A/N: So obviously it has been a while since this story was updated, and let me tell you why. I had intended the last chapter of this story to be the final chapter. I wanted a cute and relatively sudden ending. However, recently I reread my story and I realized that I let it end a little too suddenly and that perhaps it wasn't the best way to end a story. So I decided to add one more chapter as the FINAL final chapter. I know most of you have NO idea what this story is anymore and I apologize for that. Having said that I hope you enjoy this final chapter and please send me feedback on how you felt this chapter added to the story or if it hurt the story. I want to know if you're irritated about how I left it and then suddenly came back. Tell me anything. I'd like to know.

A few weeks had passed since the incident at Malfoy Manor, things had, for the most part, reverted back to normal. Harry attended classes, meals, hung out with friends and visited the hospital wing every night (the one thing that was different). Long gone was the worry and the pain, together Draco and Harry shared only peace. Harrys guilt still had not completely subsided, however he was vastly improving on his need to gravel for forgiveness.

Draco was almost fully recuperated and thanks to Snape and Pomfrey his body would remain devoid of any scars or nasty reminders of what might've happened. Not that it really mattered, Harry doubted that he would ever forget the sight he walked in on in that god forsaken house. In fact, he still shivered at the memory.

Pansy had been released a week ago, she was relatively alright. She still stalked around the school with all the attitude of an Empress; she still commanded attention no matter where she went. As far as most could tell, she had returned much more herself than ever. However Harry had noticed her flinch when people moved to quickly or occasionally when they came too close to her. She had dropped her old friends and spent most her time in the Hospital Wing, or even occasionally with Harry. Harry had asked her about it, once or twice.

She had merely shrugged and said, "They would've chucked me eventually anyway. Most their parents are Death Eaters, once word gets out about Draco they'll be all against him." Then her face would change and she would continue to say, "And I don't intend to discard Draco to save my own skin. I don't give a damn what they would think of me or tell my father." And then again her face would change. She would smile at Harry and say, "Maybe that can be my debut speech for the Order?"

Harry was glad to have moments alone with Pansy. He owed her everything, she had barely survived and yet still she dragged herself to him and forced her broken jaw to form words. She had saved Draco, and in turn had saved Harry as well.

She was there, with Draco when everything had fallen apart. She was there, everyday for Harry when his friends words could no longer reach him; and she was there, every evening in the Hospital Wing, loving Draco like a sister might.

Harry roused himself and continued through the Hospital doors. Instantaneously he was greeted with a glorious smile from the far corner of the room.

"Hey Draco," Harry whispered, "How are you feeling today?"

Draco scrutinized him. Harry had been so tender since the incident; Draco knew that he was still blaming himself.

"I'm great," He responded through a broad grin, "I'm actually to be released tomorrow."

Harrys breath hitched, it caught in his throat and with great effort Harry forced it away and chortled gleefully. Draco being released was EXCELLENT news. He couldn't think of anything that would make him hap… Scratch that, he just did.

Draco could see the wheels turning in Harrys mind as he tried to conjure enough courage to tell Draco whatever it was that he was thinking of. Finally Harry looked him in the eyes and sighed.

"Draco… I have a bit of an idea…" He paused, biting his lip nervously before taking a deep breath and continuing, "I don't know how you'll feel about it and I completely understand if you don't want to, but…"


"Have you seen Harry yet, Ron?" Hermione inquired her boyfriend.

Ron looked up at her then glanced around.

"No, I haven't seen him since last night. He didn't even come to bed."

There was a sound beside them. Ginny had scoffed.

"Probably in the Room of Requirements with 'the love of his life' Pig-faced-Pansy," she grumbled despairingly.

"Ginny!" Hermione chastised, "Don't be so rude about Pansy, she's been through a lot to help Harry."

Ginny sighed, staring down at her plate, "I know… I'm sorry I just can't help but be jealous. I've liked Harry forever! Then all of a sudden Pansy comes along and he's following her like a puppy."

Ron and Hermione exchanged glances.

"It's just not fair!" She continued to whine.

"See?" Ron interjected, "And that's why I didn't want you to be his date to the Christmas dance. You got too involved."

From there the bickering only escalated. Hermione grumbled under her breath and was about to go back to her breakfast when something caught her attention. She gasped loudly, involuntary. A sharp clank sounded as her fork struck her plate, bounced and landed on the floor. Ron and Ginny fell silent as they studied her, and then followed her line of sight. Ginny's jaw dropped instantly as she ceased any breathing. Beside her, Ron broke out a proud, toothy grin; he was definitely shocked – oh yes he was. However, he was proud more than anything else.

In the entrance to the Great Hall stood two figures. One was tall, thin and lean, with a pale complexion and fair coloured hair. The other was shorter, leaner and darker, both in skin tone and hair colour. The figures stood side by side, hands entwined between them. They looked nervous; however they also look confident, defiant. As if they were daring the room to speak up against them.

Harry and Draco turned to glance at one another and share awkward, sheepish smiles.

