Disclaimer: I don't own Ghost Hunt. Wish I did though.
Merry Christmas Naru!
~Christmas Part One~
Kazuya Shibuya, aka Naru, walked down the street ignoring all of the festivities and such. Christmas was a stupid holiday, he thought. It didn't help that his assistant loved the holiday and decided to go overboard and deck the office out in Christmas lights and fruit cake. How he dreaded fruit cake. He sighed and watched the tendrils of smoke coming out of chimneys drift up into the sky and fade away. It was a traditional White Christmas which made Mai even more excited, which meant more decorations, which meant more headaches for him. She had even replaced his tea with the peppermint kind. He sighed again. Maybe he shouldn't have been so hard on her when he'd come in.
About two hours ago:
Naru walked in the SPR building, completely unaware of the short assistant behind the walls who was holding a fruit cake and had just finished decorating the office. He opened the door cautiously and was bombarded with the smell of peppermint.
He saw Mai crouched over in the kitchen. He cleared his throat, not liking what he was seeing.
Mai's head popped up and her smile faded for a second but, as usual, it bounced up again. "Naru! I got your tea ready for you!"
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh really?"
She nodded. "It's Christmas Eve, so I figured I could come early and make you tea."
"What is all this?" He asked gesturing to the decorations around him.
She took a deep breath. "It's Christmas decorations. Don't you like them?"
He took his tea from her hands and frowned. "I am well aware that it's Christmas Mai. Maybe I should rephrase my question for you. Why is this in MY OFFICE?!"
She winced at his tone. "I thought it would be nice."
He glared at her and took a sip of his tea. He immediately spit it out. "What is this?!"
She winced again. "Peppermint tea?"
He gave her the most fiercest glare he could muster. "I'm going out. When I get back all of this-" He gestured to the decorations. "should be gone. Am I clear?"
Mai glared at him. "Jerk."
He pretended not to hear that last comment and walked straight out of the office and down the street.
Present time:
Naru decided to give Mai another chance. After all, Christmas only came once a year. He opened the office door expecting for everything to be down. But was it? No. No one ever listened to him. Instead of everything being gone, there were add-ons. Bou-san, Ayako, John, Masako, and Mai were all sitting down laughing and such. He just stood there. He didn't know what bothered him the most. The fact that Mai hadn't listened to him or the fact that no one took notice that he was standing right there.
"Mai. Tea." He barked. Mai jumped up and ran into the kitchen.
About ten minutes later Mai walked in with his tea. She placed in on his desk, then made a beeline for the door.
"Mai." He said a little too calmly for her liking. "Come here."
She sat down in front of him hesitantly. "Yes Naru?"
"Why are the decorations still up?" He took a deep breath to stop himself from blowing up the whole room. Literally.
"I couldn't just take it down." She frowned at him. "What do you have against Christmas anyway?"
He glared at her. "Get to work Mai. Just because it's Christmas Eve doesn't mean you can slack off. You already do that even when it isn't a holiday."
Her face flushed with anger. "I do not slack off!" She yelled. "For your information, you and your tea requests are what's making me late on things. 'Mai, tea' and 'Where's my tea Mai?' That's all you ever say!"
Naru stared at her calmly, waiting for her to finish ranting. "Are you quite finished? Or am I going to have to sit here all day listening to you yell?"
She let out a frustrated sigh. "You are impossible!"
She slammed the door shut on the way out, knocking one of the paintings loose. Naru rolled his eyes and picked up the black book that he carried around everywhere. He slammed it shut again and sighed. He'd found Gene already. So why did he still have the blasted book?
He heard the voices laugh and have fun. He even heard Lin out there. He actually felt sad for a moment. He quickly put back on his tough outer-shell and tuned out all of the noise. He didn't even noticed that he'd fallen asleep. He also didn't notice the ghost creeping into his room.
Sorry the chapter was so short. Review guys! Or no next chapter (I hate saying that but I would like to know what ya'll think.)