A.N.: HELLO Y'ALL! I know I'm starting yet another story, but it was requested and I wanted to give it a shot. I plan to redo my Inuyasha story in the near future. I've been out of town the last two weeks with limited internet access so I've not been able to get a lot written, mainly due to my computer crashing and me loosing 3 different chapters. I will get them rewritten and up soon!

WARNING: there will be angst, yaoi/yuri, violence, character death and cussing. If there is anything else I'll let you know!

Disclaimer: I don't own Sailor Moon if I did there would still be Sailor Moon on T.V. and ALL of it would be shown in America!

Mamoru-Tuxedo Mask/ Prince Endynium

Nate- Nathaniel/Nephrite

Mikhail - Mik/Malachite

Zane-Zoicite/ Zoi

Jasper - Jade/Jas/Jadeite



The dark hair Sailor stared at the photo in her hand of her and the rest of the Senshi, tears streaming down her face. She rubbed the new mark over her heart as she placed the photo in a box and labeled it Haruka.

She was leaving, she was removed from her duties as a Senshi and she couldn't stay here anymore. They were her friends, her family! But now they didn't even want to see her again. All because of a creep from the Negaverse!

She sat on the floor and stared into the small box on her lap. It held her transformation wand, weapon belt and tiara. She wouldn't need them; she wouldn't live much longer anyways so she was sending them to the only people that still cared for her to find the right girl to replace her.

Placing the box on the floor next to her she grabbed a nearby notebook and started the note to go with the box.


By now you've probably learned that I am no longer a Sailor Senshi. After all that has happened I have to wonder if I was truly the Sailor Senshi and Princess of my planet. Maybe I was just gifted, or I could have been her sister. I just know that the true Senshi would never have been like me.

Anyway, I would like for the Outer Senshi, Star Senshi and Malachite to be the ones to find my replacement. I know you and the others will find her and teach her properly. I'm leaving you my weapon belt, transformation wand and tiara. They didn't disappear when I changed back so I think it is because I've been removed from duty. I channeled all of my powers into my wand so the new Senshi will have them.

I won't be here anymore, I'm leaving. I can't stay where I am hated so much. I'm sorry to leave like this, but it's for the best. Don't bother coming after me, I won't be here to argue about this. I'm not going to give you an address of where I'm going, I haven't decided where yet and I don't know how much longer I'll be around.

I want you to do me a favor. I want you to watch out for Nephrite. He doesn't seem like it, but he does need help from time to time. He will forget to eat if you don't watch him... Also, can you help him find his Soul Mate? I want him to be happy, who knows maybe my replacement will hold his heart. I know I should hate him for what he did, but I can't. I may not have been his heart, but he is mine.

It's time for me to go, I'm so sorry! Tell the rest of the Outers, Malachite and the Stars I'll miss them and don't be sad. Dear Zeus it sounds like I'm breaking up with you! It's ironic I guess…and really, really …..Sad.

I love you guys,


P.S. I never told Nephrite the importance of a Soul Mate for a person from Jupiter, so don't be mad at him.

Makoto read over the letter, a few tears dropping onto it. After taking a deep breath, Makoto folded the letter, placed it in the box then sealed the box. Grabbing a marker she wrote the name Haruka on the top.

She looked around the room one more time. Boxes littered the floor, various names on the boxes. She wouldn't need much where she was going and she still loved the Senshi and Shitennou, even if they could believe her a traitor, so she was leaving her things to them.

She rose to her feet, grabbed the little box and her keys and left her apartment. She wiped her face as she walked slowly and painfully to her bike. She smiled sadly at her bike, Nephrite had bought it for her for her birthday the first year they were friends. She loved it; it was emerald green with swirls of stars placed sporadically all over. It had a few parts that were electronically hidden for when she was a Scout and needed to chase Negaverse scum and needed to hold her weapons.

She placed the box in a saddle bag then hopped on. Turning in the right direction, Makoto took off towards the Temple. She knew the team would meet up there to update the others that weren't present of her new status. She drifted into a flashback of last night, bringing fresh tears to her eyes.


Makoto raced across the city, leaping from rooftop to rooftop trying to reach Usagi's team. They had needed to split up when several parts of the city were attacked.

