If you're reading this, I've done something right. If you're not, I'm talking to myself. This is just the first of a whole list of stories, even series to do. Anyway, I'm proud of this story so far. Enjoy! And don't forget to review!

Chapter one: A Brand new Outcast

The pale white orb that was the moon had risen above Whoville as a dark figure silently made his way toward Whoville's abandoned star studying tower, the very same observatory that he went to every night, escaping the troubles of the world, and forgetting who he was.

He was the mayor's son, the young mayor to be, whether he wanted the title or not, which he didn't. He was the only male in his family, and the oldest, with 96 sisters, a caring mother, and a loving, if somewhat misunderstanding, father. He was...

Jojo Mcdodd. His Black and silver gray striped fur, silence, and non-social status warded off any possible friends, along with fact he was to be the next mayor, earning him some jealousy from the guys. And yet, he had saved Whoville.

Nobody seemed to remember this at school. Though the teachers and kids were shocked to find he would now say a word or two every now and then, they got over it quickly, and paid him as much attention as before. Only now, his family, his dad included, knew about the observatory.

His dad. Ned Mcdodd, the mayor of Whoville, loved by everyone, it seemed, except the chairman. A clumsy and, as said before, misunderstanding, person.

Jojo sighed. Why couldn't his dad just see the truth? He didn't WANT to be mayor. But his father would press on, telling how grand and wonderful being mayor was. Telling him how the mayoral crest had been passed down from generation to generation. It almost made him guilty.

But he didn't want it. After yelling "Don't!" and saving Whoville, he had almost got up the nerve to tell his father that he didn't want the crest. ALMOST. Why couldn't the second oldest be mayor? SHE would want the title. Again, Jojo did NOT WANT to be mayor.

But here...Here, away from prying eyes, Jojo could do what he loved best... Build instruments, and make music. The thick walls held in the sound, so no one in Whoville could hear it. Except one, one unknown little who that could hear the music, and was often lulled to sleep by it. One little who, and her name was Rosie.

She was 14, like Jojo, and his height, with dark red and black striped fur, and she loved music. Her family had always said she could hear music that wasn't there, so she told them nothing about the late night symphonies, afraid they would only laugh.

And yet, it had to be real... She heard it every night... It had to be real... Right? If it weren't, would it happen so often? She couldn't be sure... But it was there...Every night, it was there... Gorgeous melodies that seemed to float down from heaven, from many orchestras combined. One day, perhaps, she would go to the observatory, to see if it WAS in her head or not. But not tonight. Tonight, she was tired. Tonight, she would rest. Maybe, tomorrow. Just maybe...

"Breakfast!" Sally Mcdodd called. All was silent, and then...

"Yeah! Breakfast!"

"I still don't have a who phone! WHY CAN'T I HAVE A WHO PHONE?"

"Oh, who cares? I got a whopod!"

"Nobody asked you!"

"I can talk when I want to!" A thundering crowd of girls swept through the halls toward the dining room. But only one who was missing...

"Where's Jojo?" Asked Sally, as all her children clambered into their seats. All, that is, except for the one who that had been getting more and more tired every day lately.

"We didn't see him. He's probably still in bed," An older girl shrugged as the seats jolted, and swung around, allowing Ned to spend time with each child for 12 seconds each. Sally sighed.

"Jojo? Jojo, it's time to get up for the first day of school... You'll be late!" He sighed, and hopped out of bed. Sally headed back to the dining room. Ned was talking to an excited who that was jumping up and down next to her seat.

"I FINALLY GOT A WHO PHONE!" She screamed. The chair lurched and moved, and she ran and jumped into it. Ned turned for a moment, saw Sally, and smiled, but then went back to his youngest daughter, Heady.

"Tooph!" She exclaimed, feeling her new tooth.

"Tooth, Heady. Remember the TH?" Ned told her.

"Tooph with a TH! Member!" Ned shook his head. And as Sally got into her seat, Jojo slowly walked toward his. It was coming in his direction, so he didn't have to chase it.

"Worse part of the day," He thought, as he climbed into his seat and it lurched, and pulled him closer to his dad, who was congratulating one of his sisters for getting better then best on ALL her who tests. What a totally normal, totally TEDIOUS morning.

The chair swung closer. He glanced over at his dad.

"Already? How can I be this close so suddenly?" He groaned inwardly. Just 12 sisters to go... He had just over two minutes. And, sure enough, two minutes and 24 seconds later, the chairs lurched, and brought him to a halt...Right in front of his dad.

"Yo, Jojo! What up? Having a good morning? Watcha doing after school? You gonna chill?" He rolled his eyes and swung his chair around.

"8 seconds to go... 7, 6, 5,4,3,2..." BRIIIING! The chair swung away as his dad said,

"...And how are your teachers? Made any new friends?" It was over. 12 Second torture was over... Jojo sighed. Why had he gotten a mayor as a father?

