I apologize for the long gap...


"What are you… and him…" Daryl twitched, staring at the two.

Turning her, so that his hand was on her waist, he drew her closer to himself, "I planned on taking your medicines, but I found this little beauty, and I just had to distract her, so that she would've given me the medicine without struggle, but you came in before I could control her."

"You did the same to flora, you debaucher."

Skye what are you doing? Violet thought;

"Yes, even to her."

"I won't stand for it; Violet is helping me, so unhand her."

"No I don't think so, I'll take her and your precious potions."

Grabbing a strange device, he yelled, "I don't think so!" before shooting something at Skye. Collapsing to the ground, Skye twitched uncontrollably from some unknown shock. "Aha, I caught him, I must tell the police; the thief will finally stop stealing from everyone in the village!"

Grabbing his arm, Violet stopped him from advancing towards the phone, "Don't please!"


"Please don't… he was lying, he was trying to stop you from getting the wrong idea, he's never touched Flora, she went with Carter when he came, and he only came for me."


"And he decided to think twice about stealing from this place because I told him not to, please don't hand him in…"

"But if I let him go, he'll continue stealing."

"If he does, I'll just be there to stop him, please…"

"And how can I tell that he won't try to steal here ever again?"

"If he does, I will not stop you from handing him in."

Standing silently, he questioned, "Why do you risk so much for a petty thief?"

"He's my cure… without him, my disease would run rampant…"

"A cure to a disease? Hmmm… alright, how about in exchange, I take both of your bloods, this disease of yours has intrigued me for a while, ever since some of the other villagers have talked about it at least, especially because you can still work with it, and a cure, well, it works so well."

"Deal, but can I also have the medicine for my cow?"

Taking out two needles, he picked up a bottle of medicine, "You stopped him from stealing anything, so that is my end of the deal."

Drawing her blood, he took out the needle, and then placed a new vial into the new needle. Skye tried to struggle from his incapacitated state, fear in his eyes when the needle came into view. "Stop struggling, unless you really want me to hand you in."

Walking over to them, Violet smiled, "Let me take it from here." Sitting him up, she pulled his face into her chest, "Do it quickly." Petting his hair, she muttered soothing words while he had his blood drawn. "Done."

"That wasn't so bad was it!"

Looking away, he grumbled, "I hate needles…"

"You know." Daryl started, "Men are more afraid of needles then women, just to clarify, anyway you two better leave, I have what I want."

Pulling the tazer off of Skye, she helped him outside. "Why did you interrupt?"

Flicking him on the forehead, she frowned, "Did you want to be taken to jail? If I hadn't you would already be on your way to jail."

"Who ever said they could contain me."

"I'm not risking that! You know you are my cure!"

Gritting his teeth, he looked away, "Is that all I am to you?"

"What else would you be?"

Sighing, he shook his head, "Never mind, it doesn't matter." Clearing his throat, he stared at her, "You got what you came for, you know the way home…"

"Skye, why are you suddenly acting hostile?"

He Turned his back to her, "Because, I thought you cared more…" He muttered bitterly before running off.

Raising an eyebrow, she muttered, "Cared more… about what?" Entering the barn, she wringed her soaking wet hair. "I swear the harvest goddess is angry or something…" Walking over to Boon, she opened the animal medicine and fed it to her. Patting her head, she smiled, "That should make you feel better tomorrow."

Running into her house, she removed her clothing, getting into pajama's." Picking Snowy and Rune up, she carried them over to her room, and placed them onto the floor. "That idiot…" She muttered, "What does he mean by, "Care more"? How much more does caring go then being my cure?"