Makoto had been teamed up with Uranus, Saturn, Shitennou Malachite and Star Healer fighting on the North end of town. The rest of the Stars and Outer Senshi were in the second team fighting on the East end of town, and the rest of the Shitennou and Inner Senshi were with Usagi and Mamoru fighting on the South end of town.

Makoto's team had defeated the enemy first and moved on to help the other two teams….

"Jupiter you go help the Princess, the rest of us can go help the others then meet up with you." Haruka called as she and the rest of the group caught their breath.

Makoto laughed, "You make it sound like you'll be done in no time at all!"

Michiru laughed, "Of course Jupiter. Uranus wants to prove she can beat you."

Haruka glared at Michiru, "Only once did Jupiter beat me in a fight. ONCE! It was a fluke."

Makoto laughed, "You know we're just giving you a hard time."

Mikhail shook his head in amusement, "Ladies, as much as I would like to enjoy this friendly banter, but our comrades are in need of our assistance."

"Shit! I'll see y'all soon guys!" Makoto called as she dashed off leaving the group laughing in her wake.


A purple hair man appeared before the battle weary group.

"Hello, Moon Princess. I see you've got your Senshi and Groupies with you. Ahh, but I can see you're missing some people. Let's see…. There's Mercury, Mars, Venus, Zoisite, Tuxedo Kamen, Jadeite and Jupiter's toy Nephrite. Hmmm, I see you got rid of the traitor."

"Traitor!? What are you going on about?" Rei snapped.

The purple creep made a mock shocked face, "You didn't know?" He gasped, "Well I just assumed you knew she was on my side when she wasn't here."

"Who are you talking about?" Rei demanded stepping forward.

"Well, Sailor Jupiter of course." He exclaimed as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"What in the name of Terra do you think you are talking about?! Jupiter would never betray her Princess or me!" Nephrite yelled stepping forward as he drew his sword on him.

"I, Gunner, never lie." The purple creep declared.

"You're lying! You just want us to second guess one of our own so we can't defeat you!" Minako shouted stabbing a finger in his direction.

"Are you sure about that….Mina?" Gunner asked, grinning evilly as the group stared at him in shock.

"How did you—"

"Know her name … Jasper?" Gunner snickered.

Jadeite glared at him.

"I know all of your names. I know where all of you live, your family members' names. Everything. She has been the inside informant for us ever since she became a Senshi. Why else would we attack like we do? We know when you're busy, where you are, EVERY thing there is to know, Makoto tells us." Gunner said convincingly.

"You're lying! She would never betray me like that! She has more honor than that!" Nephrite shouted blasting an energy ball at Gunner.

Gunner easily dodged it and blasted an absorption field at Nephrite, knocking him to the ground.

"Nephrite!" Mamoru yelled, running over to him.

Gunner laughed, "I told you I know everything, even how to fight you. Even about your older brother, Nathaniel." Gunner shot a shock wave of sorts at the group, knocking them into the building behind them then disappeared as Jupiter raced down the street, throwing a Thunder Bolt at him.

"Are y'all alright?" Makoto asked as she came to a stop, kneeling next to Usagi.

"Get away from her!" Makoto heard yelled at her just before she was hit with a huge Firebird by Rei.

Makoto landed hard on the road, she lay there for a moment in shock as the rest of the Senshi and Shitennou walked over slowly. Gently she pushed herself to her feet.

"What was that for Mars?" Makoto asked incredulously.

"I'm pissed it didn't do more! You betrayed us! You betrayed our Princess!" Rei shouted

"Are you CRAZY?" Makoto shouted back "Did that purple creep hit you too hard?!"

"He told us! He told us EVERY thing, everything YOU told him about us!" Nephrite growled as he stepped forward, sword gripped tightly in his grip.

"Not you too Nate. How could y'all think that of me? Especially you Nate." Makoto cried out in pained shock.

"How can we not think it, when he knew things only you knew?" Nate demanded. "He knew about my brother! Only you knew about him. I hadn't even told Tuxedo Kamen yet. I trusted you! I loved you, damn it!"

"I didn't say anything to anyone! I swear it!" Makoto yelled "You have to believe me!"

"Why should we? How can we when he knew things only we knew?" Ami asked sadly.