"Good, and no. I don't have any friends," He thought. "And I probably never WILL. So why do you ask me that EVERY MORNING?" As he got on his bus, out of the three in front of his house, someone jumped up and sat in another seat.

"NO WAY am I, like, sitting next to HIM!" They told their neighbor.

"Why?" Asked the girl, puzzled. The popular girl stared at her. As did everyone else, including the bus driver. "Why?" She repeated.

"Because, he's like, SUCH a loser! What, were you home schooled for your entire life?"

"Yeah, I was. I've never set foot in a school before," The popular girl laughed.

"Then, you're like, at the bottom of the social ladder, right in front of, like, HIM! Oh, in case you didn't know... I'm Tiffany. Tiffany Taffy. And I'M at the TOP of the social ladder...Some advice, though... To get more popular, get a boyfriend. But you'll never get one if you're around, like, the mayor's son over there. So stay away from him, all right?"

"No, that's not all right. You're shunning him!" Tiffany gaped at her, and even the bus driver gasped. The girl got up, edged past the stricken Tiffany Taffy, and sat down next to Jojo.

"Why?" He asked himself. "Why would she sit next to me? She just outcasted herself!"

"Stupid, stuck up, insensitive... Oh, sorry. My name's Rosie. What's yours?" She asked, looking at him curiously. "Mayor's son, huh? Doesn't look like he likes it..." She said to herself.

"Jojo," He told her, before turning and staring out the window. "It's bad enough for her to SIT next to me... Now she's TALKING to me? She's CRAZY!" He thought.

"I don't care what those stupid, stuck up bullies think of you... I think we'll be good friends..." Rosie leaned over and whispered, "Plus... That Tiffany girl's got horrible taste!" Jojo jumped.

"She just insulted Tiffany! She's not just crazy, she's SUICIDAL! If Tiffany had heard that..." Jojo looked over at the who, all pink, with a cotton candy blue purse. "Well... I guess she IS right. And it's her loss," He nodded. Rosie smiled.

"See? Maybe we'll be friends, after all! Do you have any other friends?" He shook his head. " Neither do I. I've almost never left my house, and I don't chat on the computer unless it's with family..." She trailed off as her who phone began to sing We're the Kids in America. "Hello? Mom! Yes, I have all my stuff... Yes! 'Bye, Mom!" She hung up, and shook her head. "My favorite song, my favorite person! I'll change it if I get a friend... Actually... I have!" She beamed at him. He took out a notepad and wrote, it's my favorite song, too. She smiled as she read it, and gave the notepad back to him. "Cool!" She exclaimed.

Soon, the school loomed in front of them. When they walked into the school, everyone stared. Leaning over, Rosie whispered,

"Why are they staring at me? Is it because I'm with you?" He nodded. She looked around at all the kids. Some were snickering, and some looked at her with pity. She smiled and said loudly,

"Wow... All you poor people think you're so smart, and I'm mental... Well, we'll see who's the smart one, now, won't we?" A few kids with bad grades narrowed their eyes. One girl came forward and said plainly,

"I'm one of Tiffany's good friends... And she told me ALL about you. Well, from what I hear, you ARE mental! And I'm Stacey Store, by the way. Don't even TRY to mess with me!"

"Why? You'll cry and run home to your mother? I sure would, if I looked like that!" Stacey paled, and then turned red, as some kids laughed. Furiously, she growled,

"Oh, ha, ha, very funny. I would cry if I had to look as bad as YOU! ESPECIALLY if I had to walk around with THAT boy!" Rosie flushed.

"Leave him alone, you stupid, stuck up snob!" Everybody gasped. Stacey was second most popular in school, and NOBODY made fun of HER! She growled.

"This isn't over, you little brat... ROSIE, is it? When Tiffany and I are done with you, you'll wish you'd never been born!" The cotton candy blue who with the pink purse spun and stomped off angrily to find Tiffany, her best friend.

"Well..." Chuckled Rosie. "Guess I'm famous... And not in a good way..." Jojo handed her the notepad. It read, you don't know the half of it. She laughed. "I bet. Those two are twins in opposites!" He nodded in agreement, and, as they had the same first period, and lockers right next to each other, they headed off to class.

"Oh, man... Now I know why my parents home schooled me!" Groaned Rosie as she hauled her books and homework to her locker. "At least the day's over!" Jojo nodded. He handed her the notepad. Do you like music? Rosie smiled. "My family says I love it so much, I can hear it when it's not even there! In fact, I hear it every single night!" Jojo froze.

"She can HEAR it? I thought I was the only one who loved it enough to hear it outside of the observatory!" He thought. He shook himself. Rosie was concerned.

"What's wrong?" She asked. He wrote on the notepad and handed it back to her. Nothing. I just hear it every night, too. Lately, anyways. Rosie smiled. "That's it! It wasn't always there ALL the time, but it is now... Hey, that means it's real! I'm not crazy!" Jojo laughed to himself. Not every girl would've said that out loud, especially in school. Then again, this was ROSIE, and Rosie wasn't exactly a normal girl. No normal girl would have dared to be his friend.

