This is book 3 of The Family Ties Series. In Things Remembered we will be well…looking back. This story will be comprised mainly of flashbacks. I won't be doing a lot of guest appearances in Looking Back and I'm sorry to those who didn't get to be in Family Therapy. Without further ado I present Things Remembered!

"So…what's your idea?" Jenny asked me. I laughed as I borrowed Jasper's gift and felt the anticipation in the room.

"A trip down memory lane!" I shouted. About half the family actually looked excited.

"Wicked!" Jake said, squeezing me from behind.

"Okay, I'll start," I said thinking of the perfect memory to share. Edward laughed as he plucked it out of my head.

We all settled on the many couches in the living room, Jake and I choosing my favorite tie-dye couch.


"Nessie?" Jacob called out from the hallway. I laughed. How hard is it to find me? I'm the only one in this house with a heartbeat that rivals that of a hummingbird.

"I'm in here Jacob. Seriously. How can you not know that?" I called back.

He came into the room, a weird look on his face. I was instantly concerned. Did something bad happen? Growing up with my family makes one worry…a lot…

"Well I didn't want to disturb you if you were busy. It seemed more respectful to ask permission before entering," Jacob stated eloquently.

"I'm not busy. Just reading And Then There Were None. So how can I help you today?" I asked him, putting my book aside.

"Do you know what today is?" Jacob asked my quietly. I racked my brains, trying to think of why THIS day was important. Then it hit my like a ton of bricks.

"JACOB! It's your birthday!" I shouted jumping up. I grabbed him around the waist, hugging him as tightly as I could. My arms couldn't really reach around him. I cursed my short arms.

"Wow she remembers…" he laughed.

I could have literally slapped myself for forgetting. I had known it was coming up and yet it still slipped my mind. I had even gotten him the perfect present.

"Do you want your gift now or later?" I asked him quietly. I hoped he didn't think my gift too outlandish.

"Whenever is most convenient for you," he replied. I smiled and pulled him out of my room towards the garage. He had a confused look on his face.

"Why are we going to the garage?" he asked rather daftly. Sometimes he could be beyond stupid. How many reasons are there to go to the garage?

"Umm…We need a car. We're leaving. Duh…" I said, speaking to him like he was a small child.

He gave me an it's-my-birthday-don't-make-me-kill-you look and walked into the garage. He froze when he saw the newest edition to the family garage.

"It's a…a…a Bugatti…" Jacob stammered. I laughed and dragged him towards the waiting car.

"Oh really? I had no idea…" I laughed. "I hope you like it because your stuck with it."

I swear on my love for him, he fainted. I couldn't believe it but he actually fainted. I laughed and poked him several times with my foot and when that didn't work I shouted for Carlisle.

"What is it dear?" my grandfather asked when he rushed into the garage.

"I think I might have killed my boyfriend…" I murmured, poking him with my foot one last time for good measure.

Carlisle kneeled down beside him, checking his vital signs. He poked and prodded Jake until I began worrying that I had actually killed him.

"What did you do to him?" Carlisle questioned me.

"I umm gave him the Bugatti…That's when he fainted. I…I think he might have sticker shock or something like that," I murmured.

Carlisle laughed and walked over to his car, retrieving his medical bag.

"A few smelling salts should do the trick," he said, breaking the capsule and waving it under Jacob's nose.

Jacob began to stir, the first few signs of life coming back to him. I laughed as Jacob salivated over the once again.

"I can't believe you got me a freaking BUGATTI! I love you so much Nessie!" Jake said, snatching me up and kissing me passionately. I was SO thankful my parents weren't around.

"As I love you Jacob. Just remember this when it comes back to my birthday," I reminded him.

"Best…birthday…EVER!" Jacob shouted.

I heard the light footfalls of my family approaching and turned just in time to see everyone gathering in front of the open garage door.

"And it's just getting started," my dad informed Jacob.

"How could this possibly get any better?" Jacob asked our family.

My father simply laughed and started to drag Jacob back towards the house. I followed, dumbfounded. I had no idea my family was planning anything special.

We entered the living room and my jaw literally hit the floor. Alice had once again gone all out. It looked like we had practically walked back into the forest surrounding La Push. All the werewolves were squished into the living room, along with Jacob's father, sisters, and Charlie and Sue. How they were all fitting into the living room was beyond me.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted. Jacob smiled brightly, wrapping his arms around me.

"Present number 1 was a car," Alice said.

"Present number 2 is your own family credit card," Carlisle said, hand Jacob a shinny plastic card with his name embossed on it.

"Wow…" was all Jacob could come up with.

"Present number 3 is your own pool house. We're putting in a pool and we would like for you to stay in the pool house," Emmett laughed.

I was sure Jacob was going to faint on me again.

"I love you all so much!" Jacob shouted.

"But you haven't even gotten the best present yet," my mum said laughing.

"And that is?" Jacob asked.

"You have our official blessing," my mum told him, winking at him. I felt confused. Their official blessing? For what?

"We'll tell you when your older Renesmee," my father told me before turning to Jacob. "Welcome to the family...son."


"So what exactly did you bless my dearest father?" I asked him.

"Think about it," was all he said.

A/N: So…What do we think about the first chapter ladies and well ladies? Personally I think this is going to be a lot of fun to write. Do you have a twilight memory you would like to see included? All ideas are welcome. I'm hoping for a chapter a week…But don't hold me to it. Review! : ) I love you all! My readers are the BEST EVER!