As a whole the Senshi and Shitennou stepped back a few paces.

Makoto stared in pain at her friends then looked to Nate, "Why would I help the Negaverse when the man I love and that loves me would be hurt as a result?" Tears ran down her cheeks silently.

Nate's face contorted with rage, "How can I love you when you would willingly hurt your Princess? How can I trust you when Gunner knows things only you knew?"

Makoto felt a sharp pain in her chest at Nate's words as her powers started turning against her, "What do you mean? You know I always keep my word, I never told! I love you!" Makoto cried, her powers pleading for her Soul Mate not to sever their bond.

Nate's face went blank, "I don't love you. I never want to see you again. You are a Traitor to your people and the Crowns of the Planets."

Makoto felt the bond break and her strength start to lessen as Mamoru and Usagi stepped closer.

Both Usagi and Mamoru were surrounded by a silver and golden glow only to be clothed in their Royal Garbs. Usagi raised her staff and pointed directly at Makoto," You have been charged as a Traitor to your Princess and the Crowns of the Planets."

Mamoru pointed his sword his sword at Makoto, "You have pleaded your case; you are to be tried by the required number of Counsel of the Planets' representatives. " He turned to the group and asked as a whole, "How do judge?"

Wands appeared in the hands of the Senshi and swords appeared in the hands of the Shitennou.

"I, Princess Ami, Senshi of Mercury find the Tried guilty." Ami answered sadly. A light blue beam appeared on the end of her wand.

"I, Princess Rei, Senshi of Mars find the Tried guilty." Rei growled. A red beam appeared on the end of her wand.

"I, Princess Minako, Senshi of Venus find the Tried guilty." Mina replied with confused and angry tears streaming down her face. An orangey glow appeared on the end of her wand.

"I, Lord Jadeite of Phoenix,l Shitennou of Earth find the Tried guilty." Jasper replied in a hate filled voice. A fiery glow appeared on the tip of his sword.

"I, Lord Zoicite of Unicorn, Shitennou of Earth find the Tried guilty." Zane replied frustrated. A watery glow appeared on the tip of his sword.

Nate looked directly at Makoto, "I, Lord Nephrite of Griffin, Shitennou of Earth find the Tried guilty." His voice was dead of all emotion. An odd swirl of greens appeared on the tip of his sword.

Mamoru turned back and looked at Makoto, "I, Prince Endynium, Guardian and future King of Earth find the Tried guilty." A golden glow appeared on the tip of his sword, the Shitennou beams meeting his.

Usagi looked at Makoto with wounded eyes, "I, Princess Serenity, Senshi and future Queen of the Moon find the Tried guilty." A silvery glow appeared on the end of her staff the rest of the Senshi's beams meeting hers, and then Mamoru's connected as well.

Silver and gold chains appeared and strapped Makoto to the ground as magic swirled around the group, hiding them from prying eyes.

Usagi stepped forward until the tip of her wand touch the skin against Makoto's heart.

"You have been deemed a Traitor by the Representatives; so deemed, so marked." Her wand started to glow brightly.

Makoto cried out as the spot the wand touched on her heart, a spot on her stomach, just behind her left ear and finally at the base of her neck started to burn. Shapes started to appear, forming two of the moon crescents, one upside down the other right side down, touching tip to tip in solid black but outlined in white with black and grey flames dancing around it with a 'T' burned in the flames, but each part was plain to see.

Usagi stepped back causing the chains to disappear making Makoto fall to the ground.

"You are marked Traitor and shall carry the mark for all to see. You no longer have the Title of Princess or the rank of Senshi." Mamoru spoke angrily.

"Princess Serenity, the Senshi invoke the right to punish their Traitors to those they protect." Minako declared as she stepped forward the other Senshi standing on either side of her.

"Prince Endynium, the Shitennou invoke the right to punish their Traitors to those they protect." Jasper declared, the other Shitennou stepping on either side of him.

"Granted." Both Usagi and Mamoru replied then stepped back to give their Guardians room.

The six fighters stepped up into an arc around Makoto.

"As Guardians of our Princess and Prince we invoke the Right to 'Punish one of our Own' for betrayal to our people. This punishment allows us to each attack you once without you being given the right to fight back." Venus spoke, her finger starting to glow, "Venus Love Chain Encircle!"

