So, hey, I have SATs coming up on Kanda's birthday. :| I'm an idiot for forgetting, but.. I'm short on time. Schoolwork's kinda doubling up, so I'm doing the same with these fics.
Instead of 6 one-shots (dear god I've only finished this one), I'm doubling up the themes and posting three chapters of two themes each. I say chapter, but they can also be seen as one-shots because each one has a new situation and presents new insights to the relationship. I'm also trying out a new writing style or.. something. So if it doesn't make sense, tell me and I'll edit those parts. There's a lot of stuff in parentheses, so you'll want to reread the sentence after reading that stuff. :| It makes a bit more sense, really.
Theme(s): Misunderstanding: to interpret something the wrong way; Prank: a game, a joke, usually done for entertainment.
Summary: Themes 1 and 2, Misunderstanding and Prank. A little celebration before summer arrives. A drunken night. And truth or dare. "No more parties. No more drinks. Goddamn, how the hell did I let you talk me into this." AU, Yullen.
Warnings: Oh, I have no idea. They're drinking, even Allen, though he's not really drunk (BUT YOU'RE NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT-- damn I gave it away), they're playing Truth or Dare, even Allen, hell is in there about 11 times and everyone's cursing-- but not Allen, unless you count bloody hell, then, yes, he curses, but he's drunk so it's perfectly fine--
I'll just stop and say that sex is implied. :| And they're also in college now. It is also unbeta'd so there might be some mistakes and errors and such. MS Word doesn't do jackshit.
Disclaimer: If I owned DGM I would've made sure the half-Akuma arm wasn't already copyrighted and I would've revealed Kanda's past earlier. :| And I would've ended hiatus but guess what I don't own DGM and we're still on hiatus baaawwww.
SO UH. ENJOY? Review plox if you want :D :D :D
OTL so short. It's just a little over 4.5k words baw.
Day One: We can joke around...
The bottle is colored, Allen notes with a hum. Brown, to be exact. Sort of an amber-ish color, or something similar. It looks nice though, with the way the fluorescent lights glint off the glass. Hypnotizing. It's empty, too, which should be a good thing.
Spinning a bottle with liquid inside it didn't work too well last time. It sort of fizzed and would've exploded all over everyone if Kanda hadn't been sane enough to chuck it out the window in frustration because it wouldn't spin (it landed in the dumpster and shattered, upon which Daisya cried about wasting a good drink).
But this empty bottle pretty much means bad news. Why? Because it's not just any empty bottle.
It's an empty beer bottle.
And there's plenty more empty ones if Kanda breaks this one.
"Jesus Christ, when will it stop spinning?"
"It stopped already."
"Not th' bottle, Al," Daisya falls onto his back, covering his face with an arm. "I meant the room. S'like a fuckin' carousel. How d'you even get around?"
"Huh." Allen blinks, swaying slightly as he looks around the slowly rotating walls of the dorm's mini living room. "It wasn't like this when we came in."
"Oh yeah?" The Turkish senior sits up clumsily, almost falling over again. "Whoa. Yer floor's screwed up, too. Whose turn's it?"
"Um." Allen squints. Damn. Why did all the girls have to sit on the same side? It's a little hard telling them apart right now. "Linali? Yeah. Linali. Uh. Truth 'r dare?"
The Chinese girl giggles with the other three around her before replying, less tipsy than most of the boys.
"Ah." Being the gentleman he is, Allen won't ask anything too personal, even after a few shots of disgusting beer. "Have you ever.. ah, kissed anyone?"
Maybe if he weren't as drunk, he'd remember that this topic had already been addressed during the drinking game earlier - which explains why all of them are giggly and drunk.
"Once, under mistletoe." Linali smiles, reaching forward and spinning the bottle with a sharp flick. Instead of watching it go around and around this time, Allen takes a look at all the people sitting in the makeshift circle around the amber bottle.
There's Yuu Kanda, his dorm mate (rather unfortunate, though they've somehow managed to survive each other for a few years), Marie, Daisya, Chaoji (dorm mate's adopted siblings), Lavi (dorm mate's self-proclaimed best mate), Linali (best mate's mate), Rou Fa, Fou, Sachiko (Linali's girl mates), and another face or two that Allen can't place at the moment.
