I have a soccer game later :D. Wish me luck! Welcome to the last installment of Center of Blogging. I'm really happy you guys all love it! Maybe sometime waay later I'll make a sequel. Please answer the poll on my profile! You guys have been totally awesome. I'm so sorry for my lack of updating in the past XP. BY THE WAY: I would love to thank my friend Clare for the word 'ficken'. She missed typed 'fricken' and ever since then, I've loved the word 'ficken'!


Oh Fickin SNAP

So you've heard about my pomegranate machine? Haha...it kinda broke.

So I accidentally..erm...spilt milk on it.


Now, uh...there's a bunch of deformed pomegranates bouncing around the country.


Well, let's look at the bright side!

We have a lifetime supply of pomegranate seeds!




Cornelius Fudge says:

No one is going to believe that, Draco Malfoy.


Hermione Granger says:

Fudge, just don't talk. Ever.


Voldemort says:

Hey, I'm being dead serious!

And you're gonna be dead, I'm serious.

If the pomegranates don't kill you...I will.

Or my snake will. Sometimes I just feel so lazy, you know?


Harry Potter says:

Oh boy, do I know the feeling.


Ginny Weasley says:

Yep, you're lazy all the time. Remember when you tried to convince me to make breakfast for you so you wouldn't have to get out of bed?


Harry Potter says:

I'm an adolescent boy! I need my rest!


Hermione Granger says:

Seriously, soon Ron is gonna be thinner than you.

And Ron...he's a fatty.


Ron Weasley says:

Hey! It's all muscle under my skin!


Hermione Granger says:

That's what they all say.


Remus Lupin says:

Hey, all husbands/boyfriends like to be lazy for one reason.

So you will cuddle with us.


Dora Tonks says:

Aww. That's so sweet :)


Hermione Granger says:

Then how come whenever I even sit on the same couch as Ron he starts freaking out and calling me a couch hog?


Remus Lupin says:

Well, Ron doesn't count. He's more like...the girl in your relationship.


Ron Weasley says:

Huh. I don't like that.



Hey guys.

So I guess no one really cares that pomegranates are taking over the world.

I just wanted to say...

I SO told you so.

The Giant Squid died today.

You know why?

Ficken pomegranates.





Hedwig says:

Well I could've told you that.


Severus Snape says:

But you DIDN'T.


Hedwig says:

But I could've.


Severus Snape says:

(sigh) Never mind...


Ron Weasley says:

You sound like the robot from Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (by the way, I finished the book HAHA Thanks Hermione!).


Severus Snape says:

Maybe I am.


Ron Weasley says:

But you're not.


Severus Snape says:



Phantom of the Opera

Oh. My. God.

Remus will NOT SHUT UP about this movie!





Remus Lupin says:

Hey! Phantom of the Opera is the GREATEST musical EVER!


Ron Weasley says:

Didn't you cry at the end? So sad!


Voldemort says:

Oh, I know! He reminds me a lot of myself. You know, I was going to be an opera singer before I found out I was a wizard.


Hermione Granger says:

I wonder what went wrong with that...


Voldemort says:

Well...I was seduced by dark magic. I still miss those opera days.


Ginny Weasley says:



End of the Blog

It's over. I know it.

The pomegranates are entering Hogwarts.





Ron Weasley says:

Hermione, I'll save you!


Hermione Granger says:

You didn't have to tackle me..


Voldemort says:

They're coming this way!


Severus Snape says:

Okay, 'this way' is different to EVERYONE.


Albus Dumbledore says:

Oh no. They're headed towards the blog room!



Voldemort says:

Oh hey, I just found a button that says 'do not press'!

I'm gonna press it! You know me, always the rebel.


Ginny Weasley says:



Voldemort says:

Oh...well all the pomegranates blew up.



Albus Dumbledore says:

Great. I don't think the blog room was harmed.


Harry Potter says:

I still think that that was the stupidest idea ever.


Until next year...

I've decided to close down the blog until next year. We need to get rid of that stupid blog room and just give everyone real labtops instead of stupid Wizputers.

Stupid stupid stupid.




Harry Potter says:

Awww, I'm really gonna miss it.


Hedwig says:

I know I will. And you will too.


Dora Tonks says:



Remus Lupin says:

This sucks. I really loved this blog. We had a real connection.


Voldemort says:

I'm the saddest out of all of you!


Albus Dumbledore says:

No! I'm crying! Ha!


Voldemort says:

I'm crying too! And Hedwig gave me a hug!


Harry Potter says:

I'm really gonna miss it.


Ron Weasley says:

It's okay it'll be back sometime...


Severus Snape says:

No it's not coming back it's NEVER COMING BACK!


Hedwig says:

Oh shut up, Snape no one likes you.


Albus Dumbledore says:

Okay, I'm shutting it down now (sob)


Center of Blogging for Magical Persons is currently under construction. Maybe next year or the year after that it'll be up! Until then, just go get a life :) Just kidding. Just don't check here all the time. Because we will announce the revival of the Center of Blogging. DON'T WORRY!


I'm sorry if you didn't like the end of this story. I did my best :). Thank you all for sticking with this story! Oh, and I really super love POTO, so I wanted to include it some how :P. I will keep writing other stories, though! Maybe I'll do a sequel I don't know. Thank you SO SO much for your reviews!