The golden, heart shaped link chain wrapped around Makoto, binding her to the ground once again.

"The punishment begins." Venus called to the others.

Each Senshi started to glow her respective color, the Shitennou started to glow the colors of their element.

"Mars Firebird Blast!" A bird formed from a fireball in Rei's hands.

"Shine Aqua Illusion!" Water wrapped around Ami then shot towards her target.

"Venus Love and Beauty Shock!" Blasts of hearts shock straight at Makoto.

"Phoenix Fire!" Fire engulfed Jadeite then flew off in attack.

"Griffin Blast!" Pure energy swirled around Nate then shot away.

"Unicorn Purity!" A blue beam shot off from Zoicite's forehead.

All six attacks combined and hit Makoto at once.

Makoto cried out and flew across the street, the chains having broke with the impact of the attacks.


Makoto came to a roaring stop a few streets over from them, having not wanted to be heard by the others. The walk over was slow and painful, making her dread the stairs.

After what felt like years Makoto came to the foot of the stairs, she was about to start up when she saw Grandpa a few steps away having just come from the store.

"Hello, Makoto. Rei was calling everyone over when I left but she said you weren't able to come. She was right; you look like you've been to battle. Are you alright? Would you like to come up to the Temple and rest?" Grandpa asked concerned as he studied her wounds.

Makoto smiled sadly, "She's right I can't make it. I just stopped by to drop this off to Haruka. I'm alright; I'm going to rest soon. Could you take this to Haruka? These stairs will be too difficult for me to climb." Makoto asked softly holding out the box.

Grandpa accepted the box, "Of course. Don't you worry I'll give it to her. You get better so you can come visit us soon."

Makoto laughed thickly, "Thank you. I have to go. Goodbye, Grandpa." With that Makoto left as quickly as she could.

Grandpa watch her until she was out of sight then darted up the stairs as quick as his old body would let him.

He left his bag outside then stepped into the room Rei used when the Shitennou and Senshi came over.

"Rei, I'm back." He called as he opened the door.

"Grandpa, I told you, you didn't need to come see who is here. You know everybody." Rei growled in irritation.

"I know, but Makoto stopped by—." He started only for Rei to cut him off. He looked around the room at the people, looking for Haruka but taking note of the seating arrangements.

Rei sat at the head of the coffee table with Ami to her right and Minako to her left. Usagi and Mamoru sat on the couch behind Ami. Jasper sat in the window behind Rei. Nate sat by Jasper in a backwards dining chair. Zane was next to Ami.

The rest of the people sat separated as if it were two groups in battle. Haruka and Michiru sat in a loveseat at the opposite end of the table from Rei. Seiya sat on the arm of the chair Trista and Hataru were seated in. Yaten and Taiki sat on a footstool to the armchair Mikhail occupied.

"What did she want?!" Rei demanded to know.

Grandpa walked over to Haruka and held out the box, "She wanted to give Haruka this box. I told her I'd bring it up since she wasn't in any shape to climb the stairs."

"Thank you." Haruka accepted the box. She waited until he left before she opened the box.

"What did she want?" Rei demanded to know.

Haruka glared at Rei, "I do believe she wanted me to have it." Haruka growled then read the note her eyes darkening. Haruka froze when she read the end of the note; her eyes darted worriedly to Michiru.

Michiru took the note and started to read, she too froze when she read the end.

"Nate, please tell me you didn't deny your love for Makoto." Michiru demanded holding Haruka's hand tightly.

"Of course I did. I won't love a Traitor. My Soul Mate wouldn't betray her Princess." Nate replied incredulously as if it was the most obvious thing.

"You Bastard!" Haruka shouted as she jumped to her feet.

"Ruka he didn't know, but we have to go find her! We need to try and help her!" Michiru exclaimed.

"What are you talking about?!" Rei shouted.

"I'll explain things, Ruka, Trista; you guys go to her house. Star lights, you go to the theater. Malachite, Hataru, you can stay with me, we will go together." Michiru ordered the group. Each person scrambled to follow through with their orders and rushed out.

Michiru turned to the remaining Senshi and Shitennou. "If you remember any of your history as a Senshi on the Moon, you'll know what's been done.