"Where's Toma?" He suddenly asks, glancing around the room again.
"With Michael."
Allen's brow pinches into a frown.
"What's Michael doing?"
Lavi shrugs, trying to lean on Linali's shoulder, only to be playfully shoved off. He grins. "Probably pukin' in yer toilet."
Why is Linali yelling Kanda's name?
"Hey, finally!"
"First time since we started half an hour ago."
"What'd you do, Yuu? Curse it?"
Oh. Kanda's turn.
"Che." The Japanese senior leans back against the couch. He didn't drink as much as the rest them, 'I Never' regardless, but he's still pretty tipsy. Tipsy enough to mutter "Dare me."
"That's th' spirit, Yuu!" Lavi grins, narrowly missing Kanda's head as he claps a hand on his back.
Linali has a silly little smile on her lips. She looks pretty as always, Allen muses.
"Dare you t' sleep with Allen t'night."
The room freezes, all sound and movement stops, and Kanda's frown is more confused than shocked. It takes a few seconds before everyone's (well, the men's) brains catch up, and then they're all trying not to either choke or die laughing.
"Did I stutter?"
"No, but you slurred." Lavi points out, only a tad bit weirded out by the dare.
"Li." Kanda coughs, twitching. "You realize that the kid is about as legal as a dog."
"What's that supposed to mean?" Allen doesn't see how a dog is relevant to this, but he guesses it's the alcohol messing with his mind.
Kanda frowns again. "Dunno. Felt right t' say it."
"Oh." The platinum blonde sophomore blinks. "Well, for your information, I am cert'nly legal!"
"Really. I couldn't tell, since you're th' same brat you were five years ago."
"Guys!" Linali's dainty hands, though they also pack quite the punch, push the two of them apart – which is kind of difficult, since they're sitting right next to each other. Just a coincidence. "I meant in the same bed. I didn't say 'Kanda, screw Allen.'"
"Linali, please!" Allen shudders, recoiling from both her and Kanda. "That's entirely disturbing!"
"Is not." Linali rolls her eyes, flourishing an arm at the Japanese man reclining against the foot of the couch, rubbing at his temples. "What, you don't think he's hot enough to sleep with?"
"Well, yes, he is, but he's also my dorm mate."
Kanda looks up. "I'm what?"
"You're deaf. And my dorm mate. Wonderful combination, isn't it?"
"I'm not deaf!" Kanda shakes his head with a frustrated groan, then points at Linali. "Li! I dare you t' undare me t' sleep with th' brat."
"Sleep in the same bed as Allen," Linali corrects him matter-of-factly. "Please keep your minds out of the gutter. And, Kanda, you didn't spin the bottle. You can't dare anyone to do anything."
Kanda angrily grabs the bottle and turns it to point at Linali.
"Now I dare you t' undare me t' sleep with the brat."
"In the same bed as Allen. I didn't even get to choose!"
Allen suddenly throws his arms up with an exasperated sigh.
"Bloody hell, Kanda, do you want to sleep with me?"
There's a pause, contemplation, before Kanda replies.
"What? No! Why th' fuck would I want to sleep with a kid like you?"
"It sounds like you do."
Twitching, the Japanese senior takes the bottle and flings it out the window again, where it falls into a dumpster and promptly shatters next to its cousin. There's no bemoaning of the wasted drink because there's no drink to be wasted.
"Fuck this game," he snarls, standing up with a hand on the couch for balance. "Don't any of you have better things t' do?"
"Oh, come on, Yuu." Lavi slumps over onto the ground, snickering at the ordeal and grinning at his best friend in the whole wide world. "It's almost summer break! You need to let loose at least once in a while."
"Your birthday's coming up, too." Chaoji adds with a small hiccup. Marie gives him a soft pat on the back.
"Ah. We'll need to do something to celebrate that as well." Allen suggests. He'd get up, too, if there was enough room to do it without the risk of tripping over or bumping into someone, like Kanda. "How old are you turning?"
