Me: Alright, I know it's kinda late for me to be putting this up, but it took me a while since my computer shut down on me several times.

Allen: Yeah, Shimmer's computer has been giving her trouble so please hang on.

Me: Thank you Allen. This is for Yullen week. The first theme is Misunderstanding!

Allen: *blush* I can't believe what your script says. I don't want to do it.

Me: Well too bad. You're working for me now!

Kanda: Want me to shut her up?

Me: How dare you.. *narrows eyes* You may be cute, but that doesn't mean you can do whatever you want when you are in my studio! NOW GET TO WORK!!

Lavi: Shimmer does not own D Gray Man. She just owns the script.

Me: Thank you Lavi! Now enjoy!

WARNING! Cuteness!!!! And squee!!! Well, you'll find out!

Kitty Misunderstanding!

Kanda looked at the letter on the tray containing his soba. "What the?" He said in irritation. He looked around the cafeteria for the one person who'd be stupid enough to do this. He didn't see the baka usagi or the moyashi. He sat down in irritation and opened the letter while he ate his meal.

Meet me in my room. I have a surprise for you.


Kanda looked at the writing and read the letter again. He sighed and got up. "Might as well see what that damn rabbit has for me." He muttered. He left the cafeteria and headed to Lavi's room.

When he got there, he heard lots of struggling. "WHAT THE HELL LAVI!!" He heard Allen yell. Kanda jumped away from the door. "UNTIE ME NOW!!!!!!!!"

At this point, Kanda was pissed so he tried opening the door, and finding it locked, he kicked it open. "What the hell is…" Kanda cut off when he saw Lavi sitting on top of a topless Allen who was blushing with his hands tied up.

"Um… Hi Yuu-chan.." Lavi said.

"This is your surprise, you trying to force yourself on him?" Kanda asked pissed off.

"No, it's not. Um.." Lavi said sweating. "Don't kill me please? Just listen to me!!!"

"Che'!" Kanda said walking off, not wanting to see anymore.

"Yuu-chan wait up!!" Lavi called chasing after him.

Kanda drew Mugen and aimed it at Lavi's throat. "Don't call me that or I will kill you, Baka Usagi!" Kanda said.

"Come on, listen to me. I was trying to force myself on him. I was trying to get him to wear this." Lavi said holding up a dirty cat costume.

Kanda blushed and looked at the costume. "Why?" He asked in a strained voice.

"Because, I knew you liked him, and I wanted you two to have a night together." Lavi said smiling.

Kanda blushed again. "Give me that thing." Kanda said grabbing the costume. He went into Lavi's room and picked up Allen and walked to his room.

Lavi smiled and walked into his room. His plans always worked. "He almost got killed for it though, but it was worth it to see Allen and Kanda finally get together.

Me: Well.. yeah… This was weird and was the only thing I could think of for misunderstanding…. I promise the prank one will look just fine.

Allen: *blush blush* Why won't you let me take off this stupid costume?

Me: Cause, you look cute in it.

Allen: *whole face turns red* Shut up!!

Me: *squeal* ^^ YOU DO!!! What do you think Lavi, Kanda?

Lavi: STRIKE!!

Kanda: *blush* ….

Me: See, they think you look cute. And it looks Kanda can't hold it down. Want to go to the bathroom to take care of your little problem?

Kanda: Shut up. *walks off*

Me: ^^ Well, R&R please, and I will see you all in the next episode, of Yullen Week!

Allen: Why'd you just make it a show?

Me: Cause I wanted to!!! Oh, and flames will be used to burn random objects and cactuses. SEE YOU!!!