the dishes and glasses floating about in the air. At least not the first time. It wasn't till he had gotten a glass of orange juice and had walked out of the room did his mind register what he had seen.

Almost dropping the glass Wufei turned and entered the kitchen again. The chinese teen just stared without moving at a floating mug of coffee. Said mug of coffee moved past him and down the hall to the stairs. Wufei fallowed with the glass of juice forgotten in his hand. His face was impassive as he stared at the mug floating up the stairs as if an invisible person was holding it. Something softly hit his head and soon he saw a bagel fallowing the mug like a lost puppy.

Wufei simply stared after the two items before looking down at the orange juice in his hand with a scowl. Just what the heck did they put in this stuff?


Everyone is entitled to have a rough morning. Sometimes things just push your buttons wrong or you slept badly. For one Quatre Raberba Winner waking up to find yourself and most of the contents of your room floating about in the air was one of those rough morning buttons.

It took a good five minutes for Quatre to get himself to stop floating and firmly sitting on his bed, which thankfully was still on the floor. Then it took another ten minutes for him to gain control of himself as finding yourself in such a situation causes justifiable panicking. Taking a deep breath Quatre focused on the situation. Or well he tried to. The only thing that really went through his mind at the moment was his need for a cup of coffee. And maybe a bagel.

He jumped a little when the objects that had been floating dropped suddenly. In the way things go things that brake easily broke or were dented. Taking a deep soothing breath Quatre let his mind relax focusing on the previous thought of coffee. This thought proved to be the anchor for his mind and he soon found justifiable reasons for the floating. The antigravity generator could have broken or he had been still asleep. Whichever the case, nothing floated anymore which was satisfying to the young Winner. Frowning a bit Quatre stood and began to make his bed. He stubbornly ignored the fact that they were all on earth there for the anti gravity wouldn't be needed.

"Oh well." He said to himself straightening to surveying his bed. "It's probably nothing but an overactive dream. And it's over anyway now." A soft couple of thuds hit his door. Quatre stared at his door blinking. "Hello? Trowa?" He called opening the door. A mug of coffee and a plain bagel floated at eye level. Quatre blinked just once more before taking in a shuddering breath.


It was going to be one of those mornings. Heero Yuy knew it deep in his bones. Well to be more precise he knew it because his bones, muscles, and just about everything had a throbbing pain to it. However, Heero simply pushed this to the far recesses of his conciseness. Pain was acceptable, it came with the missions.

However Heero couldn't keep from rubbing his knuckles. They hurt the worst as if his bones were growing suddenly. Or as if he had punched something repeatedly. A nagging feeling like he forgot something, a small detail or footnote, fallowed him as he walked into the kitchen. He looked around at the broken plates and glasses. Heero had his gun out and ready without so much as blinking. He frowned as he stepped over the pieces. There was no sign of forced entry nor of any fight so he was confused as to how the dishes were laying broken.

Heero did not like being confused.

Hearing the sound of footsteps Heero whirled around and aimed at average head level. When Wufei came into view, muttering something in Chinese, Heero lowered his gun. "What with you?" He asked watching as Wufei dumped the contents of his glass into the sink.

"Besides floating cups of coffee with a bagel tag-along?" Wufei asked staring at out the window above the sink. Heero merely gave him an odd look before picking up the largest parts of the broken plates, frowning when he felt the edges cut his skin. "Hn." he grunted moving to dispose of the plates. Wufei handed him a paper towel to clean off the blood. Heero nodded his thanks before focusing on his hands. He suddenly froze one hand holding the blooded towel. Wufei noticed his fellow pilots stalled movement. "What's wrong?" he asked. He didn't get an answer as Heero all but pushed him out of the way to get to the sink. Quickly rinsing his hands, Heero stared at them.

There were no cuts on his hands. The skin wasn't even pink from the cuts.

Heero fought down the rising feelings within him and inspected his hands closely. It didn't look like he had even been cut at all. 'Perhaps I wasn't. Maybe I only thought I was.' Heero looked down at the towel on the floor, right where he had dropped it. The bright red blood spots seemed to beam cheekily up at him.

Heero really did not like being confused.


Wufei stared at Heero, who remained motionless at the sink. Something was going on in this house Wufei just knew it. However he could not figure out just what. And it was giving him a headache. The more he thought about it the more it seemed to hurt. What Wufei didn't notice that outside the wind had began to pick up and the sky darkening. The sound was enough to draw Heero's attention away from his hands and to the window.

There was a fierce wind storm forming.