"Twenty three. Wait, no! No celebration!" Kanda exclaims for the nth time that night, not including the countless times he said it while being persuaded to hold this shebang in his and Allen's dorm. "No more parties. No more drinks. Goddamn, how the hell did I let you talk me into this."
Fou smirks, leaning forward with a wiggle of her eyebrows. "Wan' a reminder?"
"No, no. Hell no. Shit," The Japanese man hisses, nearly tripping over Lavi's feet on his way to the nearest bedroom. "I'm going t' bed. Brat, clean up this crap you 'n your buddies made a mess of."
"But they're your friends too! And they," Allen gestures in Marie's, Daisya's, and Chaoji's direction. "are your siblings, adopted or not."
"I don't care. I'm leaving."
"No can do, Kanda." Linali giggles, reaching out to grab the sleeve of his sweater and pulling him back. "You'll lock the door if you go to bed first, and you're supposed to sleep with Allen t'night."
"In the same bed as me!"
"Shush. You want him to screw you just as much as we do." The Chinese girl insists. Fou and Sachiko are choking in laughter and Rou Fa, though flushing red and embarrassed, nods in agreement.
"No I don't!"
"There's too much sexual tension between the two of you. Even I can see that." Marie nods sagely, as though he hasn't had a little more than half a bottle of liver poison. "And I'm blind."
"What the blast happened to keeping our minds out of the gutter?"
"Y'know what? Fine." Kanda jerks his arm away and hooks it under Allen's left one, pulling him up to a standing position none to gently. "We're going to bed. You guys clean up and go home or sleep over or whatever. I don't give a damn anymore."
"Ow—Kanda, that's my bad arm! Slow down, jerk!"
"Be gently with him, Yuu!"
"Stop calling me that!"
The door slams shut just as Daisya notices that their spinner has gone missing.
"Hey.. we got another bottle, yeah?"
"Plenty, D!"
The walls aren't exactly what you'd call soundproof, so the game sand conversations are a little less than clear, but all Allen can hear is his heart pounding in his chest as nimble fingers skitter down the front of his dress shirt, flicking apart the buttons with practiced ease – though it could just be the alcohol messing with his perception.
His shirt falls open and he shivers in the cool night air seeping through the tiny crack under the window. It doesn't shut all the way and the air conditioning has been faulty lately. One of them will have to be repaired, someday.
"You're not seriously thinking about sleeping with me, are you?" Allen inquires in a breathy whisper, resting both hands on his dorm mate's shoulders.
He'll admit, Kanda's attractive. The room is dark, no lights, but the moon casts a faint eerie glow over the Japanese's head like a halo, and his normally tanned skin is pale in the moonlight. Glowy, almost.
Kanda stares at him, at Allen's face, for a moment, this time obviously thinking about something – or someone – and then his gaze drifts lower.
"You think too much of yourself, Walker."
Now, to clear things up—
They hate each other.
Kanda's brusque rash, despite being a college senior (or maybe that's the reason why), with the most antisocial attitude the Black Order University has ever seen. If there's anything Principal Leverrier is glade of, it's that the Japanese doesn't pick fights. Only self defense will provoke him to beat up bullies and no-good-doers.
Oh. That, and if anyone talks trash about those people that call him a friend. Like, say; Lavi, Linali, Allen, Chaoji, Marie, and Daisya. Toma, Michael, Rou Fa, Sachiko, and Fou by default because they're friends of his 'friends'.
Yes, even Allen gets defense from the big bad Kanda, though the senior claims that he's the only one who can talk trash about the brat. The death threats are only a tough front, but don't tell anyone that.
Allen, on the other hand—one could say he's an angel in disguise. Sweet tempered, patient, largely a pacifist, class president for all of high school. First year of college was hectic, but he's at the same presidential rank again sophomore year.
He helps people, tutors piano, member of orchestra, close to perfect scores, averagely athletic (compared to Kanda's daily kendo sessions, at least; Allen only does acrobatics as a hobby), volunteers more than he should (somehow, he can get 20 hours worth of service in a normal school day)—
Your typical goody two shoes.
..Except for one teensy little thing. Well, three things.
He has a habit of cheating at poker (okay, four, since gambling isn't a good thing either).
