
"Hello, all of you TV watchers, reality show lovers, and couch potatoes! Welcome to the very first episode of the latest season of the ever-popular Total Drama series! I'm your host, the one, the only, the handsome, Chris Maclean.

"Now, for those of you who have watched the previous season know what this is all about. But for those of you who have no clue as to what's going on, here's a basic rundown: In the previous season, Total Drama Island Season Two, twenty-two new teenagers came to Camp Wawanakwa to battle it out against each other for twenty-one painful weeks, until only one remained, and received the grand prize of $100,000. That last one standing was Matthew; the youngest and most well-liked of all the campers. But just before the campers were to leave and return to their average, every-day lives, they were presented with one final task: all of the teens (with the exception of Matthew) were given a chance to battle it out all over again in one day to find a suitcase containing one million dollars!

"Alliances were formed, hi-jinks were pulled, and there were several campers who ended up in hot water with wild animals such as a bear and the Sasquatchinakwa. In the end, however, the case was destroyed in an explosion that burned down a whole building, and thirteen of the campers simultaneously tied.

"Now, those thirteen campers (Violet, Jennifer, Mark, Jeremy, Isaiah, Tim, Mary, Rachael, Luke, John, Josh, Daniel, and Ruth) have been given a second chance at the million bucks. They're soon to arrive here, at this old, abandoned movie Film Lot somewhere in Toronto, Ontario. For thirteen weeks, they'll battle it out in a similar way, only in challenges that are entirely based on movie genres. In the end, hopefully, the million dollars won't be destroyed, and will go to one of the lucky teens.

"The castmates will arrive soon, and the show will begin. So sit back, relax, get as much popcorn and soda as you'll need, keep the TV remote by you at all times, and get ready for the first episode of Total…Drama…Action…Season Two!"

Episode 1 Part 1: The Castmates

Disclaimer: Fedora Kid does not own Total Drama Action or any of its characters.

The smelly, old, beaten-up bus rode through the massive Canadian city of Toronto. Inside were the thirteen teenagers who were about to go through a season of torture all over again. The only thing keeping them going was the idea of becoming a millionaire by the age of eighteen.

After several hours, the bus pulled up alongside a massive gate, beyond which was the humungous Film Lot. The bus stopped, and the creaky door opened.

"Here's your stop!" The bus driver announced.

The thirteen teens started to exit the bus one by one. The first one out was John, the Goth from last season. John was still dressed in an all-black outfit, with his long black hair that covered his eyes. He carried a black duffle bag, and stepped out of the bus. He walked over to the circle of crude seats, such as crates, barrels, etc. He sat down on the nearest one: an oil drum.

Daniel was next. He was the jock, and was seen to be very manipulative in the grand finale of the previous season. As he walked out, several of the girls followed right behind him, staring at him as they admired his body.

Violet exited the bus next. She was the one of the thirteen castmates present who had lasted the longest in the previous season: third place.

Eventually, all of them (gladly) exited the rotten old bus and sat down. The bus doors closed, and the bus sped off with a screech of its tires and a cloud of smoke and exhaust behind it.

After the teens' coughing fit was over, they sat around and waited for someone to pick them up. In the meantime, they conversed.

"So, ready for another season?" Mark asked Rachael.

"I don't know." She responded. "Seems like with every passing day, that man creates new ways to torture us!"

"I agree." Isaiah added. "If it weren't for a million bucks at stake, I wouldn't even be here!"

"Personally, I don't care if I win or lose." Mark said. "Just the experience, the excitement, and making so many great friends, are probably the only good things about all this."

Many of his friends in the circle nodded in agreement. Those truly were the only good things about the experience.

"If only Matthew were here, though! He's a great guy, and I miss him." Violet added.

"Yeah!" Several of them agreed.

"Ah, I'm glad that goody-two shoes isn't here." Daniel said. "I mean, sure he's nice and popular and all, but he already won! If he were here, he would use his popularity to win again! I think it's time for one of us to win this time!"