Looking over to Wufei, who was standing with his eyes tightly shut in an attempt to ward off his headache, Heero felt something click in his mind. Just a little snippet from his training. Something that J had said.

'Soon you will not only have these skills at your disposable but you will also have abilities that only a few select will.' The old man said to the younger boy lying on the table. 'This will only hurt till your body begins to grow. Then you very well may forget it all together.' Heero stared at the mass of silver like liquid that J now placed into a machine. 'Don't worry; your healing will help you to survive. Though the pain will be unbearable for a while.'

Heero blinked before looking down at his hands again. He always did heal, no matter what happened to him. Now it was as if the plates had never cut him. What had J called it? His ability-his mutation. Before Heero could do anything else the entire house shook and rumbled, the sound akin to a missile filled the air. His gun back in his hand, Heero pressed himself against the wall. Wufei was right behind him, gun drawn as well. "Mobile suits?" Wufei questioned as the house settled. Heero gave a negative shake of his head.

After a few moments of silence both teens began to move forward, heading upstairs. Whatever had hit the house didn't seem to have destroyed much. Nothing else seemed to be forthcoming, so that rolled out attack. Still the two teens kept their guns out as experience has taught them in a war anything can happen.

They just weren't expecting the anything that they found.


Trowa knew it was morning, he could see the sun's rays as they rose through his eyelids as he lay on his back. It was time to get up. However Trowa's eyes ached something awful as if they were on fire. Raising his hands to his face, Trowa pressed his palms into his eyes in an attempt to relive the pain. The burning didn't stop. Rubbing his eyes didn't seem to help at all.

So Trowa opened his eyes.


Trowa felt himself cry out in shock as the force shot out of his eyes pushing him against the mattress. His vision was tainted red and he could feel whatever it was coming out of his eyes, a force of some kind pushing itself outward. Trowa closed his eyes quickly, tightly screwing them shut.

Silence was broken by pieces of the ceiling falling though Trowa didn't see it. He sat there on his bed with a hand over his eyes as his mind raced. What was going? Trowa made to stand up but ended tripping on the sheets of his bed sending him crashing to the floor. He started to open his eyes to see where he was going before closing them again as soon as he felt the heat start to build up.

"Trowa? Are you alright?"

Trowa paused in his movements. That was Quatre. He must have heard the noise. Trowa felt like hitting himself. Of course he heard the noise. The whole house must have heard it. He heard his door open and sudden worry seeped into him. "Trowa?"

"Quatre. Stay back. Something's wrong with me."


When the house shook and he heard Trowa cry out, Quatre's heart clenched. Mainly from the shock that rolled off his friend. The strange happening of only ten minutes ago flew from his mind as he bolted out of his door his gun in his hand and the safety off, his training kicking in. Quatre sprinted down the hallway to Trowa's door. His eyes scanning the hallway for any attackers Quatre called out to his friend. "Trowa? Are you alright?"

No answer was forth coming from inside. Quatre twisted the doorknob opening the door quickly. A quick look around showed Trowa on the floor with his hands and knees braced beneath him.

It also showed the ceiling gone, just gone, with only bits and pieces of shingles and plaster dusting the room. Concern for his friend swept through Quatre as he made his way over. Had a mobile suit shot a missile? Were they under attack? Had Trowa been injured?


Trowa through a hand out toward the blond boy to keep him away. "Quatre. Stay back. Something's wrong with me." Gently moving the prompted hand aside Quatre frowned. "Are you hurt? What happened to the ceiling?" His friend still would not look at him. Quatre took his face in his hands, turning it toward his. Trowa's eyes were tightly shut and his face was in a stern expression. Quatre moved his thumb to Trowa's eyelids to try and open them. "Did you hurt your eyes?" He questioned as the soft skin moved under his thumb. He was worried by how hot the skin felt.

Trowa, for a brief moment, wanted nothing more than to allow Quatre to find out what was wrong with him. However when he felt his eyelid opening, and the heat returning, panic filled him. "Quatre! No, don't!" He shouted as his reflexes, used all his life in battle and the circus, kicked in. As his eyes opened under Quatre's gentle probing the taller teen pushed himself away from Quatre, averting his head in time for the beam of hot red to shoot out across the room before he shut his eyes again, all in one fluid motion.

Quatre fell back as Trowa forcefully moved himself away. His own eyes widened as a beam of red light shot out of his friends eyes, neatly sending the far wall into oblivion. When silence reigned again, and as he began to feel the others in the house moving toward them, Quatre let out a shuddering breath asking the question that was one Trowa's mind as well.

"What is going on?"

Well? Ya'll like it?