He's admittedly bisexual (which is totally acceptable by the majority of his peers and colleagues), though leaning more towards men than women (also totally okay).
Allen is rather obsessed and attracted to his dorm mate, Yuu Kanda (which is kind of not okay, but only outside their little circle of weirdos).
Strange, considering how well they got along when Allen was trying to make friends with Linali and Lavi during freshman year of high school. The guy thought they were being bothered by some old man. Wonderful start to a relationship, isn't it?
And it only gets better.
What with Allen's new reputation as perfect student, and Kanda just barely passing his classes, people started wondering with of the two was a better choice.
The bad boy Yuu Kanda who's absolutely hot and gorgeous, (And also kind of like every girl's wet dream – Linali, Rou Fa, Fou, and Sachiko aside. Well, maybe Sachiko) or the wonderful Allen Walker with his sweet looks and gentlemanly manners?
Of course, neither of them paid much attention to their admirers. Allen had too much work to go to any proms and Kanda was kinda sorta prohibited for causing a mass fight a few weeks before each and every dance. It wasn't like they wanted to go or had anyone special to go with anyway (though Allen had Rou Fa and either could've just asked Linali before Lavi did).
Kanda, being the 18-year-old rebel he was, stumbled half drunk into the alley behind Allen's little apartment the night of what should've been his senior prom. The younger teen had promptly rolled his eyes and taken the Japanese in to sleep it off. There wasn't much sleeping done, though, and while Kanda was too wasted to remember—
Allen can confidently say (if he ever chose to) that Kanda is a "bloody good kisser", drunk though he was.
Thus began the platinum blonde teen's obsession (though he still hated the man's guts, he also found Kanda's negative attitude rather amusing).
"Kanda," Allen mutters against the older man's moving lips, backing away just as a warm tongue flicks against his mouth. He brings a hand u to thread through the loose strands of midnight tresses, thankful that Kanda won't remember this. Just like he doesn't remember all those other times. "Not against the door, please? They'll hear us.."
Silenced by another kiss, a soft 'che', he'll never know that Kanda lies when he says he doesn't remember, because he does. He remembers every touch, every taste, every gasp, every sigh—
But, hey, Allen doesn't need to know that he keeps doing it because he likes kissing him.
Kanda has never come out about his sexuality, but he's the kind of guy you don't expect to follow rules (funny, because he hasn't broken many since moving into the same dorm as Allen), so no one will be too shocked when they find out.
He's what you'd call 'beansproutsexual' otherwise popularly known as 'Allensexual'.
Yeah. Kanda's just as obsessed with Allen as Allen is with Kanda.
Soft and supple – no matter how many times they kiss, Kanda is still taken by the feeling of Allen's lips against his own. He's usually too far gone to notice anything more than the feeling of that, but this time—
This time, he made sure not to drink too much.
"Bed." Allen whispers again, squirming to get out of the sandwich between the door and Kanda's hard body.
Wooden flooring isn't a good idea in this occasion as they nearly slip on Allen's discarded shirt on their way to the mattress, Kanda's own sweater and t-shirt coming off somewhere along the way.
And just as Allen falls back onto the bed, flushed and breathing lightly, the door opens.
"Heeeyyy, Yuu! You guys naked ye—yikes!" Lavi ducks as a water bottle crashes into the wall behind him. Luckily it doesn't break, saving both of them some cleaning to do in the morning. "Guess not?"
"That's it – get the hell out of here!" Kanda snarls, shoving the redhead back and shutting the bedroom door behind, effectively muffling Allen's questioning call.
"Whoa, chillax, Yuu." Lavi scrambles to stand, clutching the water bottle that was used as a projectile. "Everyone's already gone. It's almost three AM!" He chuckles at the confused frown on Kanda's face. Time sure does fly when you're.. having fun. "Just thought I'd drop by and tell ya that Linali 'n I are leavin' now. S'clean as a whistle out there!"
"Fuckin' wonderful. Now go."
"Hey, didja drink from this, Yuu?"
"..Yeah. Why?"
"Sweet." Lavi grins and unscrews the cap for a gulp of water. "Indirect kiss, baby."
