Attention for all the gentle souls out there: this piece is rated M!

Last slivers of sunlight fade slowly from the sky.

An overwhelming heavy smell of roses invades the room of a Tortuga inn.

Humid lazy breeze ripples a worn-thin, patched curtain.

A couple is entwined on the bed, the heat of their hungry, passionate union melting them into one being.

"Do ye yield?" a man asks, his auburn beard ticking the brunette's sharp chin.

"N-never," a woman stammers, her long, glossy nails digging into the rough, scar-lined flesh of his back.

Her defiance fights a loosing battle with his strength and skill.

She is no virgin, but in his dominating embrace she feels like a novice.

A victorious growl and a scream of pure ecstasy mark their final touch as these two demons taste heavenly pleasure…

They fall asleep still joined, serenaded by the roaring brawl in the tavern below...