
this is my first ff, so sorry if it doesnt go right if you find errors please ignore them or R & R and tell me about them thanks.

also - sorry if the rating wrong i have no clue what they mean.

Disclaimers - i do not own Alex Rider or any other charaters used in this ff that are also in the Alex Rider books. This disclaimer stands for the entire ff and will not be repeated for every chapter

Chapter 1 - point of view

Be Happy. Be Free. Be Me. yeah right. Alex rider sat in the back of his maths classroom staring out the window. His thoughts returned as they often did to his previous mission. He sighed. Not his previous mission but the truth that the mission had brought into the light. Three people, 2 of which he had never had a chances to know. One he had met recently, for some reason he couldn't bring himself to regret the meeting even though it had nearly got him killed on multiple occasions. He couldn't believe it, yet he felt something like pity for Ash, the man who had killed his parents and nearly got him killed to. It was official he was completely crazy. He chuckled darkly to himself, thinking it was actually a miracle that he still had his sanity intact, along with his head for that matter.

"Would thou care to entertain the class with what, to thee, is so amusing Mr. Rider?" Alex groaned internally. Mr Peters his maths teacher was fond of confusing people with his pre-dated speech. Alex had no problem understanding him, but of course had no intension of answering his question. He met his gaze with a cold hard stare his eyes dark and haunted. He had been back at school for a week now, and to him it seemed pointless and mundane.

He was in near bottom set for everything now, with the dumb and outcasts so his lessons were hardly interesting. As every one now thought he was on drugs or in a gang being thought of as remedial didn't bother him as much as he thought it would. Amazingly he didn't care what his class mates thought of him, all he wanted was to be left alone. Only Tom was still his friend, and therefore for the majority, he got what he wanted. That's why today he was to be found sat at the back right hand side of the classroom next to the window, with a soft breeze caressing his face, with all the seats around him empty. Mr Peter shifted uncomfortably under the gaze of the 14 year old boy.

Alex rider, everyone knew how he disappeared for weeks and turned up as if nothing had happened. Mr Peters didn't want to admit it, even to himself, but he was scared of Alex. Alex had a look about him, it was there in his eyes, cold and dark, brooding, most of the time, the way he hardly ever smiled and when he did it wasn't the carefree smile of a teen, but that of a man who had seen and done things that would haunt his conscious and unconscious mind till the end. His laugh had a hint of darkness to it, when it was heard which wasn't often, in fact this was the first time, Mr Peter thought that he had heard him laugh in about 2 months; certainly he hadn't smiled since he had gotten back from where ever he went.

Mr Peters knew this because all the teachers had agreed to keep an eye on him and regular meetings were scheduled to discuss what should be done. All the teachers were worried about Alex and they didn't want him to know. They didn't know how he'd react if they told him they wanted him to go and see the psychiatrist…but they would find out soon, Alex had a meeting with the headmaster after school and there he would be told.

This meeting was also to discuss his GCSEs as he had fallen so far behind they wanted to take him out of the higher paper and put him in for foundation, but for this they thought it better to ask rather then just tell. Their was an air of unpredictability around Alex and no one wanted to be the one to test it. Mr Peters felt sorry for the head even though he had volunteered but only, they knew, because it was his job to handle the difficult decisions and problems that arose in the school and if he could of they knew he would deligate.

Mr Peters glanced back at the boy who had gone back the staring unseeingly out the window. He felt sorry for him as he imaged what it must be like to have people watching your every step at least Alex didn't know about it. This thought gave Mr. Peters a small scene of comfort as he continued his lesson.

Oh, how wrong he was. Alex rider continued to stare unseeingly out the window and sighed, he knew people had been watching him. He was a spy after all. He noticed how all the teachers tiptoed around him and how they found excuses to walk down the corridor behind him. It was getting old. Alex was glad that things had finally come to a peak.

As soon as he had realized what was happening, he pinpointed the teachers involved and was as co-operative as any teenager, who had just found out they was being watched and followed, would be. He ignored them, best he could, and tried to keep in mind that they were doing this because they were concerned about him, but each day it got a little harder to ignore, even some of the other student had started to notice. He was glad of the meeting tonight because if the head didn't bring it up, he would!

He had had enough of being followed, talked about and all the worried looks that were sent his way. At this moment all he wanted was to be left alone. A clear load ringing interrupted his thoughts. He was intently alert, looking for signs of danger. Then a small groan issued from behind clenched teeth, it was the bell signalling lunch. Great, he thought sardonically, just what I need a bunch of overexcited teenagers who couldn't wait to be out of class and pushing past each other in the halls. He heaved a sigh, gathered his books and walked slowly to the crowd of people fighting to get out the door first. He walked though the door and joined the hustle and bustle of every day life at brookland high.