"Get the hell out."
Ducking a swing of another bottle, the redhead scuttles to the door, laughing like he's just pulled the greatest prank in the whole universe.
"Lavi, stop tormenting him." Linali chuckles from the doorway, holding a handbag in one hand and a paper bag in the other.
"Alrigh', alrigh'. We're takin' the bottles for recyclin', too, so you can thank us!" The senior grins, digging into his pocket for something. He pulls out a small thing wrapped in plastic and slips it into Kanda's back pocket with a suggestive grin and a light grope.
"What the hell--?!"
Cackling gleefully, Lavi slips away from yet another lashing and high-fives the Chinese girl at the door.
"Hey," she smiles, waving a hand at Kanda. "Indirect grope."
"Are you 22 or 12?"
"I'm 21, actually."
There's a few reasons why Kanda puts up with these people.
He met Lavi way long ago, sometime between elementary and middle school, in the library. Just sitting on a couch, curled up with Mists of Avalon like it's the best damn thing in the world. But Kanda wouldn't know how good it is because he still hasn't opened the one he stole from the library (though he did pay for it). It's just sitting on a bookshelf in his room, untouched.
Lavi always reminds him to read it someday, just like he keeps reminding him that he has to stop slacking off on school work. Linali does, too, though a bit more affectionately, being a girl and all. Kind of nice how they're both worried about his future when he himself doesn't give a crap.
Sometime during his freshman year in high school, Kanda just stopped trying. He attended classes and all, tried to do homework, but his teachers knew he was answering them wrong on purpose. No one stopped him, so he kept doing it.
How he managed to get into the same college and Lavi and Linali is unknown. Some say he threatened Principal Leverrier ( if). Others think he bribed him (even bigger as if). The girls all think Kanda's secretly a genius and took secret tests or something to get in to the Black Order University.
But, hey, no one knows for sure.
These people, this circle of weird 'friends' he has, don't treat him differently. These people don't care. They worry, sure, but they'll drop if after a while.
Except Allen.
He cares.
"Maa, Yuu, we'll get goin' now. Tommora's Saturday 'n all. Places to go, things to do!"
"Uh huh."
"Night, Kanda." Linali smiles again, waving as they leave. "Be gentle with Allen. Use protection!"
Kanda scoffs, kicking the door shut after them and lightly touching the wrapped condom through his back pocket as he trudges back to the living room.
"We're only sleepin' in the same bed."
…Or so he claims.
Morning comes, bright and early, and with it a dull ache, though not unpleasant. Kanda's hand, draped over Allen's pale, slim waist, searches for the water bottle he's sure he left nearby. He had collapsed onto the couch last night without putting it away and Allen had come out to check up on him.
And whaddya know. They did end up sleeping together.
Sex feels good, obviously, or else no one would do it.
Kanda's pretty sure Allen enjoyed last night.
Something falls onto the ground, the sound echoing loudly through his hangover, and he groans. Any decent person would be looking for painkillers or something, but drugs and medicine aren't Kanda's cup of tea, so he opts for plain water. Works just as well, or so he's found.
Kanda props himself up on one elbow, after one last inhale of Allen's scent of musky chamomile and roses, and leans over to see where the bottle rolled off to. Right next to the damp washcloth, previously used to clean up a small spill of beer, then to wipe off the post-coital mess.
And, coincidentally, there had been a blanket Allen had draped over the back of the pull-out couch in case anyone decided to crash after the celebration. Right now, it's being used to keep both of them warm from the faulty air conditioning.
Sighing, Kanda sits up more, trying not to wake the mess of white hair leaning against his shoulder. The bottle's kinda too far away and he doesn't feel like getting up, but he can't stay ling down either.
"Gah." The sun burns his eyes because no one bothered to pull down the blinds. Despite the warmth it provides, Kanda would rather not have it glaring at him so early in the morning. If it's even morning. "What time is it.."
The clock isn't where it should be. Lavi probably oved it so Kanda wouldn't try to get some kendo in before lunch rolls around. If it's even near lunchtime. From his position on the couch, kinda sorta cradling his dorm mate half on his chest, and most of his hair tangled between Allen's pale fingers, he can't even see exactly where the sun is. But it if can shine in his face (indirectly, perhaps), then it must still be early.