It is rare for a person to find their Soul Mate. It was ever rarer for a person from Jupiter to find them since they were trained as fighters, not lovers. With this problem, a sort of 'curse' was placed on the Jupiter people. The saying goes if a person with the Planet of Thunder in their blood is to find their Soul Mate a bond starts to form between the two. It's very slight at first, but once they admit their feelings the bond strengthens.

But, if their Soul Mate admits love as well a bond of the heart if formed." Michiru explained

"Yeah, but that's similar to all Soul Mates." Minako replied.

"Yes, but there is a big difference. Apparently a person of Jupiter is able to have a Soul Mate, but they are not necessarily their Soul Mate." Michiru countered.

"What do you mean?" Usagi asked in confusion.

"It means, Princess, that it they can have a one-sided love." Mikhail answered roughly.

"But, it also means, that if the Jupiter born admits their love and it is denied or retracted it will slowly kill the Jupiter born by turning their own gifts against them to weaken them, then slowly their heart will stop. "Michiru finished sadly, tears in her eyes.

"We have to go, Michiru." Hataru said worriedly.

Michiru nodded and raced out of the room, Mikhail and Hataru on her tail.

The remaining people stared in shock at the place Michiru had been moments before.


Makoto was racing across town on her bike when she heard screams. Quickly she pulled off to the side of the road and jumped from her bike, looking for the cause of the screams. She saw a large park across the road with kids running around and parents trying to catch them.

When she looked again, she realized they were running from something. She hurried across the street and towards the place everyone was running from. Over a slight hill was a bunch of trees, at the start of them stood a group of children surrounded by vines covered with thorns. Her eyes tracked the vines to the source, it originated from a huge black rose with large teeth.

She races across the playground as fast as her battered body would let her, "Hey Bug Bait! Over here!" she yelled at the plant. It turned with a growl and shot out yet another vine, missing her as she stumbled over a tree root.

Laughing caught her attention, she turned to see a purple haired creep hovering over the Rose Youma.

"Well, well, well, it looks like you're all on your own! I guess bonds of friendship are weaker than I thought." He laughed mockingly.

Makoto stared at him in shock, "It was you! You're the one that made them betray me! Made Nephrite…hate….me" Makoto's voice broke at the end, tears filling her eyes. Almost instantly, her face showed rage as she rose, blinking back tears.

Instinctively she threw up her hand and shouted out, "Jupiter Planet Power!"

The creep started to laugh when nothing happened, "I guess you lost your powers. Too bad, I was so looking forward to fighting you."

Makoto took her battle stance anyways, piss as hell, "I may not be a Senshi anymore, but I can still fight you!" she yelled.

He smirked, " Determined little cuss, aren't you? Fine then, let it be known that I, Gunner, never turn down a fight." He challenged then launched himself at her.

The fight was difficult with Makoto taking several energy blasts and punches but she gave as well as she got with throws, punches and well placed kicks. The fight ended with Makoto punching Gunner, sending him into a tree. He glared at her as he floated up, "Rosebud! Destroy them!" he called out.

Makoto's eyes grew large as the vines that had gone still during her fight started to swat at the kids.

"NO!" she screamed and darted over knocking a few kids out of the way as the vines swiped at them.

She grabbed one of the vines between the thorns and pulled, "Run!" she yelled at the kids.

The kids didn't hesitate and raced for the gap Makoto had made. Almost all of them had gotten free when Gunner made a go for them, "Not so fast you little brats!" He screamed as he flew at them. He stopped a few feet away and shot a beam of energy to scare them in another direction. Instinctively Makoto jumped in the way of the beam getting hit in the chest and out through the back.

Makoto fell to the ground, blood pouring from her wounds.

Gunner stared in shock, frozen in place, "You…wanted to –but you're marked….Why?" He stuttered in confusion.

Makoto laughed painfully weakly, "Just….because I'm……not a Scout….doesn't mean-I can't…. help-" Makoto broke off coughing.

Gunner shook his head in confusion, "No it's not supposed to be like this. You aren't supposed to die!"

Makoto smiled sadly at him, "I'm dying any…ways….my…..Soul Mate…..denied me…"

Gunner looked scared and confused, "NO!" he screamed then disappeared, leaving the Rose Youma behind.