His insult towards Matthew earned him several glares, but ultimately the other teens agreed with his logic.

After three more minutes of talking, the small, white golf cart pulling a long trailer behind it pulled up alongside the teens.

"Hello, everybody! The one-way train to the Film Lot is departing! Hop onboard if you want to join the race for a million bucks!"

The thirteen castmates were quick to get on the trailer before it puttered off. As Chris pulled them through the old Film Lot, he gave them the overall rundown.

"Welcome, one and all, to the Toronto Film Lot! Some of the greatest filmmakers in Canada have worked here!"

"Really?" Violet asked.

"No, not really. This place has been abandoned for about twenty-eight years."

The trailer passed through one set that looked like a town from the 70's; it had several buildings with neon signs, an old drive-in restaurant, and a movie theater with a huge marquee sign (which was blank).

"Now, here's the deal: you will stay here for the next thirteen weeks, and battle it out in movie-genre-themed challenges. In the end, all but one will be sent home, and that one lucky teen will become a millionaire!"

Then, after leaving the 70's town, they drove past a large theater, which was in the shape of a half dome. The inside of the dome was pink, and spotlights lined the stage. Also on the stage was a wooden podium with a microphone, and wooden bleachers in front of the stage. Standing on either side of the red carpet leading into the theater were two massive, golden recreations of their narcissist host.

"Your fate shall be decided at the Theatre," Chris continued. "where, in the end, one castmate will be left without a prized Gilded Chris Award."

"Wow, that's a whole new level of vain." Daniel said, rolling his eyes.

Chris ignored the comment as they drove through a massive recreation of Antarctica (complete with icebergs, penguins, and "the South Pole"). After passing through, they drove by the familiar pink booth.

"That pink booth is the Make-Up Confessional Booth, where you can reveal your deepest and innermost thoughts to all the viewers at home."

Make-Up Confessional

John: (Looks around the booth at all the make-up, clothes, and other items) Not too shabby, eh.

Mary: I don't know whether or not our time here will be better or worse than our time on that island. At least this place is closer to civilization. And the general concept of a film lot really does seem more charming than a cruddy old summer camp on a desolate island.

Daniel: All I can say is this: I'm SO gonna dominate this competition! At the end of these thirteen miserable weeks, I, with my charming good looks, my smoothness, and my physical superiority, will come out on top! And no one, absolutely no one, will stand in my way!


Then, at the end of their tour, they passed by a beautiful, sparkly trailer that had a green canvas awning over the door, four brand new wheels, and was connected to a bright red pickup truck, ready to pull it wherever it needed to go.

"Wow! That's a nice trailer!" Isaiah said.

"Yeah." Chris agreed. Then he dropped the bomb. "That's where I'm staying. You guys get those charming abodes over there." He gestured to the other side of the trailer they were in.

The teens looked and, to their horror, disgust, grief, and repulsion, they saw two cruddy-looking parked trailers. They had torn and dirty brown awnings over the doors (some of the teens had to question if they were brown originally), and the wheels had been replaced by cement blocks. One of the tires was seen near the trailers; popped, stained, and ruined.

"Those dirty old trailers will be your homes. Girls get the trailer on the right, and boys get the one on your left."

The trailer came to an abrupt stop, sending several of the teens jerking forward suddenly, and Isaiah actually thrown out of his seat.

"Alright, then. You all have thirty minutes to unpack and get settled in, then get back on this trailer so that I can take you to the location of the first task."

The thirteen teens all picked up their luggage and walked off of the trailer towards the two hideous trailers. Several of them glanced over at Chris's beautiful trailer, and could only hate the man even more.

The boys walked into their trailer, and saw how the interior was just as repulsive as the exterior.

"This is sure gonna be fun, eh?" John said, the sarcasm obvious in his voice.

