It was 5am in the village of Ottery St Catchpole, nobody could be seen. The village was one that was peaceful at night, no teenagers or kids running amok, no drunken middle-aged men singing out of tune. Everyone was as it was supposed to be, in place and quiet.

Outside The Horse and Cart, the village pub, there were 5 loud cracks, as a band of people apparated out of nowhere, holding wands in their hands. One whom was from this village would think, at first sight, that they were members of some strange cult, wearing black robes, white masks and holding these sticks. But they didn't know better, they did not know of the other world they co-existed with.

The 5 suddenly disappeared again, after casting a point me spell. This time, they appeared outside of a lopsided house a few miles out of the village. This house was known as The Burrow, home of the Weasleys. Of course, these Death Eaters didn't know that it was abandoned, yet being watched anyway.

The leader stepped forward and raised her wand casting spells to dispel the particularly weak wards, no blood traitor could cause decent wards was her theory. Once they were down, the others merely pointed their wands at the house and blew it up with a few choice spells. The whole operation took merely 5 minutes.

As they disappeared, what they failed to notice, was the invisible Weasley Twin stick a timed, and disguised device, onto the back of each of the Death Eaters. This of course, did not bode well for them in the very near future.

Apparting back to headquarters, he nodded at his father and Harry, who sighed and thanked Severus for the information on this attack. It was now a matter of sitting back and waiting for the news. Of course, this only took an hour, before Severus stepped into the room, his mouth twiching in humour.

He simply put his wand to his temple, drew out a memory and placed it in the pensieve Harry had out, inviting them all in to watch. This, of course, was when the real fun started... the return of the Death Eaters from The Burrow!

There were 5 cracks as the Death Eaters apparated back into the presence of their master. They bowed low and rised, waiting instructions. Voldemort just waved his hand at them, allowing the leader to talk.

"My Lord, it was successful. The house has been destroyed, and we sensed 4 people in the house." Of course, they didn't know that this were simply false signatures, placed to fool them.

"Very well, take your place in the circle". They did as they were told, and that is when the devices went off. Sharp needles protected out of the device into the Death Eaters, sending them to the floor as the paralyzing agent kicked in.

A mist formed above the devices, twisting into a shape of a phoenix, glowing bright as the voice of Harry Potter came out of the mist.

"Hello Tom, how nice to speak to you again! I bet you are wondering what is going on, but then you always were a bit slow. Your agents are good, but not as good as you think, defeated by children, heh! Stay away from my friends Snake Face, or you'll get more of this treatment."

Everyone could see the temperature in the room drop as Lord Voldemort went from angry, to pissed off. The power radiating from him was enough to make even Merlin shiver, and it was getting even more out of control.

Voldemort threw a killing curse at each of the Death Eaters laying on the floor, snarling at the Phoenix which stayed there. He tried casting a dispelling spell, but that simply made it grow bigger and grow brighter, he was not amused.

The Death Eaters by this time were backing out of the room in a very panicked manner, scared that they would be the next victim of the Dark Lord's temper. It wasn't long before the room was empty, with Severus watching from just outside the door through a crack.

By the time he had left, the Phoenix was covering most of the room, and the Dark Lord was practically howling in frustration.

Harry and Arthur left the pensieve laughing their heads off, what a breakfast treat this was, embarassing the Dark Lord in such a way that only pranksters like Fred and George could have done. They waited for the others to come, it was now 7am and their lessons for the day would begin soon.


The first lesson was Defence against the Dark Arts. They all walked in and took their places, looking around for Remus. He entered a few minutes later, smiling slightly as he took his wand out and waved some books over to them.

"These lessons might be taking place during the summer, but I am going to work you extremely hard. You won't be following the NEWT curriculum exactly, we are training you to fight, therefore at school your lessons shall take place as normal. Today, I am going to assess your abilities."

He paired the students off to duel against each other. Harry v Hermione, Ron v Luna and Neville v Ginny. They were to use Stinging hexes only, but getting hit by one would put you out of the duel. They had to use all their skills to dodge, block or otherwise counter the spells sent at them.

Remus walked around watching the pairs, pleased as the simple yet good abilities they already had. Ginny had much power behind her spells, although Neville seemed to be better at countering spells and defending. Luna was as lonny as she always was, but her spells were deadly accurate and the movements performed with intricacy, while Ron tended to send his spells off target.

Harry and Hermione were the best to watch. Hermione moved with grace, a smile on her lips as she weaved away from all of Harry's spells. Harry was starting to get frustrated, but as he did Remus saw his powers slowly slipping and his spells getting more powerful and less accurate. He decided to stop the duels before any damage was caused.

He called the students back to the middle of the room and thanked them, having them read up on some basic offensive spells while he planned the next lesson. Once the time was up, Remus left while the students waited for Severus.

Potions went the same way, with Severus lecturing them on focus in his lessons, and helping them pass their NEWTs. He started with a basic OWL potion, spending time with each one, helping them understand what each ingredient did in this potion, and how they reacted together.

The most spectacular part of this lesson was Snape's praise to Neville about how he handled the plants, and actually helping him instead of berating him constantly. It was the first relaxed lesson they had ever had with Severus, and they all enjoyed actually learning something.

Lunch time didn't come fast enough for them though. They sat down at the table where Mrs. Weasley was whipping up some sandwiches and snacks for them, talking about what they had learnt, and what they wanted to learn in their specialised lesson with Severus.

Harry was telling them about the memory this morning, the others all knowing the plan, and they laughed over the description of the memory. All in all, it was an enjoyable lunch, made better by the excitement of learning about their powers that afternoon.

When Severus came in, he had Poppy Pomfrey. It was decided that she would teach Ginny in Healing while the others focused on their powers for now. Once they had basic control, they would all work on the other stuff they needed to know.

The atmosphere slowly started building up with more anticipation as they finished lunch, everyone not wanting to wait for their next lesson.

A/N: But sorry.. because you now have to wait for it! I know this is 3 weeks... 2 weeks after I said I would update, but stuff has been going on. I will update every 2-3 weeks I hope, a month at the very most. But I am also working with someone to edit parts of the early chapters, and looking for a Beta Reader too. Edited Chapter 1 shall be up tonight or tomorrow! Read n Review! -Dave