"Deep breaths," Harry whispered.

"Love, I don't need deep breaths. I don't need to be calmed down," Draco whispered in return, "I am proud to have you by my side."

Harry smiled up at his blond Adonis, never happier to see his face. Draco leaned in slowly, tenderly, placing the softest of kisses upon Harrys mouth. A round of gasps shot through the room as their audience adjusted.

"Disgusting!" a voice hollered.

The boys followed the sound to Slytherin table where a boy stood, pointing his finger at them, his face twisted in disgust.

"My father told me, but I didn't believe it!" He growled in outrage, "How can you betray your family like that? And for HIM!"

Many jeers arose from the Slytherin table, the cowards all egged on by the one boy brave enough to stand and comment alone.

Harry clenched his fists glaring at the pathetic creature before him. Here he was, being brave and showing the world who he really was, who Draco really was. They were professing their love to the world, and this pathetic sleazy little boy ruins it. He only hoped that Draco would not be too disheartened. However when Harry turned to Draco- He was laughing!

Draco was chuckling heartily, trying unsuccessfully to stifle his snickers. When he had himself under control he turned to the table which had so offended Harry and blatantly explained:

"I love him."


"How can YOU? You're a Malfoy! In fact, you're Draco Malfoy! The 'prince' of Slytherin!" He sneered the word 'prince', "Can you really expect us to believe that someone such as yourself could truly feel anything even remotely close to love?"

The boy cackled his tormenting words at Draco.

Draco merely shrugged. Then he grabbed Harry, swiveled him so they faced each other, their sides facing the Hall. Then he hauled Harry up to his own face and placed a kiss so fierce upon his lovers' lips that some had to look away.

Why was it always so hot? Maybe Harry had an abnormality in his core temperature? Whatever, Draco didn't really care anyway; he enjoyed the way that every touch from Harry left a burning imprint. He adored how the heat carried him away from any sort of reality and let him float blissfully within the moment. His moment. His moment with his Harry.

Neither of the boys realized that they had begun groping one another, neither one acknowledge exactly which moment they had begun moaning. Neither one cared. They continued appreciating the moment for what it was, neglecting to allow knowledge, such as the fact that they were sharing their moment with the whole school, into their minds.

Eventually a voice broke the barrier. Not surprising that this particular voice could do such a thing, it had been the source of terror many times over for several students throughout the years.

"Potter! Malfoy!" McGonagall bellowed across the hall.

The boys, who at this point fancied themselves men, snapped up, pulling away from each other and their moment. That's when the realization of what they had just done hit them. A furious blush painted Harry's face as his eyes absorbed the haunted faces of children all around them. Draco on the other hand, simply wiped a hand across his mouth and smirked.

Silence as McGonagall attempted to find words, then-

"Yeah Harry!" Ron yelped as he stood up, "Good on you, mate! The rest of them be damned!"

He clapped and hooted until the rest of the house allied their voices with his.

"Silence!" McGonagall barked.

"Oh my GOD!" a voice rang out from Gryffindor table, "I totally get it now! Draco was the one Harry wanted to make jealous at the dance! That's why no matter what I did he wasn't interested! He was GAY!"

Anyone hear crickets? Anyone? Crickets? No? Ok…

"Yes Ginny, that's why we told you to give up," Hermione hissed as quietly as she could, not that it did much good as the whole school was straining to hear her and a good portion did.

"You could've told me he was gay!" Ginny hissed back.

"Does it really matter?" Ron sighed tiredly. Ginny shrugged.

"No not really, but if I knew he was gay I would've gotten over him much faster! I could've had a boyfriend by now!"

Ron paled.

"Hah!" A short brash sound, again from the Slytherin boy, "Is that how you got him, Potter? You used the Weasley girl to spite him?" He chuckled cruelly then addressed Draco, "How pathetic can you be, Malfoy? To fall for a trick by Potter? And not only that but to fall for a trick that would only work if you were jealous of the Weasley twit?"

However before the boy could enjoy his moment…

"No, of course not. Yes Harry's ploy worked but by then we had already shared quite a lot." His voice turned huskier toward the end of his sentence and he wriggled his eye brows suggestively while licking his lips.


"Anyone else with an objection then?" Draco challenged.


"Draco! Stop it; this was supposed to be a shocking but quiet admittance of our relationship!" Harry whispered through his embarrassment. Draco blinked as he stared at Harry.

"Are you ashamed of me? Of what we are facing?"

Harry blanched and quickly attempted to mend his mistake. Words failed him so instead he took a page out of Draco's book.

He gripped Draco's hand lovingly, and then shot upward for a kiss. A kiss which transcended time and left them, yet again, stranded in their own moment.

"Malfoy! Potter!"

They ripped away from one another to stare guiltily at their professor.

"While I can appreciate your true affections for one another, this is NOT the time or the place! Detention!"

Detention? Wasn't that what started all of this?

Slowly the boys turned to face one another, sly smiles plastered across their lips.