It doesn't look like he'll be getting out of bed (well, off the couch) any time soon until the (Allen, he reminds himself) wakes up.
It's funny how far they've come. A little over six years ago, they were 'the bully' and 'the bullied', slowly transcending into 'the arsehole' and 'the annoying old geezer'. Then came the first drunk night (together, that is – Kanda had ended up on other girls' doorsteps before, Lavi being the one exception) and soon, both had become 'the obsession'.
It's funny how the perfect Allen Walker can be reduced to a mess of whimpers and moans under the mouth and hands of Yuu Kanda, his supposed rival and enemy.
Funny, how Kanda would tell himself that it means nothing, only a place to crash when he was wasted, even though he ended up dropping by Allen's apartment for a make-out session after just a few drinks one too many times. He always made sure to drink something before kissing. If he tasted like alcohol, Allen would just think he was drunk, which was a good thing.
Funny, how they're not cuddling on a couch after having what Kanda may consider the best satisfying sex ever. He won't deny it. Doesn't know if Allen was a virgin or not, since things were sort of distorted from that beer, but it doesn't change his feelings. It was good, and that's all he has to say.
Funny, how Kanda isn't even trying to leave before Allen wakes, like he usually does with those other girls. Allen knows, of course, that Kanda tends to sleep with whoever owned the house he stumbled onto and would get into fights if it was a guy. How? Because, sometimes, he'd get carried away and forget who he's kissing – they all sound the same after a while – and start trying to take the kid's clothes off.
It was at these times that Allen would get embarrassed and say Kanda's name in that breathy tone and really adorable accent of his, and Kanda would stop ripping the buttons off Allen's shirt, kiss him a few more times, and then… Sleep.
And of course, Allen would be flushed and stammering the next morning (but luckily Kanda took this into consideration and only dropped by on Fridays or Saturdays so the kid wouldn't have to deal with anyone) as Kanda, more often than not, was throwing up into the toilet. Except on days when he didn't drink as much, in which case Kanda would most likely remain sleeping on Allen's couch.
After a few weeks of this, going on two months, Allen suddenly started carrying around pills to stop the headache and puking. Said they were from his uncle, leftovers from when the man passed away. The guy's never around so Kanda can't confirm it, and even though he doesn't like drugs and pills, Allen always managed to get him to swallow it via mouth-to-mouth – and Kanda wasn't one to refuse that.
And it's funny that, after just barely getting the bottle and draining whatever's left, Kanda only tugs the blanket up higher and pulls Allen closer.
No, he won't get up and get ready for the day (it's not like he has much to do, anyway). He won't leave Allen to wake up alone and wonder what exactly transpired the night before.
No more pretending.
No more misunderstandings.
No more jokes.
It's time to be a man, come clean, and tell Allen the truth.
Time to tell him what he really feels about the unnaturally blonde college sophomore.
So Kanda lets his eyes drift shut, running his hand through his dorm mate's medium length platinum blonde hair – dyed, definitely, because he's seen Allen's natural hair color just a few hours ago – and hoping Lavi doesn't think it's a good idea to burst in all of a sudden.
Allen smiles against Kanda's neck. He's been awake since the beginning, only pretending to be sleeping. It was hard, but somehow he managed not to stiffen when Kanda was moving around. Afraid the other man would leave.
But he knows now. Knows that he's not just another fling in Kanda's life.
Knows that he means something to the Japanese man, finally, after all these years of avoiding and skirting around the subject.
Knows that what he feels for Kanda is mutual.
So he whispers, "Kanda," just to feel him tense up. The senior's vocal chords are moving, barely, attempting to speak. And he whispers again, "I already know," an answer to an unasked question, just to feel him relax and unwind.
He knows why Kanda is still here instead of somewhere else. Knows why Kanda isn't trying to untangle his hair from Allen's pale fingers.
He knows why.
He understands.
And for that, Kanda would gladly trade a day's worth of kendo training for one morning of silence with his lover.
..and straighten things out.