Weakly Makoto pulled out her communication device and pressed a random button, not really seeing it.


"Mako?! Are you there?" a voice called out to her from the other line.

"Yeah Rue, I ….*cough* need y'all here….Youma…in the park." Makoto relayed brokenly then dropped the device.


"Mako! Mako!" Haruka screamed into the com then slammed it down on the table of Makoto's apartment and ran to the door. She and Trista were running out of the front doors to Makoto's building when Mikhail pulled up with Hataru and Michiru. Both girls raced to the car and jumped in, "To the park! Hurry! Makoto needs us!" Haruka yelled.

Mikhail took off with a second thought and all but flew to the park.

Once the door was closed Michiru pulled out her com-device and dialed Seiya, "Seiya! You guys need to get to the park! Mako is there and so is a Youma!"

"On our way!" Seiya called back then hung up.

All of them poured out of the car, looking for Makoto only to see a huge Rose Youma running around. The girls shot their hands up, wands in grasp.

"Uranus Planet Power Make-up!"

"Saturn Planet Power Make-up!"

"Pluto Planet Power Make-up!"

"Neptune Planet Power Make-up!"

Mikhail grasped the orb on the necklace he wore, " Dragon General Power!"

They transformed then started across the field only to hear three voices call out in unison,

"Fighter Star Power Make-up!"

"Healer Star Power Make-up!"

"Maker Star Power Make-up!"

Both teams quickly merged, "Have you found Makoto?" Yaten asked.

"No!—" Haruka was cut off when Hataru cried out, "There she is! The Youma has her!" she cried.

They looked to where Hataru indicated and gasped. Makoto was lying on the ground right behind the Youma, not moving.

"We'll keep it distracted, Haruka you get Mako out of there." Malachite ordered everyone agreed.

"Neptune Deep Submerge!" Neptune called forth the water of her planet and shot it straight at the Youma, knocking it just enough for Uranus to grab Makoto.

The fight was quick with Malachite slicing the Youma in half. Once it fell in defeat they surrounded Uranus and Makoto.

"Mako? Mako, wake up. We're here!" Uranus said softly, her voice thick.

"Sweet Terra, look at her wound." Malachite exclaimed as he moved forward to get a better look. "It goes straight through. If we could have been here when it happened…but I can't…" he broke off not wanting to finish, his face showing his broken emotions.

"No! She has to be alright. She can't die!" yelled Haruka angrily.

Michiru placed a hand gently on Haruka's shoulder in comfort.

"Saturn, Pluto, is it her time? Can the Fates hate someone so much?" Haruka asked thickly.

Setsuna knelt next to Haruka and Makoto, "I can't tell. The timeline is being blocked from me." She replied softly as Hataru nodded, "The spirits will not tell me, but I think it is her time."

"Maybe the Fates see this as a reprieve from this life and not a punishment." Healer said softly.

"What do you mean?" Haruka growled.

"The Fates would have known what was going to happen, the betrayal of the Senshi and the loss of her Heart. When she is reborn again, she could be happy." Seiya said softly

"Rue?" A voice asked weakly.

Everyone looked at the bundle in Haruka's arms. Makoto's pain-filled, emerald eyes looked up at them through half closed lids. She smiled weakly. "You made it…. I was worried -- the Youma would g-et away." She said weakly.

Haruka smiled sadly, tears filly her eyes, "Baka, worried about others when you yourself are injuried. Why did you fight? You don't have your powers."

"I may not….be a Sen-shi anymore….but I will always—protect those I can." Makoto replied weakly. She reached up with a bloodied hand and wiped the tears off Haruka's face. "Don't cry, Rue. It's better this way." She said softly with a few tears leaking out.

"No. You're not going to die! I won't let you!" Haruka yelled savagely.

"You have too, Rue…--… It's my time.—I'm just so----happy, you wanted…to be my…- sister. All of you—made … life worth—all the pain." Makoto said softly then broke out coughing.

"We need to get you to a hospital. They ca—" Haruka started only for Makoto to stop her.

"There's no time--. I…….love……you….all. You're – worth more—than li---…………." Makoto's voice faded as her eyes slid closed one last time.