"Maybe..." He thought. But Rosie suddenly said,

"Uh, Jojo? Who in the name of Whoville... Is that your FAMILY?" He looked up. A huge crowd of girls, along with BOTH his parents, had parked a HUGE limo outside the school! He quickly wrote something on the notepad and handed it to her before they hit him.

"You have 96 sisters?" She shrieked. All the girls laughed.

"Sorry, Jojo. One of your sisters called and said you had a new friend. And your mother got a hold of her parents, and they said it'd be great if she had dinner with US!" The mayor apologized to the poor boy hidden somewhere in the pile of girls. Then, he turned to Rosie. "Rosie Reeses, right? Right this way... You're in the back. It's the only seat available, and it's next to Jojo... His sisters fight too much over who gets to sit next to him, you see," Rosie nodded. She COULD see. A massive fight had broken out, with somewhere near 50 girls, easily, involved.

"There's a 100 of you!" She breathed.

"With you, there is! Hi. I'm Sally, Jojo's Mom,"

"And I'm Ned Mcdodd, mayor of Whoville, Dad of these wonderful children, and husband to this beautiful wife!" He nearly tripped as a swarm of girls flooded past him into the limo. "And you'd better hurry. I think Jojo's already in," Indeed, he was. She'd seen him sneak in before the rest of the girls to save time and hide. But he wasn't having much luck.

"Jojo! Tell us about your friend!"

"Fend!" Heady shrieked. "Fend Wosie!"

"Is she your GIRLFRIEND?"

"What's her favorite color? Come ON, Jojo! Tell us!"

"TELL BOUT FEND WOSIE! WOSIE FAVIT COWER!" Heady screamed, sounding delighted, and very pleased with herself.

"All right, all right, that's enough! Leave your poor brother alone!" Sally commanded.

"Mr. Mcdodd, WHAT would you DO without your wife?" She asked, amazed.

"Drop to my knees and beg for mercy," He smiled. "Well, go on," She reluctantly climbed into the back of the limo, and sat next to Jojo. "AND CALL ME !" He yelled over the kids. Rosie only just barely heard him. Jojo handed her the notepad. How would you like to LIVE with this bunch? She couldn't hear anything, so she wrote Oh, they're not that bad. Chaotic, yes, but bad, no. He smiled.

You have no idea. Just wait until dinner.

Don't worry. I will. I'm still trying to imagine your table.

You might as well give up trying.

That's what I thought you'd say.

Great minds and true music lovers think alike.

Ditto to that.

And before long, Rosie found herself eating dinner with the Mcdodds.

"I don't know if I can get used to this..." Rosie's hands were clamped tight on the seat of the chair, since it was the only thing that DIDN'T seem to move.

"Rosie, you're not eating!" One girl exclaimed. It was true. She'd grabbed as much food as possible BEFORE it was nibbled on by anyone else, and had held her plate in her lap carefully, eating the little bit as slowly as she could. Jojo was sitting next to her, and he hadn't touched the first plate, allowing Rosie to get some untouched food before she refused to eat at all.

"I'm sorry… I'm just not hungry!"She told the girl, who just shrugged. Leaning over to Jojo as best she could without falling out of the moving chair, she whispered, "I STILL can't remember all their names!" He shrugged, and handed her the notepad.

Most people can't. 99 names is a lot to remember in one day.

"Yeah…" She glanced around at the girls. "At least I remember some!" She recognized a few girls here and there, but compared to the total, it was nothing. For instance, she knew Heady…

Good for you. After dinner, Sally offered to drive Rosie home. She agreed, and climbed into the limo with her. Once they got going, Sally said,

"Did you have a good time? Things can get a little hectic, and I noticed you weren't eating. Not a big fan of sharing food?" She nodded. "Well, I can understand that… Especially when you hardly know us!" And soon, Rosie found herself home again.

"Goodnight, Sally!" She waved, as the mayor's wife headed home.

"Goodnight, Rosie!" She heard her call back. She smiled. Inside, her parents excited.

"A new friend already! And a boy, too… The mayor's son, no less! Did you like the Mcddods?" Her Dad rambled, as her Mom said,

"I'm so PROUD of you, sweetie! You've made a friend on your first day! Who could have guessed? Was that a LIMO out there? Why would they need that, for show?"

"No, Mom… They've got 96 daughters, and Jojo, so they need the limo as their normal family car," Her parents gaped disbelievingly. She smiled.

"No! So I've heard, but of course, I didn't believe it…" Her Dad breathed.

"Well, if you've finished asking questions, I'm tired. So, goodnight, Mom, goodnight, Dad!" And she ran to her room while she still had the chance. "Whew, that was close…" Suddenly, faintly, she heard the music. Smiling, she got into bed, and let the music lull her to sleep.