"I'm starting to wonder if even a million dollars is worth this." Daniel agreed.

"Hey, come on, guys." The optimist Mark encouraged. "We're here to have fun, right?"

"Correction. We're here to win." Daniel said. "Having fun is not gonna help us become millionaires."

"Still. There's nothing wrong with being nice."

"Says you." Daniel snorted. The jock then turned his back to the optimist and started unpacking.

"Don't worry about him, man." Jeremy encouraged his friend. "Chances are, if he keeps that up, the viewers will vote him off on the first day."

Jeremy and Mark snickered.

Make-Up Confessional

Daniel: (Scoffs) Those two are like little girls; snickering and wisecracking about me. They're just jealous because all the girls adore me.

Mark: I guess having the viewers at home decide our fate can have its good sides. This is gonna be great!

John: Barely five minutes here, and we've already got arguments going on! Argh! (Slaps hand against forehead in frustration, then sighs) Well, as long as there's gonna be tension, I want to remain absolutely, 100% neutral; no choosing sides, eh.


And in the girls' trailer…

The five girls were finishing their unpacking, and several of them were, well, more or less, getting along just as fine as the guys.

"So, you think that this is gonna be so easy?" Mary asked Ruth. The strong girl had her arms crossed, and a cocky smirk on her face.

"These challenges are gonna be easier than pie!" Ruth declared. "Whatever Chris and Chef throw at me, I'm ready!"

"Don't get too over-confident. You never know what they might have in store for us. Chris's main goal is to present us with life-threatening tasks!" Mary screeched.

"That was in the last season. This season, all the tasks are based on 'movie-genres'. How dangerous can they possibly be?"

"Never underestimate Chris Maclean." Rachael commented.

"Fine, fine. If you want to worry so much about the first task, go ahead! But I do things with an absolute can-do attitude! I say, BRING IT ON!!!"

Make-Up Confessional

Ruth: OK, so maybe I was being a little cocky back there. But, hey. There's nothing wrong with having self-confidence, right?

Mary: Just because Ruth's the strongest girl here doesn't make her queen of the universe! If there's one thing I can't stand, it's people who think they can take on God…and win!

Jennifer: Look, I don't really have anything against Ruth. Trust me, I have a lot of respect for her. But she'd better keep that smug attitude of hers in check, or she'll be at the mercy of the viewers.

Mary: Secretly, I feel just as confident about this as Ruth does. I just don't want them to know that yet. When I was eliminated last season, I was devastated! It felt so terrible to lose! And I am not, repeat, NOT, going to lose again! I want to win!

Rachael: You know, everyone's kinda focusing on Ruth and her overly confident attitude, but I have a bad feeling about that Mary. Last season, we did see some of her bad side, and how…devious, she can be. I'm gonna keep an eye on her.


At the end of their half-hour, they all walked out of their respective trailers and boarded the awaiting trailer, still attached to Chris's golf cart.

"Alright, castmates. Your first task awaits!" Chris then floored it, and the cart sped off, sending several of the castmates jerking again, only this time backwards. And Isaiah completely flipped backwards out of his seat and hit the floor of the trailer.


Make-Up Confessional

Isaiah: (Rubbing the back of his head and wincing in pain every now and then) Aw, man! Not only is that man evil and a narcissist, but he's a really bad driver, too! (Winces again) Ah!


Author's Note: So, there you have it, readers. The first chapter of Fedora Kid's latest story, Total Drama Action: Second Season.

A little side note; the thing with the Make-Up Confessionals is nice, eh? See, when Fedora Kid first started on Total Drama Island: Second Season, he didn't know how to write a Confessional Stall scene, as he thought that that was something purely for TV, and not written stories; which is exactly why he didn't have any in the story. But after seeing other stories with Confessional Stall scenes in them, he slapped himself and realized how easy it is to write them after all, so enjoy! And stay tuned for the next chapter, and the first task!